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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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File: 1714204841290.png (623.43 KB, 600x600, yikii-flowers-grave・花之墓-Co….png)


Yikii - Flower's Grave


File: 1714418920535.jpg (662.12 KB, 1920x1080, 1620311401277.jpg)

Hey OP, I love Yikii. Flower's Grave is probably my favorite relase from her as well. I even have the first vinyl she's released, Crimson Poem. She is probably one of my favorite artists ever. I never expected to see another sushiroll that likes her. I look up to her a lot, there's a few interviews out there with her and she is very genuine with her art. What did you think of Chorion Black Hole Ringdown?


*Chorion and Black Hole Ringdown

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