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How do you like your Coco? Milky? White? Dark? 100% pure and bitter?


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Friendly reminder that sweet white mass, known by commoners as "white chocolate", is not chocolate at all, as it doesn't contain any cocoa solids which give a real chocolate it's chocolatey taste and good chemical stuff.


Thanks for that.
I legit didn't know that until I started eating darker chocolate. At this point I'm chomping down on Baker's bars with a side of cranberries or raisens.


My mom only buys chocolate that is at least 70% and insists on me tasting each new one because "this one is different". Due to this i appreciate darker chocolate more but milky is still the best.
My limit is 75%; i have only tasted 100% once, never again.

Also, cold chocolate is way better than hot chocolate.


Dark for sure, percentage varies depending on what I'm having it with (coffee, tea or nothing). Milk chocolate can be good too but then I prefer the variants with fillings and stuff, the mint and the orange brittle ones are my favourites. Dark chocolate with those are great too.

Also hot chocolate is great spiked with a bit of rum, comfiest way of consuming alcohol I know of, and you can't really drink more than one.


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Milky for sure. But I like all of them except when it's extremely bitter. Think of a bad type of Ovaltine. I don't like malty chocolate or too rich chocolate either such as certain cakes and fudge.


We have a dark chocolate candy with rum filling in the coffee shop. And hot chocolate with amaretto and spices.
Legit comfy.


I generally stay around 65-75% cacao, but I can go higher with fusions such as chili peppers/powder.


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Chocolate tasting is as complicated as wine tasting. I prefer sweet chocolate with butter on white bread and bittersweet chocolate alongside nuts or dried fruits.


>Chocolate tasting
Never have i come across that and never have i wished more to come across something than this right now.


Well I dont know that much about chocolate but I prefer it dark. Not 100% though. Milk chocolate is too sweet for me.


I like my chocolate 100% pure.



>hot chocolate with amaretto and spices
That sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind trying some of that.


Recently bought a lindt 99% cocoa chocolate, but still haven't opened it
I feel like I should eat it on some special occasion since it costed a lot for a chocolate


Don't wait it out, enjoy your good chocolate.


Second zis.
Your special occasion is now.
Make yourself a cup of tea, grab a blanket, and enjoy.


Between 70% and 80%. I bought some at a chocolate shop and the bar is divided into very small rectangles, which is neat for not wanting to chomp the whole thing down. Praline is a no go, because it's sweet heavy and I can't not gobble that shit up in less than one hour


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I want some now. aaaaaaah


I just like to refrigerate some 99% chocolate and munch it down, its crunchy at the start and once it gets in contact with your tongue it starts to melt.


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I like bars that are a bit more thicc than usual, you don't think it'll matter that much but it's like with pasta, changes it up quite a bit even though it's the same thing. Pic related but the dark choco variant is one of my faves.


Sweet things make me ill. I like bitter chocolate, like coffee.


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i love all chocolate, no matter what classification


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A nougat core coatet in marzipan and chocolate is called Baumstamm in Germany. These candy bars are usually sold during Christmas time. That means you can obtain them from September until March or all year around at some places.

Drops of chocolate mixed with crisp bread crumps are also really addictive.

But it's made of cocoa butter, although the content is low compared to darker chocolate.


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One place I've been trying out recently is this one Japanese owned (I'm assuming family?) chocolate place that's amazing. They have a salted caramel bar that's addicting.


I'm not much of a chocolate person
I assume like anything you can get kinda "into" it
All I've ever eaten is grocery store chocolate bars, but I'm a fan of anything with like, dark chocolate and salt. Or those Cadbury bars with the fruit and nuts
I like this image
Her manic smile gives me energy


I like pretty much all chocolate (if its in reasonable amounts) but I especially like dark chocolate but when it comes to milk chocolate nothing beats Milka


Dark Chocolate with a high cocoa butter (fat) content is perfect. A nice combination of smooth melt-in-your-mouth consistency and bitterness. I also like Chocolate Chip Cookies and Double Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.


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Aerated chocolate is my favorite. It seems to be quite underrated compared to other types.


Mostly been fan of white choco, but recently began liking dark chocolate more
holy shit I want Aero now


I have ate a chocolate from Russia, oh my… it was so delicious. I can feel some sort of sweetness and bitterness, that's the best chocolate I ever eat in my life. I wish I can eat it again someday. I forget which brand it was, but I'm pretty sure it's from Russia because my Mom's friend gave it to me

I'm not from Russia but my Mother's friend's husband is working in Russia


Right now I have several bars of 92% Intense Dark Ghirardelli chocolate in my pantry, and I like it a lot. Once I run out though I think I will try their 86% instead.


I never liked that. It tastes stale from the first bite.


Irish chocolate is my fav, I have huge nostalgia for it because I grew up basically living and working in a cultural center where irish dance and Gaelic was taught. Hopefully I get to try it again some day.


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This is my ultimate weakness when I must break my diet


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I like milky better but dark is still fine, with the exception of 80-90% chocolate, I feel like at this point it loses the purpose of being chocolate unless you eat it with something else. My fav kind of chocolate is this. It's milk chocolate with pieces of dry fruits, nuts, and jelly added into it.


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The most of my favorite dessert, another one is wagashi
Exclude bitter. That kind of chocolate is the only exception type
When I have dark chocolate I always cut my tongue


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Most sweets make my tummy ache insanely quickly.
Same goes for salty snacks.
But if i just pour salt or sugar on some cookies, it's not as bad.
Kinda strange but it is what it is.


Not cookies as sugary, those cookies that have no taste whatsoever, and rice cookies


I find some info, but you indicated sugar will make you feel better
It seens to be another reason or multiple causes


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>Someone who is lactose intolerant will have trouble digesting lactose, which is the sugar found in milk. This intolerance causes one or more of the digestive issues noted.
That is interesting, I am lactose intolerant after all, so this may play something.
But also the sugar that I used is a "light" one, so this is also another thing to take into account


I like dark chocolate a lot. I prefer it over other forms of chocolate, like milk. The taste of dark chocolate is the first thought that comes into my head when discussing it.


Try making honey candies. They're real easy to make and very healthy! It's basically just honey that has been either frozen or baked into hard candy. You can add cinnamon to make it spicy if you like.

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