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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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 No.5103[View All]

Another thread at bump limit!

Stream starts every Saturday at 20:00 UTC (16:00 EST/13:00 PST) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We usually watch one main show, as well as seasonals and some extra stuff, so it's a big ol fun time! Come join in!
Things we've watched before: https://pastebin.com/pgK1NFDJ
205 posts and 124 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Good morning sushis, streamer here
I've got to be out of state this weekend so I'll be handing off today's stream to another sushi. Hopefully I can still watch with you guys and apologies for any confusion.


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Stream today! We'll continue R.O.D: The TV with episodes 9-12 and watch this week's Bravern, Dungeon Meshi, Sengoku Youko and Dosanko Gals

20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/OnigiriBento


We're live!


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Stream today!

Gonna take a break from ROD this time, and just check out the first ep of what seasonals have aired so far. I think I'll do the same next week but depends on what's airing and how people feel

20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in ~3 hours from this post!)
Hope to see you there!


we're live!


ROD is pretty boring.


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Good morning sushis! Stream today

We are gonna watch the rest of the new seasonals that had yet to air last week, hope to see you there!

As always we'll start at 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in ~7 hours from this post!)


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live in 30 minutes!!!


we're startin get in here!!!


Spring 2024 seasonals poll is up! https://strawpoll.com/DwyoDJY0enA

I made it so you can choose anywhere from 1-5 options this time. Lemme know if I forgot anything


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you forgot Bumfights! (Kenka Dougaku)

and SEGA NASCAR's not on there but I know that's you're SNOBBING it not because you forgot it!


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I'm gonna vote for everything that comes out right before the stream so that you have to scramble to encode everything.


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>Lemme know if I forgot anything
Here, you DROPPED this!


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there was a vote for blue archive… a voteskip!


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Nearly ruined my viewing experience! I almost missed some good anime because the CM break was over too fast!


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As if I don't do that regardless…
And speaking of encoding things it's a good time to mention I'm actually gonna be busy this weekend for pretty important reasons so I'll be handing off the stream again to another sushi.


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Stream today!

We are going to watch Arcade Gamer Fubiki and the top five results of the seasonal poll
20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/OnigiriBento (~7 hours from this post)

Hope to see you then!



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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in ~2 hours from this post!)

We're finally continuing Read or Die with episodes 13-15, and watching our chosen seasonals. hope to see you there!


I was hoping we would quietly forget about Read or Die…


I know you won't agree but I was silently hoping we would burn this horny crap as soon as possible..


horny crap?!


Oh, I almost forgot about the torture scene in the last episode.


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we could be watching Korean bumfights


we're live!!!


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Stream today! Hope you all had a nice week

We'll continue Read or Die + our chosen seasonals

As always 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in ~2 hours from this post!)


we're live!!!


I hope we watch more hentai! next week.


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Stream today!
We'll continue Read or Die with episodes 19-21 + watch our chosen seasonals

As always 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in 30 minutes from this post!)


we're live!!! (sorry for the late post today I fell asleep ehe)


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Stream today! As always 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in 4 hours from this post!)

We'll continue Read or Die with episodes 22-24, then watch this week's Girls Band Cry, Totokami, Yoru no Kurage, and etc!


we're live!




stream Working!!!


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in about 1 hour 15 mins from this post!)

We'll be watching the finale of ROD: the TV, discussing next week's feature, and catching up on this week's seasonals. Hope to see you there!


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sugoi new sushimojis


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Sushi these are amazing, you made my night. I'll have them added by next stream!


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I nominate watching When Marnie Was There for a summer mystery adventure mobie to bring in summer.

Nice Koume


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in about 2 hours 30 mins from this post!)

Since we finished Read or Die: the TV last time, we're gonna go back to doin some one-off OVAs/ONAs/movies
Today we've got Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Road to the Top! I don't know anything about the franchise or this 4-episode ONA but it seems fun. Hope to see you all there for hors girls


I forgot I had a work meeting today so no new OP, gomen


we're live!!!


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