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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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I figure there are at least a handful of city pop loving sushi rolls lurking, or people who would like it if they heard it. This is the album that introduced me to the genre, please enjoy ^^


that feel when no (preferably asian) gf to call me her shyness boy


no better way of making an evening more comfy than with some nice city pop



Nice taste, some real bangers in there.

Gonna throw out a recommendation for Hitomi Tohyama, especially her debut album. Her music is peak comfy and her soulful voice radiates so much warmth and love.


posting my top 3 here, so excuse the spam (they're all from the same channel, but it's great for finding some underground city pop!)




thanks sushi, real nice stuff


I'm not really into city pop, but I had a good laught on this mashup.

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