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File: 1621517670145.jpeg (109.47 KB, 1200x630, kentaro.jpeg)






at least we got to see casca return to normal before he died
still rip berserk was a great manga and while kentaro didn't always regularly update it with new chapters the artwork especially in the later chapters was so detailed that you could easily forgive him for taking his time


I believe he trained someone to take his place in case this happened, but don't quote me on that. Still, it will never be the same without him.


Please type in spoilers to talk about berserk spoilers.


>author dies before finishing his work
How many times has this happened? Not just manga-wise but in anything?


It happens legit all the time
For major series it happens less but that's because there aren't many major series in the first place. Robert Jordan died randomly within 6 months after getting diagnosed with a 5 year prognosis, and he didn't finish Wheel of Time because of it. Brandon Sanderson had to ruin it instead.


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So uhh…
How do you feel about these new chapters?


I want guts to fucking kill him.


Wait, three years? How the fuck is that possible?


realizing this was three years ago just made me pause and think about how much my sense of time is just so lost.
so many moments gone, nothing gained…

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