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Hey roll. I think about suicide a lot too so I sort of understand. Just hope you know it's alright to say goodbye and still come back.


It's not alright, I wish people would stop having this shitty fake positivity impulse towards suicidal people.

Saying goodbye changes things, it hurts people around them, it makes people confused and worried, it drives people to not feel guilty of passivity, it can damage relationships, sometimes irreparably. Saying that everything will be business as usual if they come back is simply false, it's a gamble, you don't know how people will feel about them and their actions, people change and paths will diverge and the world will move on whether they commit to it or not.

It's possible to step down, but some of your audience might’ve felt the weight of your goodbye. Goodbyes don't have to be used conclusively, but they must be used deliberately and thoughtfully.


Of course it changes things. I'm saying to someone who has already said goodbye that it is not a point of no return. Goodbyes can hurt badly, but no one who cares would feel anything but joy when you change your mind. There's no fake positivity in my post, it is the only thing I can think of to try making a sushi roll feel a little better on the off chance they are not already dead.


Maybe they really did just want to make a sayonara zetsubou sensei thread; they posted it in /otaku/…


I'm in despair!


I watched some of this once and totally wasn't expecting it to be a comedy. I was under the impression it was some kind of very depressing thing but I guess that's all part of the joke.
hope ur ok sushi roll


This, nobody would ever try to die on such a beautiful day anyways.
And the OP picture clearly depicts someone trying to make himself taller, that's all.

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