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Just starting this one and it's still pretty solid to be honest


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Daddy Daddy Do


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the daddy in the east


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This is unironically my new favorite romcom!


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I can be your daddy in the east
your daddy in the house


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Iino arc when


Never mind, just read the two newest chapters.
Iino arc now.


Iino worst character by a huge margin though


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Caught up a few days ago and that last episode got me, mainly with that final part. Very entertaining adaptation, would recommend without a doubt.


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Cute embarrassed Hayasaka.


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Yes, very cute


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Made me laugh, he really is Ishikami


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>Iino worst character by a huge margin though


When you need to be tard wrangled by Entity F and given lessons in human interaction by Ishigami, you're pretty bad.

This on the other hand is best girl




Kaguya and Shirogane should just explode. More Maki/Iino/Hayasaka representation please.


No thanks, worst girl by an enormous margin. Kashiwagi over Iino, thanks.


Piss off, a leaf blowing in the wind could conquer Kashiwagi. Have some respect for yourself.


I dunno man, liking socially incompetent piggy doesn't seem like better than liking lewd gf.


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Devilish miko is so cute.


What happened to her? She still hasn't shown up at all unlike Mikado.


Hopefully once Kaguya and Shirogane settle down, she'll get some screen time.


Wonder how long that'll take. There's no chapter this week and we have at least one and probably more chapters of obligatory Maki suffering and Ishigami whining, and probably one of Hayasaka thirst too.


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Yeah, It'll probably take quite a while. I don't really expect her to have much purpose besides wrapping up the mystery of who the fourth 'impossible girl' is.


When will Maki find happiness


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Aka is a huge Makifag, so I'm sure she'll find happiness in some way. Probably.


Fujiwara is going to be found on the floor of the Tokyo Bay.

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