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so good it hertz

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Any roll here into this genre? Recently got into it and I'm looking for suggestions


Not really into city pop, but ever since I hear it sampled in Night Tempo's "Do It" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSyWwIIshMY), I've been in love with this song.


is this city pop ?



Legend of city pop coming through.


Does this count?
I'm not good with identifying genres


To the sushies who are not really sure what city pop is:
I wasn't sure either. So as long as you post related music imma happy roll


Holy dang I've hit a gold mine. Thanks for sharing, do you have any favorites?


Is there some difference in this and normal 80's/90's pop?


>Thanks for sharing, do you have any favorites?
embed related
Well, considering us westerners had stuff like New Order, Depeche Mode, The Smiths and The Cure, I think there is huge difference in style, even tho someone could surely draw parallels even there.


maybe this isn't chill enough



this got covered by tatsuro yamashita and got really popular



Some of my favorites

(Couldn't find on youtube)
Yumi Matsutoya - Cobalt Hour (1975)
Jun Togawa - Uratamahime
Kaoru Akimoto - Cologne
Tatsuro Yamashita - Spacy (1977)
Tatsuro Yamashita - Big Wave (1984)



File: 1592192069211-0.webm (985.36 KB, 270x480, 1592168688450.webm)

File: 1592192069211-1.webm (2.12 MB, 736x368, 1592156836608.webm)

huh, this was the exact track that got in my head just now.
hope one of this is the one that has it


This album never gets old.

As an aside, where did the term "city pop" even come from? Does it predate that one Mariya Takeuchi song going viral?


came here to post tatsu but everyone already did, so i guess i'll contribute something more original lol

seriously though, if you haven't heard this live version, you've got to give it a listen.


I came across this channel recently that has a tonne of live recordings of Tatsuro Yamashita:
Enjoy it before it gets taken down.

Here are two longer live recordings.

As a bonus, here is some actual live footage of him:




Thanks for letting me discover this song. What a gem.


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