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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

nom nom nom

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Happy Christmas!
It's that time of year again! What sweet treats will you eat this Christmas? Do you follow the traditions or are you preparing something unconventional and fancy?


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My wife is preparing a Swiss roll this year. I've been asking her to make Stollen for the past few years, welp, maybe next year. She did look up the recipy this year, though, we're getting close.
I love her baking anyway, no matter what she prepares.


My mom and I always bake lots of cookies
My favorites are cinnamon stars and marzipan hearts!


Mmmmmmm marzipan. So underrated


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I'm mostly into cookies. Simple christmas cookies are great. I make them every year without the frosting, because then they become too sweet. Spice speculoo cookies are my favourite in the stores. They go so well with milk tea or coffee. Vanillekipferl (vanilla flavoured crescent cookies) can be incredibly delicious, however they have to be freshly baked.

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