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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches

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Around a week ago, I noticed that my charger was peeled off just by a tiny bit, so i decided to put some tape on it.

Today, i noticed a weird smell coming out of my computer, specifically, from the charger.

When i touch the part with tape on it, BOOM, foarkin SMOKE starts to come out of the darn thing.

Turns out that the heat from the computer, eventually melted the tape i'd put on the peeled part of my charger

I removed the tape, and well, the charger stopped working, and i can't buy a new one (Im poor as dirt) which at the same times means, that i can't use my computer

Please, sushis, share painful experiences like these so that we all can have a laugh
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lots of sushis are poor and/or neets… i am bad at anger management when playing competitive games so i destroyed many things by throwing them at things that also got damaged. i found no solution except for not playing such games. i am generally calm but a lot of frustration comes out when i am competing


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I don't have any computers with a charger, only laptops with an USB-C port for charging. USB-C chargers for laptops are surprisingly available.

I once placed a battery-powered one-of-a-kind computer board on its metal cover. Immediately, the parts around the battery started getting hot and smelling funny. Needless to say, I spent the next 4 days and considerable chunk of money buying and replacing parts. But I managed to bring it back to life in the end. My kidneys were thankful for that. Not sure backup batteries are just a necessary evil.


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I was fixing a threephase module at school (power supply) it had jacks like auxillary cords for A/V devices. I rolled my finger onto the metal and felt weird in my hand and started shaking, i shocked myself with 120VAC by being dumb, now i turn shit off before i work on it, i'm not an electrician.

another time i took my laptop apart and didn't take photos of how it looked so i ended up not having everything sit correctly, at that point i didn't care but now i take photos of EVERY step when i take something apart.


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I tried to replace the charging port on my phone. To get to the port, I had to first remove several parts, including the battery. While unscrewing a part, my hand slipped, and the screwdriver punctured the battery. It immediately made a hissing sound and spat out a bunch of smoke. So I had to wait to repair my phone until I got a new battery.


Bent one of the pins for the case USB/audio connection on a brand new motherboard, just accepted it as a loss.

If the only problem is broken wires that might still be repairable. If it shorted something inside the charger it's probably bricked though.


I hope nobody kills me for making this thread just to share a video. The documentary is called For-Profit (Creative) Software, and it covers how business models in creative software, particularly 3D programs, have become increasingly predatory. To surprise of absolutely nobody who has ever tried 3D as a hobby and run into Autodesk’s website. It’s essentially a depressing look at how things went wrong for artists, showing how monopolies hurt consumers. Or Blender Foundation's psyop.


thanks for sharing, there was a thread for interesting youtube vids somewhere on this board but ill check it out

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How do you make your devices more connected? Are there any sushis with home media server set up? How would you make it, how does the usual use case look like? Do you have any uncommon devices or cool software to support your work, gaming or anime consumption?
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i use this USB memory stick to transfer files betweeen computers it's like a floppy disk except it stores a lot more data


It worked like a charm! And was much faster to setup than Plex. Amazing. Thank you!

l33t h4x0r :0


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The spirit of juche is a strong motivation. You need buy in of most of the household for a media server, it needs updated and maintained. I run immich and a comics server. Check out awesome-selfhosted on GitHub for stuff that's ready made for self maintenance


No problem sushi, glad to help :D


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I do this, but using my phone. All my devices are logged into Discord, so I can just send any files to my alt account and then download it from the text history from the other device.

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I had ideas of jumping ship from Windows to Linux Mint Debian Edition due to being annoyed with Microsoft's decisions lately. The problem is that I want to make games using RPG Maker XP, and even though I tried searching through the web (that's a lie I'm just lazy…), I was not satisfied. So, do you think that it's possible to use RPG Maker using Linux or is it not possible? Thanks!
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im pretty sure you can run it with wine :)



Oh, thanks! Though I wanted RPG Maker XP, that's good enough, since beggars aren't choosers, LOL!!!

But… the EasyRPG Editor is not released yet…



Does it work in a VM? why not test it in virtualbox and then you should be able to run it virtualized on LM

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there's an issue with (https://cock.li), ive had to switch over to (https://fedora.email) and (https://pissmail.com) are there any alternative sites with shitposty domains that function?


Sadly, nothing works these days.


grow up namae!!




got myself a fedora mail but I'm afraid it'll just disappear one day

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Battlestation thread!
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It's very clean and minimalistic; do you find it comfy?



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Battlestations, yes


thank you sushi, it is very comfy and i wish i could just sit there till the end of times. pictured setup is also the messiest it ever have been but i thought it looked cool. i need my workspace minimal and symmetrical! otherwise it makes me a little uneasy…


I realize this post is from 2017, but the more I looked at the post, the more impressed i became. Very pretty setup!


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updated pic of my bst, the other tv i had was far too big so i traded it for a better sized tv, so i could put it beside me.

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Do you use any programs on your computer on a daily basis? What are they? Do you use anything so much that you instinctively launch it right after turning your PC on? Are you always connected to the Internet?

Personally I use IRC, email and webchats a lot so I have a corner of my room dedicated to an old recycled PC that only runs my clients and a web browser.
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Save and post images…
Well there could be troubles with captcha though.


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That was the preview, I think i have to save by link…


These are very important:


>Auto Hot Key


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I like these wizards.


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don't leave out the tweet that came with it! I also like these wizards :)

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 No.846[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I was thinking it would be nice if we had a thread for sharing our own websites/homepages. Woah, here's one now! Show me your netspace sushi!

Here's mine. It's a complete mess, but I like it. It's kind of new well, technically it's existed for a little while, but I only started working on it recently, so it's missing a lot of things, and there are a few links that 404. Though it's hosted on neocities, it's only slighty Lain themed.
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cool site sushi!


I was thinking about making a website, and I had started making the content for it firstly because I think the content of my website would be much more important. It would be mostly about my favorite video games and the things I thought randomly about it, like shower thought kinds of things. Even if I never end up making the website, it's great to put into words things that I love about games or my own theories on games that I love. I'd have to play them again to remember what the hell I was thinking about, but I also type these things out nowadays.


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You'll enjoy my website if you like Japanese arcade machines, square photos, and 2D blonde girls with big boobs.


I enjoyed!


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The Wired will never die, sushi. I'm new here and I will always seek refuge in these cozy pockets of the web

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It's no secret that excessive and unergonomic computer use is linked to debilitating health problems like RSI and CTS, sushis. This thread is for discussing good practices and ergonomic tools that can prevent or alleviate these problems.
Do you practice good ergonomics?
Do you use any ergonomically designed equipment? Many people swear by split mechanical keyboards and trackballs, but I've heard mixed reports about them. I have very stupidly been using my laptop keyboard for years and want to get a mechanical keyboard, but I'm not sure if ergonomic ones actually worth the extra cost.
Are there any stretches and finger exercises you've found useful?
Have you ever developed an injury from computer use? What helped your recovery? And if you didn't recover fully, do you do anything to minimise pain at the computer?
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unrelated but you don't need the https everywhere extension anymore, it's been built into firefox (and chrome) for a few years now

nice setup btw, i like the taskbar too


I didn't know that lol. Thank you

I install these extension on every browser I use eversince 2016.


no problem sushi! they actually discontinued the extension a while back too because there's no need for it anymore. i don't think firefox enables https-only mode by default (i could be wrong), but it's in the settings under privacy and security

also worth mentioning:

- privacy badger is kinda useless with ublock origin (as far as i'm aware), since ublock blocks trackers too

- "i don't care about cookies" is also redundant with ublock. if you go to ublock's settings -> filter lists, there's a section for cookie notices. i don't think they're enabled by default but they're there.

also that extension got sold to avast a while ago. there's a community fork called "i still don't care about cookies", but again idk if it's necessary with ublock

- clearurls is also largely redundant with ublock. under filter lists, enable "adguard url tracking protection", and under custom, add this url:


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What's a comfy position to read books? I used to like having pdfs up on the PC moniter because the text is nice and large and you can make notes at your desk, but sitting in a chair all day is uncomfy. Laying down and reading is nice but makes me feel sleepy and lethargic and there are no way to make notes.


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I had problems with wrist pain for a while, but switching to a trackball fixed it. I used a kensington expert, it's only serviceable, part of the downside of using a trackball is that they're very niche so you're paying a premium for something that is kind of shitty and poorly designed. I like it a lot, though. I play Xonotic with and I do well enough, but I would switch to a regular mouse if I actually wanted to be 31337.
I was starting to have back problems, so I put together a standing desk and it's great. Other than that, switching away from keyboards with numpads on the right kept my shoulder from being bent outwards when using the mouse, or compromising by having the keyboard too far off to the left. I use monitor arms to keep all of my monitors at the correct height.

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Anyone working on any hardware electrical projects? I just found this wiring book at a store and I fixed a handheld emulator switch with some soldering and an extra switch I had.
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Not sure what you mean, but my soldering is mediocre. High temp (~350°C) low time, make sure to heat both pad and pin. I use rosin core leaded solder and pretty thin gauge of it since I only work on stuff like this, and not power stuff. This let me have a good control of how much I add. (And I need to add a lot of solder quickly I can always braid it.) There are plenty of good tutorials on youtube. I remember seeing an old 60s or whatever soldering vid from US, that was fun and full of good tidbits.


hey sushis, is there any book/digital course that can teach me the basic of electronics from basic physics to knowing how to solder stuff?

I need this skill to make different projects with trackballs and keyboards.



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Your blogpost is really pleasant to read! nice project =w=


I’ve found your site before, adjacent from Sushichan! I don't remember exactly where, though, you might have featured briefly on the Neocities home page or possibly been linked with a Hotline webring participant.


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IDK anything for electronics themselves, but for soldering I think I watched this apart from some other videos:
As for electronics, you might want to check The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. I heard good things but haven't read myself since I am lazy.

Oh cool, I never used neocities so I am not sure how I got there. But I am glad it's not just 2 of my friends who read the blog :P

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