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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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File: 1672013193088.jpg (20.72 KB, 736x736, cute.jpg)


share in this thread the waifu sushi's would spend their life with.
one a waifu is claimed, it can never be reclaimed by other sushis ! and you need to find new ones

i wish i could have kids with pic related, i'm sure she'd make a loving & caring mother


File: 1672421840113-0.png (89.27 KB, 219x199, kurihara3.png)

File: 1672421840113-1.png (419.57 KB, 646x442, kurihara2.png)

File: 1672421840113-2.png (113.49 KB, 301x196, kurihara1.png)

Kurihara-chan <3


File: 1672437692767-0.jpg (260.62 KB, 499x1378, __ayesha_altugle_linca_and….jpg)

File: 1672437692767-1.jpg (58.61 KB, 595x840, A14_Linca (kopia).jpg)

File: 1672437692767-2.png (711.95 KB, 1432x874, A14_Linca_Concept_2.png)

Claiming Linca.

Very cute.


File: 1672442843252-0.jpg (454.69 KB, 764x1087, FkPZMYraMAAvZ6a.jpg)

File: 1672442843252-1.png (3.09 MB, 1080x1920, 86772861_p0.png)

File: 1672442843252-2.jpg (1.17 MB, 1347x2000, 84378485_p0.jpg)

File: 1672442843252-3.jpg (468.5 KB, 1117x1600, Index_v12_077.jpg)

Cute free-spirited electro tsundere athletic tomboy ojousama with gyaru characteristics and childish hobbies also known as Misaka Mikoto is my one and only.


File: 1672475692683-0.jpg (77.29 KB, 960x760, 263449a24ed2d499447c8bac21….jpg)

File: 1672475692683-1.jpg (859.32 KB, 800x1235, 1589383499688.jpg)

File: 1672475692683-2.png (560.58 KB, 600x800, afc.png)

File: 1672475692683-3.png (654.05 KB, 704x995, 516be4308ad31c70537b2a34d9….png)


File: 1672571254114.jpg (897.79 KB, 1026x1543, 54f5d29c8ef4da76abecb1cd14….jpg)

Very much the only one for me.


File: 1673270466434.jpg (594.78 KB, 750x1323, __hoshimiya_ichigo_aikatsu….jpg)

She's like a radiant sun and I love her

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