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Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Post MAD and YTPMV


a really simple one, but has become one of my favorites for some reason


Nice one
One of my favorites is also Yuyushiki. The vibrato is really good







Ah I haven't heard that one in awhile, nice


Another classic


Sorry about the 10-hour version, but the original was deleted and the only other reupload I could find added a ridiculous amount of reverb for some reason.



not really a MAD, but



oh no someone beat me to posting the first SEPTEMBAH of September




this one is particularly good


No September 4th?


It's still the 4th for many hours!
But thanks for posting it for me ehehe







SEPTEMBAH 9th is lost to history sadly


File: 1631256902760.gif (648.23 KB, 540x386, yun headpat.gif)

Completely forgot about this one. What a nice MAD.


File: 1631266434820.webm (8.04 MB, 1920x1080, SEPTEMBAH_9.webm)

That's what they want you to think!


Woah, you really saved the day there


heh, I like the SES at the end


File: 1631446716297.webm (10.25 MB, 1280x720, SEPTEMBAH_11.webm)

I've been contemplating between posting this or a rickroll or nothing at all



File: 1631553017091.png (95.64 KB, 240x248, 1630865439171.png)

I like this one very much


How is everyone's September going?



I'm glad you chose as you did


File: 1631697103751.png (461.89 KB, 473x586, 1454537874339.png)

>How is everyone's September going?
Tickety-boo if I do say so myself.

I wish there was a way to embed niconico stuff.











AVGN memories this time





File: 1632661652713.webm (11.75 MB, 1280x720, SEPTEMBAH_26.webm)


I don't get this one


no idea what the non yuyushiki source in this is www



File: 1633041316386.jpg (1.27 MB, 5000x5000, 1630802205250.jpg)

Tried to look it up and found this. Probably the reason why most of the comment section is slavic.


hah, nice find.


we made it boys


File: 1633078087645.jpg (44.74 KB, 272x458, 1474994786746.jpg)

Can't believe Septembah is already ovah…


File: 1633078850119.jpg (56.24 KB, 1280x720, 1434048237824.jpg)

Time moves too fast, man


File: 1633082059386.jpg (75.59 KB, 640x462, 1632286890169.jpg)

Thanks for an enjoyable SEPTEMBAH.


File: 1633083049937-0.jpg (112.11 KB, 826x1169, E-DksVPUcAIqJKu.jpg)

File: 1633083049937-1.jpg (83.33 KB, 845x1200, E-0CBCYUYA8PWZ5.jpg)

File: 1633083049937-2.jpg (222.39 KB, 1653x1679, e9e410eb4ddbee5a160f0a5441….jpg)

File: 1633083049937-3.jpg (94.61 KB, 826x1169, 68963552_p102.jpg)

Happy September
Yuzuko best girl



Always loved this one when it showed up on /f/


Yukari goes HARD


Noa love



new yuyu MAD


Apparently the creator was inspired by this SZS one





cool Alien 9 AMV




This is amazing!



I love this one, very sugoi editing



reminds me of this classic





i'm lovin' it


I saw the guy who made this on an animecon, because my friend stalked his twitter and found him there to say we grew up watching his stuff(?).




Finally, I missed it.


indeed it is




A few days late to post this hehe




Not again…





Great stuff, thanks for sharing.


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