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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches

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The JWST is launching on December 25 at 7:20am EST (in six hours). Is anyone else going to be watching the stream?

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Successful launch


Is this thing really important? I saw threads about it somewhere else but never dived into it


It's going to be the most powerful space telescope in history. It'll be at least as significant as the Hubble space telescope if everything goes well. It observes in infrared rather than visible light so it'll be able to see older and farther objects than the Hubble and answer questions it couldn't.


I think it looks so cool. That golden honeycomb thing. wow! so cool!


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The JWST is about to deploy its sunshield. In testing in 2018 it ended up ripping in several places, so here's hoping it goes well.


Haven't you always wanted a computer friend to talk to?
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Yeah the OP is a bit vague.
Might even mean just someone you talk to through the computer, not about it. Just an internet homie.
You guys could always put a post in https://sushigirl.us/lounge/res/9187.html and specify that you're looking for someone with tech inclinations (and what particular area, since I'd wager most peeps on here is into tech in some shape or form) if that's what you want


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If she was real I'd buy her in a heartbeat.
2077 had a chip you could put into your head that would let you see projections of real people, would be kind of cool to have a consciousness hanging around and observing what's going on in my life.


I've always went to AIs when I was feeling in a really bad mood.
Too bad that Mitsuku was made in flash so it's no longer possible to talk to her.


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I would love to join a hackerspace but there are none around and I'm not in position where I can create one. I would love to join an online discord/irc hackerspace with people of similar skill level and interests.



What topics are you interested in ? What skill level are you at?

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Isn't that a Pokemon?





huh, I remember visiting this website some years ago

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I'm currently in the process of trying to merge my active directories into my backup folders, but it's not going that well. Active folders have grown differently than the backup tree, without neither being more "correct".
E.g. sorting images based on why they were saved (aesthetically pleasing, lewd, funny, etc) or the contents.

How do you manage your folders of saved things? Any tips?
How do you deal with things that could belong in multiple places at once and no particular one is more correct?
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Once in a year I delete everything i have and start over
People don't need to hoard so many things


I have a serious hoarding problem myself personally. Any advice on how to let things go?


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Oddly enough Mari Kondo. Her "does it spark joy" thing helped me out. Wiztree is also good because it helps you visualize all your files. Instead of seeing a thousand of 50 mb folders you see 1 giant 50gb file. What do you horde exactly?


there's this thing called Hydrus, it's basically a booru but as a desktop application
alternatively, if you don't want to sort just videos and images there's fenrirfs but I haven't used that much (it is available in english too)


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Sorry about the spam in here some week ago fellow sushis and sushimod. Had a bit of a manic episode, usually catch them early and unplug any devices, just write the bullshit into paper journals instead. Kinda got caught off guard by being right on the cusp of one and then pic related happens (got dropped into a screen with the 3 top lines, then the Question Signs are just anything I tried to input at all) after I fuck a bit too deep with a lisp REPL and yeah.

Sorry. Combining programming and ritual work is scary, I went off the deep end. Sorry for OT, but I feel a need to apologize.

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Let's try this again

What will happen to a blank document everyone has access to?

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2021 and we're still going, people!
Sushichan won't die today!


I'm very tempted to paste the futa again, for old times sake, but I won't




Thanks, your post was the push I needed, I did it again.


The power of your futaposting appears to have killed it…

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Protect with Tor, privacy and freedom of expression
Download Tor Browser in your language https://www.torproject.org/download/languages/

Welcome to the Wiki of those who defend the freedom
The Hidden Wiki
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some minor stuff that is exaggerated mostly, like with most security obsessed internet folk


Privacy is when you buy drugs and watch CP with your CIA browser.


isn't tor was made by the U.S goverment or collaborate with them?


The protocol was originally developed by the US government. When they realized a private network has to have non-secret information on it to actually be private, they released it to the public. It is maintained by The Tor Project now which does receive research funding from the US government (or at least it did in 2012.)


Everyone's only buying drugs on tor

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your comments fellow rolls?
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What actual reason would they have to do that? Especially considering that Edge is Chromium-based in the first place.


Looked this up again. My first statement was mistaken. I was thinking of an article about Google making anti-competitive changes to YouTube etc to slow Edge users.


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>Microsoft Bingus


Edge good Firefox Bad.


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also searching for Firefox or Chrome in the windows start menu you'll also be marketed at

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Does anyone have any horror stories of what's happened to them personally while exploring the "Deep Web" or just any type of trouble they got themselves in?
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The deepweb is honestly underwhelming. Media and news really like to hype it up as something amazing, but in reality it's a bunch of marketplaces, blogs, and fake hitman services.
Probably worth checking out on your own, if only to sate your own thirst.


I agree with this, but also a lot of dead and inactive links.


Not horror, more unnerving, but doxxing is a story I've seen play on the 'darkweb', more like drama sites and troll forums.

I've seen people post the reddit account of someone they found annoying then by going through their history they found accounts they cross linked to, small bits of data that build to a bigger picture, and tons of data that can be matched to IRL accounts. In >3 I've seen internet rando's connect a BDSM account to an actual IRL identity. Not even sushi rolls are safe because one imageboard 'doxxed' a user, they never wiped their cookies and their typing style/hill to die on matched another poster.

Of course it's unlikely to happen to anyone here, but it's unnerving to think all the dumb social media posts you made 5 years ago could be tracked to you IRL. Most people doing illegal stuff online are not caught through extreme hacking measures, they're caught because they made a slight slip up that links the tiniest part of their online profile to their IRL one.


Nothing Epic. Just browsing on a compromised protocol.


What imageboard?

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Anyone else interested in electronics around these parts? I have some experience with making my own (simple-ish) circuits and fiddling with microcontrollers, and I've found it to be a ton of fun. I should get around to getting a bunch of assorted electronics junk so I can start tinkering with stuff at home as well, I've got plans for a couple of gadgets of varying usefulness.
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In the end this is anecdotal, but I find electronics to be one of the cheaper hobbies to get into.
What do you really need in terms of tools to get started?
A soldering iron
Solder + Flux
(Good investment is a multimeter)
That's it in terms of tools. A bad (but working) version will cost you 20-30$. If you want a decently good setup (what I use I would describe as decent) is 120$ for soldering iron, solder, flux and multimeter. That's not very expensive as far as hobbies go.
Then the "running cost" will be the cost of the parts you use. Again, how wild you want to go is up to you. If you want a cheap project, that's a arduino nano (2$/piece), wire, sensors (~1-2$/sensor) and depending on application actors (starting at 3$/piece). Of course things can be more expensive depending on your project. If you buy parts from aliexpress etc. in packs of 5-10 they are dirt cheap.

Overall hobby electronics seem cheap in terms of upfront cost and only middle of the pack in terms of running cost.

And as >>781 said, if there's a makerspace, you can basically save the cost for tools. Also tools double as … well tools. Having a multimeter is a good idea either way to repair stuff in the house, and a solder iron can save you hundreds of dollars when you fix something that is broken.


Arduino is a great platform. It's cheap, open source, versatile, easy to get into, yet close enough to the chipset that it helps you if you ever want to go into designing your own boards / design actual products you have a foundation to build upon. Learning how to implement a control algorithm in arduino is surprisingly close to doing so in a product later.
Can't beat having a decently powerful chip for 2$ that you can do so much with.
When done, please do share. I love hearing about other peoples projects and indeed collect pictures of them for motivation/inspiration.
>I'm headed to college for an EE degree next year.
It'll be fun. As someone in a EE degree (EE+business), it's really cool if you also do it as a hobby. Knowing what you are learning things for and how to apply it is such an advantage.


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Hey EEfriends. I agree about it being a great cheap hobby (if you know the tricks), when I was younger and living somewhere it was hard to order components online I got really good at getting components off old household stuff. Recycling!

Today I whipped out my old Arduinos and ordered some new components to start programming an info display/controller for my cars hybrid electric system, since our forum's resident expert just did a PoC and I thought I'd have a go before I bought one off him.
I'll also be rigging up a trickle charger to balance the Hybrid batteries cells off mains using some LED drivers.
Later in the year I'm thinking of replacing the Ni-MH battery with a custom Lithium one. Buy individual 3.2V Lithium pouch cells -> build (3d print?) a frame for them -> slap 35 together = brand new drop in battery.
You can even add more cells in series and get a higher total voltage, which in combination with some spoofing tricks allows you to push a more total KW through to the motor with the car being none the wiser.

That aside here's some pics from a year ago of soldering my keyboard together (bonus Sushi themed keycaps). Soldering is so fun, I've missed it a lot.


That's an incredibly cool keyboard, I'm jealous of your skills.


Really cool keyboard sushi, love it.
As for 3d printing, as long as the enclosure isn't supposed to protect the cells from mechanical forces it's a great use case. I've been starting to use 3d printing more and more for enclosures for electronics projects.

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Recently, I've been drawing some system icons.
Should I finish the set?
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Wanted to say that, but never got around to it. Also, would prefer if all devices had the same cord, either long or short. Mouse looks a bit like it doesn't fit with the rest. Other than that, really nice icons!


I simply ran out of pixels with the icons on the folders. It's hard to do like that, with minimal anti-aliasing.

That said, no progress has been made on this…
Come winter break I should have some time.


That's fine. Just don't procrastinate.
Make one at a time and post them on here as you finish each one.


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You might wanna check this out for inspiration and general icon awesomeness: https://androidarts.com/Amiga/SBC.htm
The entire site is full of pure awesomeness.


I like em! Are you gonna make any recycle bin icons?

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