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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

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Cottage cheese is yumyum


That's not cottage cheese!

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I will be making the cake of APPELS. what shall go in it? I am taking suggestions.
I have 2 cups of chopped apples that I lightly sauteed in a butter/brown sugar/cinnamon mixture sitting in my fridge. These will be the apple part.

I also have flour, sugar, most spices, baking soda & powder, butter, eggs, and a 9 inch circular baking tin.


At this point you already made the pie and ate it but I'll give you a bump.


Haven't you already listed almost every ingredient for a decent apple pie? The only thing I would suggest are a bit of vanilla and salt for the cake batter.

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A thread for all things vegetable!

What's your favourite vegetable?
What are your favourite veg recipes?
Any vegetarian rolls in the house? Share the things that make veg life comfy!
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if u love cabbage so much why dont you marry it


What's your favourite vegetable?
Potato has so many different forms that I gotta give it it's due. Plus whacking one in the oven for an hour is the easiest meal on the planet.

What are your favourite veg recipes?
Spinach, sweet potato and red lentil dhal is good, though it's a bit of a mission to make.

Never had cabbage in my life. A awful food upbringing has left me without the knowledge of using any leafy greens. Cabbages seem too big to do anything with without throwing most away.


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>What's your favourite vegetable?
Parsnips is the first to come to mind.
They have a very distinct yet subtle taste, along with a soft comforting way of breaking apart when cooked in stews, which makes for a nice texture contrast to other root veggies.

Cabbage is way rougher than something like a head of lettuce, even if you've cut out a piece it lasts at least several days just left out at the counter (YMMV depending on your ambient temps).
Can also turn leftovers into sauerkraut, just add salt, some heavy handling, and time. Haven't tried myself yet but looked through a couple of instruction vids, seems simple enough.
It's good to keep in mind though, even if some nutrients may be destroyed by the heat in many cases absorption is still higher or equivalent cooked because the food is easier to digest.
If you want a healthier alternative there's always steaming.
Better than boiling since water soluble vitamins don't leach out into the cooking water (not relevant if soup since you eat the broth anyway), better than frying cause no created carcinogens and no need for any cooking grease.


I tried to roast some swede (rutabaga) but it came out kinda nasty and bubbly. Anyone know how to do this without fucking it up?

Parsnips are so good. I like to cut them into discs and put black pepper on them.


I eat a lot of frozen veggies - I read that they are still as valuable as fresh and in some specific cases even better.
I love cauliflower and brussel sprouts and brocolli and spinach, as a supplementary to my meat. Also beans, onions, cabbage but those make my stummy hurt. Maybe not the healthiest way, but my favorite way to make them is just a stir-fry.

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Does my lasagna looks nice?
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it looks super good!


lookin good
I've never made lasagna before
Do you have any tips?


>that image
Isn't this a flash game? I could swear I played this on /f/ at some point. Source me someone, please!


It's Air Pressure, made in renpy, there was a flash port too, yes.


What is the white stuff on top?

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I see there's a lunch thread and a breakfast thread, but what about your evening meals?
what do you eat? how late is too late?
and let' see what /kitchen/ can whip

pic related is what i made tonight

>thin-cut pork
>fried in sesame oil
>salt + 'steak spice mix'

>boil small amount of water to make 1 cup of couscous
>don't wanna have just that - add frozen peas
>go further and add 3 stalks of asparagus
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I've made yakisoba every other night this week


Hey, that's a nice blog. You've really done a good job with the photos and the editing.


Potatoes truly are an underrated meal, they taste good while being healthy as well. Also the best thing about them is that you can easily get stuffed.


Which beer are you drinking?


I wish I remembered. Probably some local wheat beer or plain old Sierra Nevada, knowing me.

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Anyone else into soup? Recipe's, thoughts, or techniques?
I've been making lots of sweet potato soups recently. It's pretty cheap, and super tasty. Cutting up the veggies takes a while, but I can make enough at a time to last me a couple days in the fridge. My recipe varies, but usually includes about 2 tbsp olive oil, a couple cups water, a teaspoon salt, and 3 or 4 sweet potatos.
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Made some Sopa de Ajo-ish inspired by chef Johns (FoodWishes) recipe video to make use of some dried out sourdough bread. Chopped up a chorizo into slivers rather than using ham since that was what I had.
Surprisingly delicious with soggy hot bread soup.


I love soup, a lot. I made a load of dumplings today, and had some filling left over - mushrooms, onion, cabbage, carrot, and spices. So I added water, cornflower, edamame beans and peanuts to it, and ate the dumplings in it. So tasty!


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I roasted up some squash, carrots, onions, garlic, and apples, got the immersion blender out and made butternut squash soup. For spices I used nutmeg, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, sage, salt and pepper. Came out super tasty, I'm proud of myself.


Try making them with a roux
Heat up some oil in the pan you're gonna be cooking, put in some sifted flour and let it cook a bit. Once it's ready if you scrape the bottom with a wooden spatula, it should make a clear path and the flour/oil mix should be pinkish at the sides of it.
That's when you add water (room temperature) or stock or whatever else you are using and whisk until you develop Rhabdomyolysis or the water starts to boil. Then you put in the veggies and whatever else you want. Scrape the bottom of the pan every 3-5 minutes when it's boiling, otherwise keep mixing it with a spatula or something when it's not boiling but still cooking, or flour will fry itself to the bottom of the pan. You can also thicken the soup just by adding flour (usually leaves an aftertaste and isn't as nice) when it's boiling or even using stale bread (traditional for Ghoulash).
I'd suggest this for anyone wanting to make soup in this thread. It's basically the easiest way to make an incredibly filling soup if you're on a budget.


Yo, add some type of heavy cream in the middle (the type that holds the shape but isn't too strong in flavour, forgot the name you should know what I mean) and fresh croutons into that.

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Up to this day, I've never understood why people like sweets with their coffee. Whenever I took a bite of a sweet roll and mixed it with a sip of coffee, the coffee just killed the sweet taste of the roll. But now I've found the real purpose of coffee and sweets:

Drinking coffee AFTER eating a bite of something sweet clears your palate with its bitterness and prepares it for the next bite. That way, every bite of the sweet stuff is almost like as if it was the first. While normally sweets would lose their taste after a few bites, coffee "resets" your taste buds.

What combinations do sushi rolls like?
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Whenever I have some cooked leftover potatoes, I like to spread some butter or mayonaise on bread, then put the sliced potatoes on the bread and sprinkle with salt. Depending on the species of potato, it can be a bit bad though.


>potato sandwich
carb overload

I toast my hamburger buns in mayo, though, I will admit. It works alright as a butter substitute. I always put mayo in my sandwiches anyway, so I might as well put it on when I toast the buns. It works well.


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>carb overload
Tastes damn good though. You ever have a chip butty? You put chips in a breadcake and smother it in ketchup/butter, maybe even throw a fried egg on top. It's piff.


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Coffee & Dessert is a nice combo.


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*tea and dessert

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I came across and wanted to share an old cookbook with a neato infographic on spices. What are you favorite ways to spice certain dishes?
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That sounds divine. I'm going to buy amaretto and chocolate tomorrow and make some.


Well ideally wasting food is never good, but I get the feeling a lot of sushis won't want to eat what they cook if it's really bad. I've seen the news articles about people managing to make eggs catch fire.


I love seasoning potatoes with romero and paprika.
Sometimes potatoes do well with a little nutmeg as wel, and of course black pepper.
Black pepper works with everything. Sometimes I like to use oregano too. Or parsley.
Besides that, there's little use of spices in my cooking. I think my food is rather bland. Most people often use either tomato sauce, cream, curry, etc. But I think that's too much. I prefer a somewhat frugal use of condiments generally.
Oh I also use ginger a lot, and garlic too (though I usually do not mix them, it's garlic xor ginger)


Did you do it?


I did! I wanted to wait for a nice rainy night to enjoy it but it took a while to come (the amaretto's almost gone).

It was heavenly, as expected, tastes even better than Italian hot chocolate which I've been trying to find ever since returning to Australia. I used 90% cacao which was very bitter to start with, but the amaretto adds the perfect dash of sweetness.

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Do you like experimenting with food?
What are your best creations?
What were your worst creations?
Ever got something totally unexpected?
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Sometimes I want to gamble for a bit, so this evening I made the following:

- slightly moldy rice I cooked on sunday
- mussels
- onions
- carrots
- ready made pasta verde
- 4 whole eggs
- oil
- soy sauce
- few glowes of garlic preserved in chili oil

Everything fried in a pan. This will be my lunch for tomorrow and I haven't even tasted it. Wish me luck.


It was great. I will make that again (maybe without moldy rice).


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i don't experiment with food all that much due to time and money constraints, but if i see something that looks good ill try to find a recipe online and make it.

So far my favorite thing that I have made would be nikuman! It takes some preparation and waiting though, and the recipe i followed called for quite a few ingredients to get the specific taste. I also ran into some problems with the dough to meat ratio, and found that it was off and i was often left with more meat than i wanted. this could have been due to me just being bad with portions and making the dough the right way. but the end result really paid off it was delicious! as soon as i finished off that batch i went back to make more


Sort of, mostly with sauces but I got a few loose recipes that take well to it. I vaguely remember a couple that turned out good.

'Fast food' Sauce
>1/4 cup mayo
>1-2 tbsp ketchup
>1-3 tsp mustard
>1 tbsp Relish (Or chopped pickles, I use whatever or just the brine)
>Sprinkle of Salt, Pepper, very light sugar (Like a half pinch), smoked paprika, Worcestershire sauce, and vinegar
Mix it up good and let it set for like half an hour to overnight. Good on burgers, fried foods, sandwiches, whatever really. Optionally add finely minced onions, onion power, garlic, or garlic powder.

Bootleg Okonomiyaki
>1 Cup each of flour, dashi stock/water
>1 Egg, beaten
>Chopped green onion or chives
>Minced sushi ginger or ginger with a splash of vinegar
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>Do you like experimenting with food?
Yeah. Often after gaining the basic grasp of a recipe, lets say sauteed potatoes, I do it again, but slightly change things, differently sliced, spiced, oil. Other experiments are were I'm missing one ingredient and I try to replace it.
>What are your best creations?
I say fried potato skins. You get leftover potato skins and put them on a pan with a small bit of peanut oil and start adding spices you like, I did a pinch of cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, and salt, to it while stirring them around. I stop cooking when they're crispy. Depending on how much spice I put I can eat them alone, if I put a little, or I can use them as crunchy topping,if I used a lot of powder.
I would never make the recipe alone though. Only when I have leftover potatoes. I like to add them to mashed potatoes I've made
>What were your worst creations?
Another potato recipe. It was simple sauteed potatoes, but I put way to much oil so whenever I bit into them the oil would leak out ruining the taste.I also put cheese on it which got burnt.
I also made a re-fried beans and mayonnaise taco. Everyone thinks its disgusting, but its OK
>Ever got something totally unexpected?
I tried to make beans and cheese, just a can of beans with a package of Mexican cheese dumped in, and it came out more like a chip dip than actual meal.
One time I sliced potatoes to thin while cooking them and made some pseudo chips

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The sun has finally come out! It was a nice rain the past few days.

I made some pepper sauce today sushigirls. I used bhot jolokia and trinidad scorpion. I've washed my hands about 6 times. Yet, 4 hours later, hen I touch my genitals, my eyes, or my nose, I still get a nice, soothing, burn that lasts over 5-10 minutes. ^^

anyone else a fan of hot peppers?


>anyone else a fan of hot peppers?
Well their music wasn't bad but I wouldn't call myself a fan.

Jokes aside I love spicy stuff so yes, without a doubt.


I really like spice but I'm not familiar with western spices. I mostly eat Chinese food. I tried a hot sauce made with the ingredients of pepper spray and it wasn't as hot as I thought it'd be. I feel like I reached the top of the mountain and it's quite lonely.


I love it, when food makes me sweat and cry while eating and still fuels my desire to devour more. >>606 The chinese cuisine is well designed for that purpose. When I went to china, I had not a single regular dish, that wasn't a feast to nourish from. It also goes surprisingly well with the humidity and heat down there.

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