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Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Welcome to Sushichan!

Original Samachan.org migration discussion thread at >>>/yakuza/776

This board was made to handle some of the discussion topics that were common on Samachan but not so common on Sushichan. Japanese and Otaku culture as well as Anime-related discussions can go in this board, whether you were originally from Samachan or not. In addition, if you are from Samachan and you're not sure if your topic would fit in one of our other boards, you can post it here. If the moderators think it would be a better fit for another part of the site, it might get moved.

Sushichan Guidelines
* Read the rules! Also take a minute to look around.
* All conversations should be comfy and use polite language.
* Less comfy conversations (within reason) can be had in /hell/.
* NSFW content goes in /lewd/. Keep 3D threads in /lewd/ to a minimum.
* Site meta discussion goes in /yakuza/.
* The /culture/ board is mostly for literature and artwork, despite the name.
* Cute stuff goes in /kawaii/, but it is an SFW board.
* The /arcade/ board has been expanded to include all kinds of games, including tabletop.
* Keep most Japan / Otaku / Anime related topics within this board.


Archived copy of Yuno's goodbye message that was posted on Samachan.org before the 4chan redirect: https://web.archive.org/web/20200517154448/https://samachan.org/

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For many sushis it's their favourite season of the year, but will it also be their favourite anime season?
Let's find out!
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Nageki no Bourei
Is it particularly good? No. Is it very cute? Yeah.


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NagBou is hella good, what are you talking about? It's sickeningly positive, overflowing with that optimistic genki energy, with the right amount of healthy babes and fun OP/EDs. Andrey might suffer from Ainz syndrome but that's because he wields the greatest power in the world of shounen without realizing it. 3 episodes in and it's yet to disappoint.


A fourth episode is out
I'm not saying it's bad but I dunno man…I'm having fun watching it but I doubt I'll remember it by fall season next year except in reaction pictures.


Oh, right.
4* episodes in and it's yet to disappoint. As a matter of fact, it's been my AOTS since the first.

>I'm having fun watching it but I doubt I'll remember it by fall season next year except in reaction pictures.

Memorability is overrated. There's nothing bad about a good story sticking to its strengths, then waving goodbye in the end. Lots of shit shows have lived on through the decades.


I guess so, we just are using different definitions of good then. It's very enjoyable so far, I'll agree on that much.

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 No.98[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Talk about what manga you've been reading!

I've been reading an older manga called Yume Tsukai by Ueshiba Riichi. It's about magical shrine maidens with weird powers solving paranormal mysteries and stuff. Fairly standard concept but what makes it good in my opinion is just how crazy and bizarre the stories get, as well as some really fantastic art and a nostalgic sort of comedy. It's sometimes goofy, sometimes quite emotional, and other times borders on Junji Ito-esque horror scenarios. I really like the creepy body horror stuff, and the comedy between the weirdo cast is fun. I especially like the over the top lolicon character.
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I've been trying out a couple different comedies to see what sticks. I think my favorite so far has been SE, which is pretty goofy but has some straightforward romance that helps drive the plot. Kindergarten Wars seems to be getting better as it gains its footing. Skeptical about ImoSae but Nayuta is cute.


shame those guys never learned to duck


pretty sure someone recommended me yume tsukai lately. that one op image where she gets… disassembled? is so cool


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I haven't been big on romcoms for a while, or posted on this board for a while, but I got recommended two that I think are pretty good (so far, both are only two chapters).

One is Himegasaki Sakurako wa Kyou mo Fubin Kawaii; it's about a destined loser childhood friend who is determined to kill all the loser flags before they ruin her love life. Without spoiling much, I think it's pretty funny but also pretty cute. It moves along at a fairly quick pace, too; no Nisekoi stuff going on.

The second is Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru. I won't say it's high fiction or anything but it is shockingly emotionally mature for a romcom and also moves along quite quickly. I suppose it's something like Kaguya-sama if it were more horny and less slapstick and dragged out. The author apparently got pregnant halfway through and went on a hiatus but things are moving along quite quickly in this one too.

I guess I don't actually dislike romcoms, just ones that are dragged out with MCs that have the personality of cardboard. Both of these series have active translations so if any sushis pick it up I'd love to discuss it here! I personally think the first is funnier and the second is sweeter but both were really enjoyable to binge.


ImoSae is pretty trashy but it's passably fun if you just accept it for what it is, which is trashy comedy based almost entirely around sex jokes. How did you like it in the end, did you drop it?

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Yet another thread >>3309 vanquished by the bump limit!
What are you watching right now, sushi? This one is just for your non-airing anime discussion!


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Ehh.. what makes Elaina so pure, yet sexy?


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This. Mediocre and a bit disappointing. Its basically thinly veiled propaganda albeit entertaining. The visuals and setting were enjoyable, if not exactly unique in hindsight, but overall the show lacks polish. There's a real warmth to the show but it wets the bed with unimaginative camp and the mix of realism and fantasy elements is poorly executed. I can't say I didn't enjoy some moments, but it feels like I wasted a day watching this.


>Its basically thinly veiled propaganda
what do you mean by this? Propaganda for what? kamichu is one of my favorite shows.


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I don't mean that in a bad way. Kamichu is a good show just a bit frustrating at times. I enjoyed it even if I was a bit disappointed.

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 No.6517[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Another thread at bump limit!

Stream starts every Saturday at 20:00 UTC (16:00 EST/13:00 PST) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We usually watch one older show as a "main feature" as well as keep up with several currently airing shows as voted on by the community. We'd love for you to drop by!

Things we've watched before: https://pastebin.com/pgK1NFDJ
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I vote #1 Working!!!


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Friendship ended with Mahoutsukai. Now Acro Trip is my best friend.


I can't vote. I am morally opposed to voting.


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This was a very difficult vote because I liked most of these shows equally. I had to think about which ones gave me the most joy.


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We're continuing UN-GO with episodes 4-6 and the seasonals that won the last poll.
Hope to see you then!

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If you answer correctly you will be rewarded thusly. Merry Christmas!
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I never really liked her or her anime, but I once had a friend who did.


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Her forehead is very kissable.


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She is simultaneously a great friend and a desirable waifu, that's 200% value for many otaku.


I think this is a rhetorical question since every time someone talks about k-on, there's a lot of love for Ritsu.


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Sawa has deemed it so. If you don't think so, then consider the following

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 No.13[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

As always, post some of your favorites.
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I don't understand why Liru is so popular, when Pachira is clearly the best girl!


yuuma is best girl


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good taste!
(all the pokans are good of course, but Uma is extra cute)


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When I was young, Pachira was my favorite so she is special to me, but now only second to Aiko.


For Studio 3Hz's swan song.

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What are you watching in the HOTTEST season of the year?
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Open ended for now because it's adapting an LN.


Is it really though? Because what I got is that Nukumizu is actually attacking the generic MC, his whole thing is that he's an edgy retard who fails to get pussy and fit in because he's an edgy retard.


It's self-aware and maybe ironic in that the MC might read a light novel but it doesn't bombard you with obnoxious self-deprecating meta jokes, it embraces elements of the harem genre while being down to earth about it.
I also can't see how overcoming a rejection, keeping your head high and accepting yourself while not feeling compelled to get into the MC's pants makes them sluts in any way, it's quite frankly the opposite of self-degradation.

Personally I didn't feel like there was any romantic chemistry with the girls besides Anna, and with the last episode (anime original) I get the feeling that it's trying push those two together.


There are no good shows anymore. I shall watch the ant crawl upon the ground. This is thy last testament.


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 No.3309[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one hit bump limit, so here we are
Talk about whatever non-airing anime you've been watching lately, ask for recommendations, whatever!
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One thing I especially love about boccrock is that it doesn't hold its punches or make excuses for the several characters who are pathetic freaks, and yet it still manages to be kind to them. We see abnormal or self-destructive types of characters pretty often in it who in other manga might just be a source for gags or contrasted to the more normal main characters but are in this one portrayed as competent and valuable even while they are made fun of. The fact is rock music is not really that popular in the mainstream anymore and a lot of the people in the scene are kind of weird or have addictions or other social problems so it kind of reminds me of the scene in real life in how people like that are just there and everybody accepts them as part of the action.


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At least it's something you don't see that often in manga about kids like this one. It helps that there are a lot of adult characters even though it's a Kirara JK story.


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bocchi really makes a good point that there is something valuable in everyone. thanks for highlighting that.


today I finished Wandering Witch. i really liked Eleina – distant and self-absorbed, rather a calculating observer than a hero. just like me but in a form of a petite ashen-haired witch.


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 No.5724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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You haven't forgotten, have you?


about what?


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Doing your PLANKS.


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i will start doing them.. just for you


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You'd better be a hella hot chick

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