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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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hey sushis, I went to a game tournament last week and it was fun! I didn't do so well, but I loved talking to people about video games and stuff! have you guys gone to tournaments before?
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I've been to a few fighting game locals at my uni and it was great fun. It's definitely the best way to play fighting games imo. Nothing beats being right next to the guy who's cooking you while a couple friends are behind you cheering you on / booing you lol


All the arcade places near me are restaurant hybrids that make you play for 50 dollar cards.


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I'm mostly a Tekken player *ZAP*


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Let's go!

Evo 2024 is now the largest singles 3rd Strike tournament in history with 1,000+ entrants


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Chun-li !

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most realistic elephant programmed ever
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could you please recommend some other games that are spiritually similar to this category of games you're describing? some cool obscure games? they could be from the PS2 era as well i wouldn't mind that


signalis, dont know more


It's not out yet but .45 Parabellum Bloodhound



I wish I had the programming skills to write a basic game or a VN. I'm pretty bad at writing characters and dialogues too. I sometimes get good ideas for scripts put they turn to slop when I try to write an actual scene. I guess I need to practice this more.


The only way to learn how to write is to write then read what you wrote. Same applies to code. Do that for like 3 years and you'll be competent.

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I am thinking about isometric action game, where you play as a witch fighting oversized slugs. I probably should not leave my job to work on it, but depression tells me it is a really good idea.
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Good points, sushi. Thank you. I have a reason for the witch's travel and some basic lore, but slugs are there for quirky factor. I just find them slightly unnerving in a cool way.


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How do you envision your witch? Is she cute? How big is her hat?
t. Loves witche


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I actually wanted to make a character creator with some basic options, but there is a certain girl… pic unrel heh. Working mostly on the gameplay right now, doubt I will start any modelling soon.

Art will be pain, but I think I could get my friends to do some for me. The key is to make low effort assets aesthetically pleasing.


>low effort assets aesthetically pleasing
can be done with right shaders and proper color palette I hope


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Just do it

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Anyone here a fan of Vanguard princess? If so, I plan on having a few matches using the MTSP Server.

Max Connections: 12
Open Port: 7500
Encrypted IP: 4256017090

Also note, If you plan on joining, It is better that you are Near the EU or Middle East region.

Happy Fightan!
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I hope this can lead to something. will try to make a lobby every friday for SA/Na sushis.
Also add Strive to the list (still I have just around 12 hours).
Will post lobby and/or my steam on here if someone wants to play something.

>I wouldn't call myself great, let alone good with any of those games
Same, the most hours I have are 400 in Blazblue. I'm not that good either.
> That said, I can play grubble with my legal copy that I totally purchased. I also plan on getting UNICLR within the next month.
I really want to learn UNICLR. Played it for a bit but the mechanics filtered me lol.

>Also is AH3 really dead in SA?

There is a "community" in Brasil but the game netcode is not that good either so I haven't really tried to play with them.


I don't even have anything close to that number of hours. That said, I'm down to play anything with anyone so if there's lobbies I'll drop by if I can.

With regards to UNI, I can feel that. The mechanics by themselves are somewhat straightforward but being able to tie it all together is where the game starts to become complicated. If not cumbersome at times.


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I'm here if anyone is interested.
At the moment I only have BBCF and Strive installed.
Remember that I'm from SA/Latam.
Just reply if you want to play or I can post my steam account or something.


Well, I'm here again if anyone is interested


Man. It's been two months since I've last peeked at this thread huh. I ended up playing CF a month or so ago and, really, I don't have much of a reason to even learn the game at this point. With regards to Strive, I just don't like it plain and simple.

I honestly want to say I'm down to play any time (BBCF way way more than Strive) but I've said that to multiple people already and haven't interacted since. My schedule is just too sporadic for that to happen.

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hey sushirolls, I feel like MMOs have fallen out of style. This makes me sad, since I find them to be cozy, so I wanted to know if anyone else stills plays them.

If anyone wants to create a clan in everquest 2, I just started it… I'm trash but its been a lot of fun so far ;w;
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EVE ONLINE is still up, right?


I've been meaning to play swtor, I had my first pc build randomly keep shutting down a lot in general so I never got around to it. now that I have a thinkpad as well, I should download it.

I didn't know it was mmo though, I thought it was singleplayer


tfw replying to a post made two years ago


Necroposting happens a lot here.


I have been exploring older mmos with a bunch of friends. We spend 2 weeks playing each game and treating it like our main game regardless of how good or bad it is. While playing polls go up and we vote for the next one. It's really fun.

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Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.



Why should I consider FFXI over FFXIV?


ff11 on the whole is slow and clunky but it feels more like a Final Fantasy game than XIV in my opinion. The world is immersive and atmospheric and a lot of the time it feels challenging to dig through a dungeon (unless you've power-leveled yourself past it of course). I don't play on any of the private servers because they are all jankier than retail in some way or another and I don't want to lose my progress from the retail servers anyway. but I do recommend giving 11 a try if you have an itch for a game with very heavy non-wow-style mmo mechanics and heavy fantasy storylines.

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How come we don't have a roguelikes thread on /arcade/ yet?

What's your most recent social life killer? How do you usually try to build your character? Do you believe in optional content?

Recently I've been playing:

ToME - Very decent game if you enjoy taking it slow and playing in a reactive way. While there are enough fodder enemies, rares spawn with same classes, skillsets and progression a player character could have achieved at their level, which makes fights incredibly fun and complex, especially when you're facing three multi-classed enemies of your level who consist of a melee tank, a ranged DD and a CC mage.

Soulash 1/2 - fairly small roguelikes, can't recommend them for more than one night of fun, they attracted me with tank controls and FoV, which I personally would like to see in more top-down games, but turned out to be very shallow and felt rushed.

Also killed a few of my nights by playing DCSS again, constantly trying to go for a short blades all offense build.
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SCREW YOU!!!!!!!!!!


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Wu Jian gang
Heavenly Storm is so good


Shadow of the Wyrm is underrated and you'll like it if you like ADOM and CoQ. Also recently found this one: https://aukustus.itch.io/the-temple-of-torment


>The Temple of Torment
I want to like this game (story, classes/races/divinities are very well rounded) but it's missing a ton of QoL things that feel like necessities at this point. Menus can't be navigated with the keyboard, firing projectiles is dependent on using the mouse, the item menu usage is clunky and it's a slog to have to look for the shops in each town to buy/sell stuff. Having a fast-travel option for towns (to go to shops and leave town) feels like the bare minimum to make this game slightly more enjoyable. I like my time during combat, exploring and piecing together the lore, but what connects all those things is such a hindering chore.


Every couple months I find myself obsessed with CDDA, it's such a cool game! Admittedly I'm pretty shit at it but it's fun seeing how long I can survive.

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I haven't been excited for a game in a long time, but this really made me happy to see. Endless Ocean 2 is probably one of my favorite games ever. I figured that the franchise had been long forgotten, but lo and behold one day I find out of nowhere that there is a new game coming out soon. I remember there being rumors of one in the works but I didn't believe it. I think it's hard to mess up a diving/aquarium/dolphin training collection game. I imagine nowadays would be the perfect time to release a new one since people seem to be really into these kinds of games nowadays, so I can see it doing really well. I especially like that now I can play it all comfy in bed, and the 30+ people multiplayer thing seems real fun, but I don't want to have to pay a subscription to Nintendo.

Do any other sushirolls have any nostalgia for Endless Ocean, or has anyone played it?


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Wacky Sacky Hime!


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Waggy and Saggy she may be!


OH I think I played this on the wii? You would dive around and fill out fishedex and there was like upgrades and people to talk to on a ship in between missions


i remember playing this. it's pretty fun

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do any sushis still play (or ever had) ps vita? i just got done playing some horizon zero dawn using the ps4 remote play on vita and its the comfiest handheld i own.
what are you favourite games or vita moments?
have you hacked yours?

let's talk vita!
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You can find replacement sticks from China pretty cheap. Sony was smart and made the sticks separate from everything else. In fact, all the controls are on their own PCBs. ifixit has a guide on doing the repair.


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I completed Trails of Cold Steel a couple of nights ago. The framerate at times wasn't great but the game is turn basd anyway so who cares. I really enjoyed it.
Now I'm starting Freedom Wars. So far the story seems a little boring but the gameplay is very fun and I like the character customisation anr visual style a lot.


I am the sushi that started this thread and posted this screenshot from 3 years ago and freedom wars since became one of my favourite vita games and I played it online until the servers closed down.


I play virtually all my PC games that aren't point and click on Vita via Moonlight. Its cozy in bed with a weighted blanket.

I can't get my Vita web browser to work anymore. I wish there was a decent homebrew replacement.


i have an old psp that i bought refurbished from amazon and modded it. also, i have an 3ds that is modded and i saw a guy program a mastodon client for the 3ds which was pretty neat

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Since there was no thread for this topic I decided to do it myself. I'll start.

I've finished The World Ends With You, and I left it fairly cold.
It's partially my fault for playing an undub on a game that has no subtitles for its cutscenes, but even after seeing the ending on youtube, so much feels as if all that happened in the game was pointless. Which sucks because I really liked the game up until the ending.
What is happening with me that I'm not appreciating games as much as I should? Same thing happened to me with Omori, I went in thinking it would be a surreal game with some Mother inspirations but the game was far too tame for me personally. Even after hearing about the topics that the game tackles.

If sushi finished a game and also wants to talk about it he can post here freely.
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the last game I finished was zelda links awakening for the switch


I think the last game I'd say I finished was Armored Core VI but I didn't do NG++ which is apparently the "real" ending


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Last game I've finished recently was Project Mirai DX on the 3DS. nice, comfy, little game. Haven't modded it yet, but the Zundamon mod is very tempting.


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I'd call it finished if you

1. Got to the credits; and
2. Have quit playing it


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>Have quit playing it
I'll finish NG++ someday! probably!
I also have yet to finish Elden Ring but I think at this point I'm gonna wait for the DLC to come out and then start a fresh save

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