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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Depeche Mode just feels great to listen to when I'm alone late at night. Their songs just feels so relaxing and the vocals are soothing and mesmerizing.

What Groups/Band/Musicians can you always listen to no matter what, Sushis?


File: 1481163505528.png (359.28 KB, 519x544, christmasasuka.png)

i think that band for me is modest mouse. I can listen to them any time no matter what i'm feeling. Also, a few of their albums are so strongly connected to parts of my life listening to them is like a trip down memory lane.


Depeche Mode is great, especially at night!

My taste in music is pretty widespread, so Ulver might be it for me. Their genre changes with almost every new release while still keeping up high quality arrangements, a remarkable style and intense emotions.


For me that band is The Magnetic Fields. I started listen to them in high school and now I listen to them from time to time.


The album "Time" by Electric Light Orchestra never lets me down. In addition I can finally talk about music with my father.


For me it's The Antlers. When I can I like to sing along; sometimes, I'll close my eyes and pretend that I can sing as well as Peter Silberman.

Are you midwest, or west-west and can you do a cowboy accent?


I just got into Depeche Mode this year.. so good, where were these guys during my edgy goth revival phase.


For me it's Hole. I used to worship Courtney Love as a teenager lmao


stratoshpere by duster suits any mood i usually experience, so that is my pick

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