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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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Official comfy computing thread, post comfy computer pictures. I'll start with what I have. Retro and non-retro alike are welcome!
54 posts and 69 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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pic1 very expensive pricing unless that's 2012 something


it's obviously super old, those laptops have Windows XP on them


Probably not too long after Ika Musume came out. So maybe 2011?


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Looking at this image kinda makes me sad I'm not there.

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Does anyone know what happened to gitla.in?

After neetcode.org, another small, comfy git host - so small and comfy that the admin starred some of my projects! - went down for good, I switched to gitla.in. After updating my READMEs, I thought I had it sorted. The lainzine was even hosted there! But now that seems to be gone too.

1. Does anyone know why? Is it temporary? Is it to do with the lainchan drama?
2. What do I do now? Should I give up on cosy sushi roll-hosted instances and go for gitlab? Or should I bite the bullet, buy some server space and host myself?


um… its up


So it is. Couldn't git push yesterday, so must've just been temporary downtime.


Necrobump, git host edition.
I was looking to switch from Notabug as it doesn't really seem supported and some features like import matter to me.
Was thinking a gitlab (Gitgud?) or a gitea instance (git.pixie.town or git.lain.church?). Thoughts?
What do you use?


Not OP but I use gitgud, it's worked pretty well for me


Cool! Do you also share it for professional stuff? (like on résumé)
If so how is the domain name "gitgud" received?

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Hello guys i need help im trying to make my own imageboard. but i am very new to this. i once installed vichan through gui years back but i get this issue when i try to install the program through putty.
[code]:~/vichan# php install.php
The program 'php' can be found in the following packages:
* php7.0-cli
* hhvm
Try: apt install <selected package>
10 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


If you're a beginner, use Vichan. Lynxchan has some nice features and it's fast and it's still actively developed, but you have to be an expert to install and use it. I tried experimenting with it a while back and it was pretty awful to get working and to modify, though I cobbled it together eventually. You also probably aren't going to be able to run it without shell access to your server, which means you need a VPS instead of a shared host, and you have to be good at using Linux on top of knowing node.js. Beginners should stay away from Lynxchan. It will be an incredibly frustrating experience.



avoid vichan and any other pre-made ones, and make one from scratch.
I made a pretty mature one in Elixir + Phoenix + Postgres awhile ago, it was lots of fun for the most part.


I wish lynxchan wasn't so bad I literally can't use some imageboards over it. /late/ is one.


> Elixir + Phoenix + Postgres
that sounds extremely nice if true
share it


I was taking a course that involved writing a PID controller in a simulation, and it was amazing that it worked at the end. It makes me feel like some kind of god.

Have you guys experimented with any type of robotics?


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Speaking of PIDs, I found this simulation yesterday which explains the concept behind it in an interactive manner. It was more enlightening than my entire automation course.



I had some wild delusions about making robot exoskeletons when I was a ki. That's the closest I ever got to robotics…

That and seeing how RC cars' wheels are controlled.

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I'm just curious what will become of a blank document that anyone has access to.


anyone can edit.


seriously dude


lmao binned instantly


I guess OP did delete himself the document.

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 No.39[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Resurrecting the desktop thread. Post desktops, you get bonus points for a more comfy and homelike desktop, and whoever has the most points wins (1)snug smug hugbug(pictured)
257 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Stock i3wm just werks


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it's >>1908 here! Attempt 2 at reviving this thread with my voidlinux desktop


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new sushi here :0


Do it I absolutely need that css


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I'm >>1316 coming back to post a new screenie :)

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Do any of you know PHP? If so, do you have any recommendations for learning it? I'm not new to programming or web development in general, but I started learning Node instead of older shit like LAMP.
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That doesn't mean it isn't better than PHP.


Yes, here's a solid proof



I'll have to do my homework but I wonder how bad it really is security-wise. I did some challenges illustrating how badly a PHP script could be on this level (XSS, bad input filtering, etc) but those are obvious ones and I'm sure there is plenty of libs around to solve this, not to mention complete frameworks.

I don't know anything about how common exploits involve the php binary itself or if it is just a collection of bad practice / poorly thought API choices giving PHP its bad reputation


I got somewhat comfortable with PHP by maintaining and customizing our imageboard software. I also learned Python originally by maintaining and customizing a chatbot. If you already know a C-like language, picking up a project can be a good way to really dive in there. Of course I read some tutorials here and there, but mostly I used manual pages to learn the specific things I needed to do.

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So I have no technical knowhow of the field myself, but ever since seeing photoshops like pics related for years I always thought it'd be a natural progression with augmented-reality waifus, when AR glasses as advanced as in Dennou Coil (instead of google glass HUD style) reach public market.

Do you think it'll be a thing?
Would you get a premade one or would you feel weird about having a generic clone and try your hand at a homebrew one?
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Did you know that you yourself can create the next waifu technology? Everything around us has been created by other people. We are people. We can create the things we see around us.



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To make a holographic model with artificial intelligence on the advanced Hardware?


It wouldn't be compulsory to give it an actual AI, could just be a chat bot with text-to-speech and speech-to-text (probably free open source libs availabe).
I mean just look at Eliza, (ripped from wiki)
>Weizenbaum regarded the program as a method to show the superficiality of communication between man and machine
>However, many early users were convinced of ELIZA’s intelligence and understanding, despite Weizenbaum’s insistence to the contrary.
You take it in small steps, learn as you go. Don't need the "waifu" to be free-walking to begin with, do like those simple card games and such that spawn a 3D model (seen through phone AR app) from a card thingy, conclude orientation of the surface you put it on by the angles of the card edges. First iteration would just be to spawn your image T-posing right at the camera without correcting anything, size or angles, just a waifu "hello world" to overlay something over video.
>Advanced hardware
Why would you use advanced hardware to prototype amateur stuff?
Just prototype it on a smartphone.

If you think you won't have to make effort, yeah of course it won't happen. You won't get results alluded to in the thread. But it's a start, and if you keep at it maybe you'll be the first to actually have something in that area when you apply what you learnt.

Everything is made by people.
That doesn't mean they didn't make an effort to get there.


You're freaking out over a thing that isn't actually that much of an issue. There's way more people complaining about feminists than actual feminists.

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EuroGunZ (GunZ The Duel)
One of the best TPS I've ever played, I've been playing this in the last 10 years and this game never gets old. It's amazing all the different things you can do and the different game modes you can play. This game really needs more recognition.

Website: https://universegunz.net
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uc3eGbyiyo

What's your favorite old game?


I wish i could play GunZ like i did in the old days, but my internet conection is extremely bad and unstable, so i can't go back.
Still, i would love to play it again some day, i wish there were more games like it.


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did you post this same thread on futaba
i was wondering why nips suddenly brought up GunZ of all things.


Seems like this tread has been posted on like almost every chan there is.
Dunno if it's just somebody really liking the game or devs trying to increase their audience.


I knew someone in hs who used to model guns in blender for this game.

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One interesting thing about open source software is that you can fully replicate an existing solution, modify it, and use it almost immediately to solve your problem.

When we look at open source hardware, we see that, yes, the same principle appears to apply, but it is missing the manufacturing component. Whereas a shell script in the software world might produce a binary that you can use, the hardware world doesn't have the same type of tool.

>From where should I source the parts to build the product?

>How do I assemble the parts once I get my hands on them?

By answering these questions, we provide the _full_ open source hardware solution that many of these open source hardware projects seem to fail to specify.

However, once we specify this information, we enter the real world where political forces exist, and simple sourcing information can immediately disrupt a supply-demand equilibrium. A solution that was previously economically viable through specified channels immediately becomes nonviable, something with which the open source software world doesn't have to deal.

My question is

_What will have to occur to bring the flexibility of the open source software world to the open source hardware world?_


Until you can instantly duplicate and send parts for hardware over the internet, just as you do with software, it cannot be as flexible as software. All you can do is give the schematics freely and let people replicate it if they so choose.

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