hey there sushis i've been pedaling back and forth on deciding on a project to fully commit myself too, I was hoping y'all could give me some advice. for some background on my experience, I did one of those free 10 hour python courses that pretty much copies Eric Matthes' python crash course. this was my introduction to programming. i then tried SICP but never finished it, but i plan to start working through it again now that I've successfully set-up doom emacs on my system (am a basic vim user). the only other thing i've done that i could really consider a project would be running linux as a desktop system for as long as i have.
anyway, i'm currently stuck with a lot of ambition to start working on projects that aren't just hacking around on some popular linux project (i have some experience hacking on awesomewm and neovim) but i'm stuck trying to decide /what/ specifically to try out. here are my ideas:
#1 probably the most straight forward would be to make a videogame. something simple and short, i'm a big fan of horror gamees and i've always wanted to make one. i'd likely make it in godot. the main issue i have is that i may end up spending more time on the visuals and assets than on the actual programming.
#2 would be to get into web development. my main issue there is that i think i'd be kind of perfectionistic about my website and wouldn't be able to put the project down (even if it got in the way of university work) until i got it to a place where i was satisfied with.
#3 would be to start playing through one of those longer CTFs with multiple levels. i recently joined a hacking group (not the illegal kind) and i think it might be good for me to learn CTF skills since apparently, it's something they do in the group alot. i've only had experience completing the forensics part of picoCTF, is picoCTF worth working through or should i skip to something more challenging?
any help or stories would be appreciated, would like to know how y'all sushis started out :3
>>2281this looks really cool sushi! i'm glad to see great things are already coming out of the yuri jam 2024. i'll check this out when i get home later :)
also, turns out i do have a project. forgot that i'm also working on a yuri jam visual novel (in renpy) where my partner for the project is handling all the visuals and story (i'm handli
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