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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

nom nom nom

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>beef "well"ington
>cooked rare


I had one of these things last saturday. It was astoundingly tasty.






You just blew this thing wide open!


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Grilled cheese.
I'm not from the USA, so let me take you on my voyage of discovery.
Where I'm from a grill is a hot element, usually built in to your oven, that cooks things from above with radiant heat.
Cheese on toast, cooked under a grill is common here. So when I heard people talking about grilled cheese I imagined it was similar.

But then I saw it and realised no, this isn't mere cheese on toast. There are two layers of bread, a whole sandwich.
This hot cheesy concoction is what I would call a toastie. I wouldn't ideally use the grill, but it works well enough.
Mystery solved, until I found out that what I call a grill is known as a broiler in most of the USA.
And it's not a broiled cheese, so how is it cooked?
I asked a friend, what do they call a grill?
They explained it's a hot flamey contraption with a wire rack over it that you use outside.
Aha, a barbecue I thought!
But surely you wouldn't barbecue a sandwich.
So, I ask, how do you cook a grilled cheese?
It's fried, they reply.



>chicken fried steak
No he fucking didn't


Alton Brown attempted to solve this issue.


In a fryer?


That's a montecristo


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I thought Mystia's Izakaya made this food up. Like there's no way something this fucked up could be real.

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