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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Do people still make high quality written reports of their video game playthoughts? I'm looking for stuff like lparchive.org/Sid-Meiers-Alpha-Centauri/


You realize that's a SA thing right? Like they pretty much invented it and are responsible for ~90% of the screenshot LPs.


I guess the forumfags did something right.


A game which makes for very interesting written reports and for which written reports are relatively common is the Dominions series. There are many written accounts of Dominions 3 and 4 multiplayer games from each player's perspective, as >>311 points out most are from SA. I also love the format and would like to read anything anyone had to link


I haven't seen any recently. You could make one. Just go nuts on that screenshot button and write it as you play so that you don't lose track of what happened in the past in the game.
Or at least write it one section at a time, so that it has some sense of narrative and you can be surprised when surprising things happen.


When you look into it there's actually a lot of interesting stuff that's happened on there. Sadly most of it is gone now.


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