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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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File: 1742775895074.jpg (2.23 MB, 3035x2149, 8f838be64cf44e5d99f0e13108….jpg)


Comfy gamedev thread
If you've got a project, post what you're working on!
If you don't, feel free to comment, feedback and discussion is always welcome


File: 1742776090909.gif (1.89 MB, 1154x648, martialgrinder.gif)

Until I can think of a better name, this is Martial Grinder.
I'm working on the combat first, then everything else once that's decent.

In this gif you see the player in the upper right walk over to an enemy and kill them by touching them. The stamina bars on the left are per limb, you walk by alternating left and right legs.


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File: 1742820555715-1.webm (1.77 MB, 1280x720, 20250324w.webm)

Hopefully this thread keeps me motivated!

I've been working on a project in gamemaker (GML), mostly just frame work so far. I'm sure there are lots of ready-made isometric toolboxes but I've been having a lot of fun figuring things out and learning from scratch!

Here is an old video that shows keyboard controls, interacting with entities, and mouse controls/pathfinding.
And a new video showing the map editing tool.


I look foward to more updates!
Is the individual leg control to allow for some sort of technique or is it more as a handicap?


I want to do a TRPG that decides your ending based on how well you do battle…maybe this thread will help with that


File: 1742839534222.gif (5.5 MB, 1152x648, martialgrinder_punches2.gif)

Added punches and knockback
I'm going to rethink this and disable knockback on normal punches, it's unsatisfying to be unable to chain punches because of it. I'll leave knockback for a special move.

I want movement to be deliberate, and the other half of the game that I haven't made yet (training) will work nice with this control scheme and be consistent. It's also because I have no idea what I'm doing, I've never made an action game before. The player is going to get much faster as the game progresses and hopefully the somewhat clunky feeling disappears, otherwise I may have to rework movement.

Looks nice, the map editor looks super useful. Is this going to be a turn-based tactics game?

Branching stories get complicated fast. I love them though.


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I scrapped the need to alternate legs to move. Too clunky no matter how I worked it.

Today I added a sprint button (with a short cooldown when you run out completely) and a counter button (player flashes when countering).

Your "health" is your core fatigue, the middle bar on the right. Getting hit and countering consumes core fatigue, but you can hold the counter as long as you want and be invulnerable to damage the whole time. This creates a natural incentive to get the timing right.


meant left not right, can't keep it straight

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