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from the trenches

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Hi sushi.
I recently found some lost media hosted on
a website, issue is there is no option to download it,
only to play it.
What would the best way to get it into an mp4 format on my computer be?


yt-dlp or jdownloader.


what is it? im interested in knowing more




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Can't you like go to inspect element and then in the elements console do a ctrl+f for ".mp4", which is usually attached to the direct video link, copy that and then right-click + "save video as…"?

Or are we talking about one of those websites that makes everyone's life hard? Because those are usually the mainstream sites and in that case I have to ask if you're really sure it's "lost media"


just because a video is hosted on a mainstream video streaming site doesn't mean it's not an endangered file. i lost my favourite (fan made) music video coz i didn't back up my music video downloads and when i went to find it again on youtube it was gone.

i doubt there is another copy of most videos on youtube and once it goes away you'll never see it again. you should always download everything you want to keep and then make backups.

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What is the most treasured file on your computer?
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Tibetan is really hard though.


Nah, it's done. Only God has those memories now. I'm okay with it.


It's not on my computer, it's the copious amount of garfield porn I obsessively hoard

(it's actually my wallpapers)


my diary. for some reason i went the weirdo route and didnt just get a paper one. there's 101 entries there, about one every two weeks. i have a lot of issues with memory, so its the best record i have of my life and stuff that happens >~<


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recently i have been thinking the same

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Hello everybody, I need a comfy place to talk about VNs. /vn/ on 4chan is filled with literal pedos who only talk about eroge, and I don't like Reddit's format enough to use r/visualnovels. So what have you all been reading lately? What are some great games that we've been missing out on?
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How are you enjoying those two so far? I've always wanted to try them, but the tags on VNDB are off-putting to me. I'm worried they might be too 'dark' in a sense.


I'm liking them a lot, Tsukihime is really interesting but it can get very shocking and disturbing so I wouldn't recommend it if you don't want that kind of content; on the other side Ef gets tragic and intense (I just played the first part but I remember a bit because I saw the anime years ago) but the overall tone is beautiful and uplifting, mature and emotionally engaging, so I think you will like it. I'll share more thoughts once I finish them.


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I am thinking about this image a bit too much.

Any shorter (under 10 hours) VN you guys could recommend?


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Recently finished 9-Nine. The plot and chuuni aspects were kind of forgettable but I really liked the girls and humor, almost wish it had just purely been a moege instead. Art is also very nice. It's getting an anime adaptation but the VN's format seems especially ill-suited for an anime so I'm not expecting much.

Currently reading Kin'iro Loveriche and finished my first route which didn't leave much of an impression, hopefully I just happened to start with a weaker route.

Saya no Uta or Planetarian are probably the go-to short VNs, there's also Narcissu and True Remembrance.


Moved to >>>/arcade/2180.

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Did Sushi contribute to any open source projects? Or, have you discovered any cool ones worth sharing?

I have found this one!


Not sure whether it really counts as contributing, but I like to give feedback or report bugs or other issues for the game engine of my choice. It's very small and obscure.


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came across this project the other day:

it's basically a minimalist pdf reader with some enhancements for reading text books and other academic-ky stuffs like the ability to jump to a references or figures mentioned in a paragraph even if the author didn't bother linking them, open a popup so you can view those without losing where you are in the page, etc.

it's not perfect tho: so far my biggest gripes is the inability to add popup note-type annotations and the lack of integration on any reference management platforms (which is just baffling).


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One time, I did a thing on Catacylsm DDA. It was really scary and hard and i had to get my friend to help me with the git commands and I was so scared.


I contribute by reporting bugs ;)


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How much does the average sushi roll's computer cost?
How many of you own fancy GPUs/processors, and how many of you prefer simpler/cheaper hardware?
Does anyone own more than 2 or 3 computers? If so, why?
As always, keep it comfy~
Thanks for your input!
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I have a little acer netbook I got at a pawn shop. I barely use it, but it's comfy. When I first got it I liked to think of it as my little hacker box. I did some programming in it, a lot of distro hopping, and so on. Sometimes I hold on to that old feeling, but I don't really have much to do with a computer, y main device is a tablet as some 80% of my screentime is reading books and I do it in bed, on a comfy chair, or sometimes at a table with a notebook, which could be anywhere.
I also get very anxious about what I am running and what my workflow should be like. It's very stupid, but I can't seem to help it. I like a minimal linux box but I constantly feel I should be using this or that environment or programming language. Ultimately, though, I have nothing really worth doing on a computer. So I spare myself the trouble.


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I built a PC for myself in 2019…
Athlon x4 845
Radeon Pro WX4100
32gb RAM

Adding up the parts, it comes up to about $640, but I spent more due to it being my first box, and making a few missteps during the process. It's a low end box, but it does most of the tasks I ask of it, so I'm happy with it. I'm happy I built mine just before the prices of GPUs ballooned in to insanity.
I mainly run Linux on it, though I have a Windows partition available just in case I need it.


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I urgently needed a PC for developing an Android app for my thesis. Using my company's laptop wasn't comfortable, even ignoring all the spying software.

Unfortunately, I had to buy my setup during the release of a new component generation, so I paid a premium. My setup includes a 13600k CPU and a 4080 GPU, costing me around 2500 euros.

I also have a giant OLED screen, which I use as my only monitor. I absolutely love it for gaming, but the font rendering doesn't seem as good as on a regular LCD. Additionally, on uniform light backgrounds, there's slight evidence of burn-in.

Regardless, I love my 'puter! All of my friends are inside it!


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I have 4 computers:
A ThinkPad P52 I use as a daily driver with an eGPU setup (RX 6700)
A Thinkpad P51 I used to use as a daily driver until the charging broke somehow (I think it might be a port issue but I haven't found the right part yet)
An old Ryzen Ideapad 330
An old desktop with a 2008 Athlon
An old Dell Latitude a first gen i5
I used to have a T420s when I was a teen and carry it around everywhere with the dock plugged in

I'm emotionally attached to all of these machines. I used to always make sure to use my secondary computers for some kind of task because of the memories I held using them. They all had little quirks and annoyances and were generally underpowered compared to my current PC, but that didn't stop them from providing me with many comfy days.


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I have a tablet that cost about 400 dollars and I bought a logitech wifi keyboard so I can pretend its a laptop. Someday I will be able to buy a computer I hope. I might even build my own.

I've owned several laptops over the years, the last one just recently died (Acer Windows 7) but the last Desktop computer I had access to was probably my Dad's old Dial Up in 2009. I absolutely need a PC eventually because I absolutely must finish reading Majikoi before I die.

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I wanna create an imageboard but I don't know how to use vichan and Tinyboard please help, I don't know anything about PHP nor java I'm lost and all I wanted is to create a parody imageboard that I and another guy found funny, plz help need a tool for idiots and normies like me.
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I think we are better without a lewd board


/lewd/ is still around, it's just hidden


If you're gonna make an imageboard, make sure you don't have ads and make sure you have a strong CSAM filter as well as racebait filter. For any soyjak party spammers or spammers in general, make a filter for that too.
Remembered that a Kiwi user told us a small powerlevel about how he used to run an obscure imageboard and despite it being so obscure and that he didn't shill it anywhere but his own site, CSAM ads/websites kept popping up (they dont have explicit images, just some simple drawings like silhouettes)
Imageboards especially dead ones have a very serious CSAM spam problem. I don't know who or what is doing this but I'll assume: Some form of web crawler/bot that detects imageboards and spams it, elaborate trolling groups on Discord or Telegram, or third worlders since in some of 3rd world countries don't decriminalize possession and distribution of it (including real and fictional)
Just some advice and theories about the whole problem with imageboards


If you don't want CP spam just host a 2ch style textboard instead. Make it private and recruit a bunch of friends or people you trust to test it out.


Honestly not needed, just do not host vichan or anything too close to the default interface. The spammers get easily confused and deterred.

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Hello, this is not a shill post. So I decided to create my own chan in python as a hobby (using the flask library) and this is what I have come up with so far. Just give me feedbacks here in this thread or there.

Currently you can only upload jpeg , jpg , png , gif, webm below the size of 4mb.

(IDK shit about frontend btw)

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I hope op does not follow this advice. It would make the site better in every conventional sense, but the unrefined unprocessed feel has charm that polished corporate sites don't.


The truth is that the message matters more than the format. If you're bringing people together for a purpose, it doesn't matter if it's a website or an IRC channel. Anyone worth a damn will figure it out and most those who don't bother aren't worth the effort it would take to include them.

Inclusion is a corporate game, gaming for numbers. Authenticity and purpose is what the rest of us have.


Thanks for the advice and for showing the love in my site :). Means a lot.


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Hello I'm from India. Are you detective Goonkesh Hawshi from indiachan.net(if you want to advertise, use the sticky thread on /lounge/)


What is your goal through? Do you have people you wish to bring together? Any sort of glue, legacy or personalities that will make the users wish to join and stay? Any blogs, regular content or articles they aren't reading elsewhere? This is personally much more important than however the page itself looks, people are using IRC to this day and it's definitely not because of its superiority 🤷

Tech-wise: I might sound ironic but either make the entire site stretch its reply boxes across the page or align and add margins for everything, especially the posts. Whether or not content should be columnized is a personal preference but consistency is my motto.

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Ever programmed a malware sushi roll?
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Wouldn't that be mean?



No but that would be cool since I'm now watching videos about malware that I think I should just make some of my own.


Yeah with Game Maker.
It was disguised as IE on the library computers in high school. It was a tacky VIRUS screen full of system animations and random paths flashing below pointless loading bars. If you managed to kill it, it would just respawn twenty times, choking the computer.
The joke backfired when they closed all of the computors at the library, which is where I pretty much lived.
Almost got expelled for that, too.


ive never messed with malware but i have programed an autohotkey script that plays text adventures. also i was thinking programming an malware with the renpy game engine that encrypts your files and the only way to decrypt them is answering questions to an goth anime girl about sysadmin stuff.

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P-p-post your best music and books torrents senpai, FLAC means extra points n.n
Iĺl start
40GB of super eurobeat

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Magnet link of old /g/entoomen library from https://g.sicp.me/books/


FLAC is just the container, it really depends on the audio stored within. You can copy the audio stream from an MP3 into a FLAC and it won't sound any different, but you may be able to hear a difference from an original lossless recording, and something compressed like you would download from youtube. Usually you'd rip the lossless from a vinyl, and occasionally it's distributed on official CDs


>occasionally it's distributed on official CDs
CDs have their own audio format which is lossless but is different from FLAC. In fact, it's not even split into files at all - it's actually just one long audio stream with a "table of contents" which specifies where each track starts and ends. If you buy an album on CD which ends up being a CD-ROM with FLAC files on it, then someone somewhere did something very wrong.


A dumb friend of mine actually believes this.


Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is "lossy". What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange is well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.

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Can we finally agree that Twitter's nee CEO and the "genius" behind the Las Vegas RGB "hyperloop" is just a conman? The dude can't even build tunnels at prices thst competitive with his competitots. I doubt he has invented a single new technology.

Everything he has takes credit ftom was pretty much just him buying the companies and patents of someone else came up with. (Like Tesla's faster chargers.)


In that video I linked there's a Musk fanboy who buys two ten cent cinder bricks Elon Musk had made for $400. Musk had claimed they were stronger than regular bricks and he would make a ton from waste soil dug up out of the ground. He never made any more than two and engineers say you can't make stronger bricks with any random soil. Just like how you can't make concrete with random dirt, it has to be the right gravel and sand and stuff mixed together.

He never ever hits his dates either but pushes them back and people just forget. Cybertruck is like 8 years late.
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Musk does SpaceX so that basically makes up for any failed business venture or innovation his other companies do.


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Is there any CEO or capitalist frontman that isnt at least partially a conman?
It's not about having invented anything, it's about delivering product and manufacturing interest.
Advertising & delivery (of the things that actually matter).

My take on Elon though is, he's a bright dude and a fellow channer at heart, but he's in a fucking weird position of understanding where humanity/earth is going and not having enough influence to make the good thing happen, so he's kinda forced to embrace the absurdist run of being a human being.

But also that absurdist embrace has led to some nihilist downward spiral pathways of fuck-it-all, as in monkey abuse to further neuraLink endavours where macaques are in fucking hellworld left in experiment void puking to death in some weird pseudo-existence interacting with something that should never be. Not fucking okay. Nuclear eradication of earth is preferable to incarnating into one life of that existence. Make it fucking stop.


No, because there can't be. Can't really elaborate without getting political, but if you look into any CEO's past, they didn't get there by hard work, they got there by cheating.


Elon musk fans have to be the most braindead people in the world.

Remember Hyperloop?

Soon enough these hyperinflated companies will just fall same as hyperloop


Nobody remembers anything the musktard does, fortunately.

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