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so good it hertz

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I took this post as an excuse to practice my shitty japanese, but I'd still like to post a thread about screaming japanese lady-core here. Thank you.


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Well damn, I was gonna post the same album. Instead have a cool progressive pop album. Songs aren't available on Youtube in the US but it's worth checking out.

惑星アブノーマル - 何でも無い凶器


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What would a screaming japanese lady-core thread be with out a mandatory ミドリ post.




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>screaming japanese lady-core
I don't think that is an accurate categorization lol. Everything seems well in line with Ruins and other Zeuhl acts, maybe we should call this style Jzeuhl.

Fucking amazing stuff by the way, Midori, 385, discovering this shit just made my day. Thanks rolls :)
Here's Ruins, for comparison


Damn sushi rolls have good taste.

I'd say they all fall under the umbrella of jazz-punk/rock/pop, though I think the vocal styles of the Japanese bands her are distinctive enough to be worth identifying as a defining feature.

Here's some stuff that's a little more noise than jazz, but I hope it fits the thread conceptually:
大高丈宙: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv2VzhuD4x0
Watshi no Koko: https://watashinokoko.bandcamp.com/album/--2


fits perfectly, thank you :)


Noise is ALWAYS welcome


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Great music in this thread, absolutely love midori and wakusei abnormal is really great as well.

Since discovering midori years ago I've been on the lookout for bands/groups that are conceptually/thematically similar, so I'll post some of the gems I've come across.

Bleach is pretty cool, though aligns itself more with 385 than with midori (bit more static, if that makes sense… less jazzy?)

Similarly, Otori is less jazzy, though in this case also lacks the punk/metal department (still worth a listen though)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93jWs4DqZL4 (serious epilepsy warning for this one)

Bokutacho no Iru Tokoro captures the fun and energy of midori while deviating from the chaotic arrangements. It's one of my personal favourites, though I can't find samples of their (imo) best material
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppcpL-LtmnQ (can't find anymore samples from this album, though it is their best)

Also if you haven't, check out Usagi, Mariko Goto's band before Midori (also, definitely check out her solo material, it's different but great!).

Wouldn't go so far as to bring Zeuhl in the mix. Most of these groups still have some roots in popular music in terms of chorus/verse structure, while those are less prevalent in bands like Koenji Hyakkei and Yolk (or even Magma). I also feel as though Zeuhl is more theatrical, but maybe that's besides the point.

Ruin was a wild ride though, thanks!

Have some Xinlisupreme sushi roll!

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