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Can I get a recommendation for an anime or manga that includes plenty of lolis, shotas too if possible, is absolutely overflowing with fanservice, is unimaginably fucked up, trauma, gore, etc, and ideally has vibrant and complex world-building.

I've already seen made in abyss, elfen lied, and a certain series.

the loli fanservice part is nonnegotiable I want absolutely gratuitous fanservice.


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Boku no Pico


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Seikon no Qwaser maybe. Though imo it got dumb after the oxygen arc. And there are both oppai girls and lolis if that bothers you.


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I watched a few clips, this shit slaps. might be exactly what I'm looking for.
~thankyou my little sushi roll!


uhhh Prism Illya maybe? lol
There is also Kodomo no Jikan
Most shows with lolis don't have really gratuitous fanservice and even fewer have super edgy plots


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Fanservice? You got it. Brutality? Juju shows no mercy. Characters SUFFERING and witnessing trauma inducing things? Plenty of it. World-building? Rich and vibrant. Mahoujin Guru Guru has got it all!

But seriously, it is a genuinely good show with lots of charm to it. I should probably make a proper post about it in the noncurrent anime thread.


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> lolis with plenty of fanservice
> lolis with fucked up shit and little fanservice
Alien 9

actually valid recommendation in this case


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Ooh Alien 9 is a great rec if you want "fucked up shit" lol. It's a really interesting anime. Somewhat spoiler-ey webm related.

Mitsudomoe as well if you just want cuteness with some chubby loli service is a fun show.


I've currently watched Barefoot Gen and it was amazing.

I can also warmly recommend the original Devilman OVAs from the 80s. They have a very dark art style that's lovable.


>I've already seen made in abyss, elfen lied, and a certain series.

A certain series being Kodomo no Jikan? Because if not, that fits exactly what you are looking for.


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I think they mean a certain index/railgun.


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Doku doku mori mori


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any more recs?


>loli fanservice
that's a rare pokemon tbqh
that's also pretty rare just by itself

with your demands you could just start looking up loli ecchi anime and then dismiss whatever you seem unfit
you would be done in no time i think
there have been good recommendations in the thread
if you don't need loli ecchi but just loli-themed anime, you could try mitsuboshi colors
vividred operation would be more ecchi but neither are particularly fucked up


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Dennou Coil and Gunslinger GIrls might be up your alley. I haven't watched them yet, but what I've seen so far at least partly fits your description.

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