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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Emo thread










This album fucking shreds. My favorite is the first song, dogs, and the song conch at 7:44




I really like this band


found this on 4/mu/ years ago and still love it. i still come back to it now and then.


4mu had great emo threads before the bullshit infesting the rest of the site spread to it


you probably know American Football, but do you know Chinese Football?



Eileen Barton - If I Knew You Were Comin' I'D 'VE Baked a Cake


Yeah I particularly miss old /mu/. I think banning feels threads was a terrible mistake because now you just have the whole board listening to things for how "cool" or "obscure" their taste is for the chart threads instead of how they emotionally connected with the album. 4/mu/ in general just had terrible direction after that, and really fell from grace.




I'm listening to this album, as it was released recently, and holy crackers this is a fantastic album. It really is on another level musically while still being slightly grounded. Willy Rodriguez is great in general but this album takes things up a notch in a major way. Sad it's their final album but what a note to end on.


ooh this is really nice



wouldn't be a good emo thread without Raein, one of the best screamo bands of all time in my honest opinion.


Really cool free improv emo/math/brutal prog band I found a long time ago put out a new album and it sounds pretty good so far

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