Sorry for no updates this week. I have been dealing with having to find a new apartment on top of holiday plans, etc.
No screen shots this week as I haven't done any work except find out that when I push my DB go git it corrupts it and makes unusable.
So I manually do my backups on a USB now for my DB changes and as thats what im working setting the foreign and public keys for the user and deck tables and some other planning for the future features. So Its slow but I hope to have some updates, probably on the view side to take a break from DBA.
>>194Its what I know. I also want to start a profolio for rails and this will take almost everything Rails can do and give me a good look at it and work with some of the new features like ActionCable to get network connections for PvP.
It could be build on Node or PHP and Js but rails gives me 2 less languages to learn while I still have to know what im looking at with SQL, HTML, Sass, CSS, Ruby, and Jquerry/JS. Seeing as how I HATE JS the less I can use it the better I feel.
Also the scaffolding framework has been a huge help.