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Well I suppose I'm a little late but the season still hasn't started yet so I think I'm safe.

What's everyone looking forward to?


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Zombieland Saga, SSSS.Dynazenon, and Super Cub are what I'm most looking forward too. I'll sort of keep up with Precure, Maiko-san, and Nagatoro.
I watched the first episode of Koikimo and the audio quality is seriously ear grating. Here's the PV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqPv_THxIPU Kind of funny if you want too see the result of remote work incompetence.


…? The hell is going on there? It sounds so cheap, I never thought I'd say something SOUNDS cheap but it's like the visual equivalent of CGI. There's a tiny buzzing in the background? It's like, shitty mic quality or something.


I wait for Aria getting subbed, that's all.


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I don't know if it fits here, but watching /a/ and seeing everyone say how SnK's ending is shit is filling me with inmense satisfaction.
I ended up dropping anime because I've wasted so much time watching that, only got to the beginning of season 3 to be fed up with it. Felt like there was a plot asspull when it went from fighting titans to some stupid revolution, meaninglessly dragging the plot on, but everyone was talking about it like it was the second coming of christ.
I'm just happy that the bill has fallen into everyone's heads. Now I shall watch Cyber City Oedo 808 because I catched a cytube of it and it seemed pretty interesting


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Oh, what a dumbass, that anime only had 3 released episodes.
Well that's a big shame, I liked the gore and atmosphere.


I'm really looking forward to watching the World Ends With You adaptation.


I honestly don't even remember what SnK was about, I remember the plot was a fucking mess early as hell and not being interested at all despite everyone telling me it was a masterpiece and me telling them they were dumb as fuck
Clearly I had the bigger brain that day.


86 reminds me of the Subaru/Toyota car twins


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Funny to think I 'dropped' SnK 8 years ago now that it's ended. I just couldn't get into it at the time and still can't bother urging myself to watch it.

Cyber City Oedo 808 is great, dude. The dub is also pretty good and has plenty of fitting swearing. Hope you enjoy the rest of it.


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I mean for me personally I had only vaguely kept up with SnK because I cared about since middle school. I only watched the first season and ova, but I started reading the manga when season 2 was delayed. I stopped keeping up with the manga after 2017 and that was when I slowly stopped paying attention to it. The ending did make me feel sad, moreso out of nostalgia knowing it's been with me for almost 7 years. At least I can finally say farewell to the last shonen series that remained since my school years.

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