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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Anyone else find Fleur's songs to be weirdly calming? I don't know if it's because of the lyrics or what.


Grouper - Ruins

Linda Perhacs - Parallelograms

Natural Snow Building - The Dance of the Moon and the Sun




OP, you posted some fucking amazing music.

Thank you




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is there any good place to download lots of this kind of music besides soundcloud/youtube? it's kinda inconvinient for me to individually download songs.


My go-to comfy song for fall


helplessness blues is one of my favorite songs of all time


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With cold weather setting in and winter fast approaching this song comes to mind.





they play plenty of chill music


Old Apparatus - 14:00
the final track from their first EP. like any music worth a damn, best listened to at volume.


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This is pretty chill



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I will make lewd things to your sushi body



Fly me to the moon


Came across this just now
Just chill piano music





very relaxing and strange music


>flood post
a personal favorite of mine. careful near the end of the song it gets loud


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My favorite relaxing music youtube channel started posting again and i'm pretty happy about it




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Múm and Ico OSTs are very comfy, thank you


this thread is full of dead links and it makes me sad




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Bonobo is amazing. I keep the black sands vinyl in a picture frame on my living room wall.


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