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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Can we have some pumping music? I feel super motivated by new retro wave.

Post your power tunes!






Exactly! I like my workouts to be very dramatic, like fighting an epic battle. With the right music, this becomes so much more fun and intriguing.

TTGL OST - Is it okay to burn with passion

TTGL OST - Preparations are Essential, Right Now!!

Demetori - Nuclear Fusion

Rammstein - Sonne

NGE 3.33 OST - Gods gift

After last set of circle training or HIIT, when you are just barely gasping for air:
Tower of Heaven OST - Atop the world



Danger Days is probably my favorite album for working out these days, I hadn't listened to it in a long time until recently but it's fun to both listen to and sing-ish along to and has a lot of forward momentum. But this song is maybe the single best for that, I love over-stylized rock'n'roll and this one does it really well.




I listened to it all those days, i guess whats mostly for me there are the songs that are like na na na, i had fun searching other versions of na na na around too.


I remember I bought this on CD when it came out. Kinda nostalgic.


File: 1608888328911.jpg (33.22 KB, 650x323, TheGRIND.jpg)

We All Lift Together [Warframe]


Most Lightning Bolt songs will do, really


YMO has some pretty good workout bangers!

Yellow Magic Orchestra - Taiso

Haruomi Hosono - Sports Men

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