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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

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hello sushis. hot dog conosiour here. what do u put on your hot dog? i usually go with ketchup, dijon, relish, and kraut.
cant go wrong with a hot dog :-)


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heya sushi
if I can have anything, I go all in with mustard, tomato, celery salt, peppers, tomatoes, onion. the only thing I skip on is relish, it's just not my thing.

most of the time I eat bratwurst though not gonna lie


Crab, shrimp, cucumber, ginger, wasabi

wait what?


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My favorite is probably mayo, mustard, ketchup and kimchi, though I'd add onions and pickles if they were what i had instead of kimchi

I had never thought of tomatoes, I'll have to try them sometime


lots of things I've never tried in this thread. Sauerkraut is probably my favorite. Kimchi sounds really good, will try


Usually either relish & onions or spicy mustard, depending on what I'm in the mood for. I usually put sauerkraut on kielbasa, but I've never really thought to put it on a regular hot dog before. Maybe I'll try that at some point.


I'll usually have a Chicago style dog without tomato, or, mustard, bbq sauce, and relish


I have a "Chicago dog" every time I end up in O'hare airport for a layover. Very tasty, the pickled pepper on it is a really good topping.


> o’hare
God rest your soul


Hah, layovers suck but to be honest I'm always so tired that they all suck more or less equally, regardless of what airport I end up at. I'm just happy I'm able to travel to see family and such.


Crispy fried onions are the best.


If you have ever been to a convention or concert or other big event, and seen those street vendors out front with the grill carts grilling hot dogs, buy one. They are the absolute best and I always get one when I have the chance, even though they are usually a bit overpriced.

Here in California they are always wrapped in a strip of bacon, and usually the vendor will add ketchup, mustard, mayo, grilled onions, and a piece of jalapeno if you ask for it. It may just be a California thing, I'm not sure. They taste amazing fresh off the cart and usually cost $6 or $7. If it's a big event, the venue will be swarming with grill carts.


That pepper is called a "sport". A proper Chicago style is poppy seed bun, all beef dog like a Vienna, celery salt, diced onion, atomic green relish, mustard, thin tomato wedges, sport peppers.


crispy fried onions, pickles, ketchup and mustard are all I need


Thanks for educating the people.

Everyone knows Chicago for the hot dogs and deep dish, but my favorite classic Chicagoan food is Italian beef, and I never hear out of towners talk about it.

Never order an “Italian beef” anywhere in the Midwest but Chicago. They do not know what it is and will try to kill you with whatever wretched sandwich they assume an Italian beef is.


Hot, sweet and make her dripping. The underrated speciality.


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Honestly I love exactly what is in that picture. Except in place of pickle relish, I usually use zucchini relish. It's great! If you've never had any, try to find a jar at a grocery store in your area or make your own. I tend to make mine with a wee bit of sweetness in it to balance the tartness of the brine/vinegar. For me, that allows it to pair very well with the acidity that (ideally) white onion provides. Some very thin slivers of raddish can also be nice, in place of the onion.


I preffer to go with stronger mustard, normally colemans. I got my hands on some super strong estonian mustard a while ago and that was reallly good on a hot dog.


I keep it simple with just ketchup and fried onions


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Here in the beautiful country of Chile one of our most common dishes is the completo italiano! also known in some places as just a "completo".
It's a hot dog with chopped tomatoes, mashed avocado, and mayonnaise.
I usually eat mine without mayo (can't really stand the taste >_>) and instead add ketchup and mustard. I also like to make sure my avocado is properly mashed and I give it a bit of lemon for taste. It's pretty good! ^_^


Its gotta be sauerkraut, fried onions, and grainy mustard for me.


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Seattle dog. Cream cheese, onions, sometimes other stuff too.


Usually just mayo and mashed potatoes, maybe ketchup or pepper sauce if I feel like it. Not a big hot dog guy.


Corn, cheese and bacon. I prefer mustard over ketchup.


I wanna go to a gourmet hotdog place or something now. I like red hotdogs but I don't think there's much to them other than food dye


Onions, pepperoncini, mustard, tabasco, and ketchup. Very sweet and tangy, with a hint of spicy.


Chicago dog, but I want to try white coleslaw on a hot dog as well.


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no mention of the venerable chilidog?

I also do a beef hot dog (they must always be beef, the chicken/pork ones aren't hotdogs, just affronts to taste.) with sauerkraut and mustard.


I love hotdog


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Who knew a hotdog without any condiments can still look so delectable. I think there is much to learn from this hotdog, as it humbly demonstrates how sometimes less can be more. While it can be argued that a line of ketchup or mustard could guide it even further towards perfection, i invite you to recognize the virtue of its simplicity as it holds endless possibilities within it. Like fire hotdog preaches its dharma to those who are ready to listen.


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For a regular hotdog, just a standard ketchup and mustard. Fry up some onion if I'm feeling particularly fancy. Not really much of a hotdog topping culture where I am.

But something hotdog adjacent I love, is a tunnbrödsrulle (literal translation: thin bread roll, tunnbröd being a type of flat bread). Essentially a large warm wrap, with hotdog/sausage, mashed potatoes, lettuce, raw onion, maybe some condiments. Supposedly there should be shrimp salad in it as well but I've never had one come with it.
Delicious and actually filling compared to a regular hotdog, but easier to eat standing/walking than a burger or something. Perfect streetfood.
Haven't had one in years, could really go for one right now.

That sounds delicious! Love avocado, gonna have to try that out sometime.


I can’t stand how hotdogs taste so salty.

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