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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Hello everybody, I need a comfy place to talk about VNs. /vn/ on 4chan is filled with literal pedos who only talk about eroge, and I don't like Reddit's format enough to use r/visualnovels. So what have you all been reading lately? What are some great games that we've been missing out on?
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anyone's buying since memories? the premise sounds awesome but i know nothing about the dev nor the writer.


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I have finished the second part to Kara no Shoujo story. I have no thoughts, I just suffer.


Does Mita Miside count as a VN?


You wish… normie game.


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I'm reading Adabana Itan right now. I bought it on Steam because I found the art style interesting. I don't know of any other visual novel with a similar style. So far, I can't say I'm really enjoying the writing style, it feels unnecessarily complex. Maybe it's because English isn't my native language.

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hey sushis, I went to a game tournament last week and it was fun! I didn't do so well, but I loved talking to people about video games and stuff! have you guys gone to tournaments before?
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Third pic goes hard.


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Glad you like it.


Went to my college's Smash local as a spectator, got cocky and fought some Bowser player way out of my league for a few matches. Didn't say anything big, just thanked him for playing against a massive scrub. It reminded me that I love WATCHING and analyzing games but I don't have any mechanical skill of my own.


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Play more games then.


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New Capcom (retro) Collection is out.

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Since there was no thread for this topic I decided to do it myself. I'll start.

I've finished The World Ends With You, and I left it fairly cold.
It's partially my fault for playing an undub on a game that has no subtitles for its cutscenes, but even after seeing the ending on youtube, so much feels as if all that happened in the game was pointless. Which sucks because I really liked the game up until the ending.
What is happening with me that I'm not appreciating games as much as I should? Same thing happened to me with Omori, I went in thinking it would be a surreal game with some Mother inspirations but the game was far too tame for me personally. Even after hearing about the topics that the game tackles.

If sushi finished a game and also wants to talk about it he can post here freely.
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Not a full video game, but I finished the Twilight Forest mod from Minecraft. It's a weird feeling, actually. I liked a lot of bosses, but didn't really like the huge castles and areas because it's super tedious and long to go through them. The best thing to do tbh is to skip these huge areas and go to the top of them by bridging or an elytra. The only boss I really had a problem with technical-wise was the hydra. It just wouldn't work when I fought it. It eventually worked, but not without a lot of pain. After that though, it was a cute boss fight. A lot of the boss fights are simple, but still very charming, like the ghast boss fight. You had to draw him in with a ghast trap and hit him when he's temporarily trapped. The biomes are also really nice as well. I'm going to have a lot of use for the flat biomes for sure. Finally, when I went to the final area to fight the final boss, I knew that it was never finished. The mod has been notorious for that. However, I really didn't mind, and even preferred it in a way. It may feel cathartic to some people, but I'm just glad I'm done fighting the bosses. I just fought all of them in a span of two days.

When I finally beat the game, there was a sense of completion that I usually feel for games that were in my backlog. It's an odd feeling. I knew about this mod, but never played it. I had no connection to it at all, but still, I think the fact that it's so old makes me feel similarly to those other games. I feel like I've completed a part of Minecraft history.


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Been playing a lot of Quake recently. Mostly Arcane Dimensions. Very good stuff, everything from core mechanics to visuals is significantly improved, without going out of style. Many new weapons and monsters too, and the best thing is maps, those are heavenly good. I did finish it yesterday, and today gave a try to some standalone maps from Siteseer. Found this gem on 2-3 screenshots in the latest Black Fog Zine. Quite small, but very well made and with a nice final fight.


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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is probably the best mario kart i've ever played. All the cool technical stuff you can do while still being a relatively simple and streamlined process compared to Mario Kart DS or Mario Kart Wii is really refreshing and makes me more engaged in learning the game on a competitive level. Time Trials are really fun.


Just finished Burnout 1 for the PS2. Great game with very fun gameplay. I would usually just play music over it while playing. I found the game to be very lenient at times, so I never was stuck in one place for very long. There's very obvious rubber banding, but it's really good rubber banding (unlike Mario Kart for the N64) where the racers behind you will be close, but not too close and the one in front of you will slow down or screw up more often. I kept that in mind when playing since the goal was to have fun instead of challenge myself to become better. I had a lot of fun doing that and I even made the top scores for best lap and best race a few times. Overall, pretty solid game that I really enjoyed playing. I probably won't be playing Burnout 2 any time soon, but I know if I do, it's probably going to be just as good.


I just 100% Wario World. I didn't like it very much. Combat was good, graphics seemed okay, camera was mostly fine. Solid game in all those regards. Even though it was short, it didn't really outlive its stay. Still, man. I just didn't like it. I felt like I was inching through the game, honestly. I would spend like an hour on a small stage finding everything. I just didn't like that. I also felt like the game was pretty uninspired. The bonus levels weren't really in the theme, the hub and stages made me feel like the game was lifeless. Like, it does its purpose of being a place "outside" of the world, but it didn't really make me feel like I was playing a Wario game. Although, I've never really played one except for the wii version, so I guess you got me. Still, the Wii game had themed world while the worlds themes were kind of all over the place. Also, the wii game is much longer. I would say the combat was really boring, too. I didn't interact with it unless necessary, like the arenas, which I didn't like. Usually I like arena-style breaks from the main game, like in DK64, but the timer kinda ruined it for me. There were also really only a few moves, so it gets stale. Still, great moves that show Wario's character.

I actually liked a few things from this game, too. I liked the clown stage a lot because it was pretty difficult and was generally a theme I liked. I really liked using the glue balls to navigate through the stage. It got really difficult when flamethrowers were involved. I liked the haunted mansion because I just love haunted mansion levels. Enough said. I liked the snow level a lot despite there were two collectables on slides that you couldn't control yourself on when going down. I just like snow levels tbh. I thought a lot of the platforming was solid and the camera was really good for a gamecube game. Even though it shows the age, it really wasn't bad.

Still, I just didn't like the game that much. I'm glad it's over with. Sorry if the structure of this post was kinda weird. I don't want to type out a huge post about this game when honestly, I want to play other games. I thought this game was REALLY cool when I saw the demo on my collection of Ocarina of Time special edition for the gamecube. The one with flipped levels and had like, a blue side and a red side on the cover. So awesome. Now, I just think of it as a mediocre game. Not good, not really bad. Just not Nintendo's best. I'd be disappointed if I bought this forPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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When I was young, my parents didn't have much money, so while I did play games a lot, they were always somewhat old;for instance, my brother and I played CoD 2 (2005) a lot even when MW2 was the big thing. I also fondly remember playing Super Mario 64 and some stuff on the Wii. Anyways, now it seems like the majority of games (big ones at least) are all just FPSs and battle royales and in general a lot don't seem to have much soul. The Outer Worlds just didn't have that FNV feeling. So I've been playing old games and actually having a lot of fun. Got Morrowind recently, which I remember playing a little around the time Skyrim came out/got big. Also a few months back I played N64 LoZ games on an emulator and I think I'm going to do that again. Any other suggestions for older games I might not really remember (or just comments)? Anything goes, these just seem…better but worse in a wierd way.
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I love Morrowind. I have multiple characters with different classes and like, two in which I wasn't allowed to die once. I definitely recommend trying out Tamriel Rebuilt. It has a bunch of new quests and areas. I've been playing Burnout 1 for the PS2. It's actually a very fun racing game that takes place on highways, so you have to avoid cars. I'm also recommending Starwars Battlefront II for the PS2. I loved that game so much. I would play it for hours after school to the point where I got legendary on all the medals. I have no idea how many hours I put into it. It's a StarWars video game where you play as a soldier trying to capture control points and killing other (usually AI) soldiers. The gameplay is really smooth, the battlegrounds are nice to look at still imo, and the narrator really adds flavor and charm to the game. Highly recommended. Finally, check out some of those Wii games you missed. Mario Galaxy I and II are great platformers, Mario Kart Wii still has an active playerbase and is seen as the GOAT of Mario Kart games (with tons of modded content too), and Smash Bros Wii has what most people would say is the best story in all of the Smash Bros games. So really, yea, a lot of the greatest titles / achievements are on the Wii. Also, I recommend the Wii sports games and Wii Resort because those are just plain fun.


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Do fan-mod updates count?


I will refuse to second a link to the past, but i do heartily second link's awakening, it's just about perfect in everything it wants to accomplish, and then follow with either ages if you love the puzzles or seasons if you love the combat.
for snes games, do you like puzzles? sutte hakkun is one of my favorites on both snes and gameboy, mario's picross too. but it has a whole bunch of other games worth trying like, and i'm not kidding, super noah's ark 3d. not even making that up it actually has its own level design that feels distinct from doom.
for gameboy i'm the only person on earth who enjoys metroid 2 so i'll just stick to recommending trip world, tetris plus or the wario land series. super mario land 2 is pretty alright if a bit short. Shantae is also a pretty fun platformer. And some of the weird titles might even surprise you, like Terrifying 9/11 which is a surprisingly competent bootleg metal slug port.
cant say much about the nes besides the obvious suspects like the 5 mario games and their endless spinoffs. tetris 2 + bombliss is good fun, feels great and will be a good time. if you like RPGs check out Lagrange Point, you won't hear any other nes game with a soundtrack as good as it, and there's dragon quest too.
i could probably go on for a good while for sega consoles and other stuff but these alone will keep you busy for a good while. but ill just slide in both jet set radio and jet set radio future. those games are all time favorites of mine.


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I've made it my life's mission to tell everyone about Crimson Skies. When I was a kid, this game was my everything. I wanted so badly to live in this world. Yes, there are better flight sims (I mean it's not really a flight sim considering how unrealistic everything is) out there but my nostalgia for this one beats all the rest. Also inb4 this game looks like shit yeah I know it came out in 2000 and runs horrendously on modern devices I know.


I'm playing Morrowind now. It's fun, reminds me of Gothic.

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what are you doing in this situation?
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I pick her up and put her back into bed and tuck her in and kiss her goodnight on her forehead.


I ignore the concerned glare of my friend, who just witnessed me transform into a black-haired woman with red eyes, and them shift my eyes to the ceiling as I begin to ponder over this unprecedented transformation. After forming a list of hypotheses in my head, I fling myself into an upright posture and begin my analysis. I check to see if past scars, asking my friend to check the scar on my back, and birth marks such as moles still remain on this new body, measure my weight, height, and general proportions to compare them to my previous measurements, test my physical aptitudes such as strength and dexterity, dig into my newly obtained genitalia as it is a sensual experience I have not and could not have ever had, and inquire with my friend to resolve whether or not my mind has been altered along with my body.
After completing my preliminary analysis, I decide it's better to stop extending a simple post into an entire short story and I, therefore, cut it prematurely.


I can now live out my yuri fantasies!


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So E3 is over, and in the spirit of looking forward to better times, what games are you feeling optimistic about?

That new Zelda has some potential.
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MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA for Halloween 2021




Warpath - Official Live Action Film (Showdown II: Centenary)



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Half-life, natural selection, counter-strike, dod, team fortress, just to name a few!
I feel like these game are super comfy. Along with bunny hopping, there are many reasons why these games are just better than newer games in their series'. TF2 doesn't have concs, making it super slow, and csgo has loads of problems.

Why are older games so much better?
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Forget the games, the *mods* are what was up.
Brainbread, The Specialists, Action HL/Quake, Firearms, Zombie Panic, Jaykin' Bacon, I could go on for hours. Where would we be right now without Carmack?


Does anyone play Day of Defeat?


Older games are creative & fun first; accountants (aka Bachelor of Business types) being in upper management don't get that but are the ones making the decisions.

It's not just the video-gaming industry either. Boeing is a most obvious example of what happens when only accountants are in charge.


I simply don't have the mechanical skill for Arena FPS. I have this painfully slow tracking muscle memory that doesn't keep up on any reasonable sensitivity. I've accepted just being a spectator in that respect.


Any of you guys play hldm? What's your opinion on wallgauss? Personally, I think it's an element of skill, like learning smoke lineups in counter strike. But I know it's very controversial in the community. Either way, I think hldm is pretty fun.


A few years ago I smoked a lot of pot and thus found great entertainment in commentated professional gaming. The way commentators direct your attention and point out important things or just give background information on the players, maps, strategies and so on is really captivating and can enhance the experience of the game a lot.

When it comes to games I haven't played myself, a good commentator, giving explanations on game mechanics and meta, can completely shift my view on the action and appreciation of skill involved. This is prominently in speedrunning the case, where the beauty of tricks or glitches often only comes to shine with the knowledge of how to archive them.

What are your favorite e-sports?

For starters I recommend this post-match analysis of a game between Rapha and Cooller in Quake with Rapha himself explaining everything.
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i was real big into TFC back in the day. anyone got the rent vs shark on openfire ?


EG Momochi vs MCZ Daigo Umehara - Stunfest 2015 Grand Final - CPT 2015


The tf2 competative scene absolutely sucks because the format is fundamentally broken, the scene is dominated by basically just one team and has been forever, and the meta is incredibly stale with very little will to experiment. Nonetheless, I think it can be one of the most thrilling esports with highly pog moments.


b4nny is a genuinely nice guy but yeah. Wish the game was playable in pubs.


I prefer the Heavy or Spy POV; ones that emphasize the little nuances on how a guy positions himself against his team. I don't really learn anything from it though.

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hey everyone, whos excited to play hello kitty island adventure when it comes out on steam at the end of


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I don't know how many of you play this, but I'll set up here for now.

picrel: I thought the limited drops would end with the last update, so I panicked and spammed 3-1 pretty much a couple hours before maintenance. ~10 runs in, I finally got my first non-Chitose AV and my first foreign ship! hoping to get Fletcher or Isokaze next as I'm lacking in anti-air DDs, but that drop probably sucked up my luck for the month.

how's your base going, sushi?
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>Well pants isn't something you can wear unless you're a woman
That is very close-minded.


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>That is very close-minded.
It's better that way


I prefer its competition, AZURE LANE.


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The History Behind Kantai Collection


I prefer Azure Lane.

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