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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

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Can we talk about dishes that don't require a lot of effort to cook?
Do you have some tips to make a relatively simple dish taste great, or maybe enhance something that doesn't even need to cooked?
For example, for the most delicious cheese toast ever, try to spread a layer thin or thick, don't be afraid to experiment!
of mayo on a slice of bread should be a really soft type of bread, white farmhouse is perfect. Avoid thin slices then cook on a frying pan with the mayo facing down. While the breads cooks, put the cheese on it so it can melt. Fry until the mayo side is of a golden color. Do the same for the other slice of bread.

I dunno if anyone else knew about this, most people just build the sandwich and pop it in the oven.
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i'm a gymbro and also don't like cooking complicated meals so i've got plenty. here's a few:

breakfast (outside of just fried egg and toast): i love making breakfast burritos. cook sausage in a pan, and just before it's done add whipped egg, salt/pepper, and whatever veggies or other additives you want. i like to do mushrooms and diced tomato. only takes one pan and you can make a decent amount in one go. egg sandwiches are simple too. boil 2-3 eggs, peel them, mash them in a bowl with mayo or cream cheese, put em on toast with cheese. for a sweeter breakfast, greek yogurt with honey and berries is always good.

lunch: chicken/pork salad or wraps. the only thing you have to cook is the meat, everything else is just refrigerated and put straight in. i like doing chicken salad with leaf spinach, cheese, mushrooms, croutons, and a dressing. wraps are basically the same thing just in a low-carb wrap.

dinner: if i don't make anything listed above i like to do chicken/pork with rice (classic gymbro move) but i always cook my rice in chicken broth. makes it taste better for basically no extra work or calories. baked mac n cheese is also nice as you can do it without a roux instead substituting it for egg, milk, and cheese and it'll saucify in the oven. you can also add meats and veggies to this.


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doushigatai special recipes for when you're alone:

Seafood Pasta with White Sauce
Boil noodles & strain. Add canned fish and pickled vegetables or olives. Stir in some mayonnaise. (can also be served with rice or bread instead of noodles)

Brothless Egg Ramen
Boil instant ramen noodles and 1-3 cracked eggs in a pot. Strain. Transfer to a plate or bowl and mix in about half the seasoning packet. Drink lots of water with this.

(moderate effort variation) - Boil chopped cabbage with the noodles/egg, and instead of the seasoning packet, mix some soy sauce, mayonnaise, horseradish, mustard, and ground peppercorn for that ippei-chan yakisoba flavor.

Microwaved Stuff on Rice
Soup? Chili? Lentils? Vegetables? Fish? If it comes in a can, it's probably good if you heat it up and mix it with some rice. Add mayonnaise as needed.

Chicken Thigh Stir Fry (moderate effort & requires 2 pots or pans)
Pan fry chicken thighs (real ones, not the boneless/skinless crap) in cooking oil and soy sauce. Boil frozen vegetables. Add vegetables to chicken after they are boiled and the chicken is cooked. Season with spicy pepper. Serve on rice or noodles, or eat with bread. Good thighs will have a little blood around the bones even when fully cooked so don't worry about it.
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I fry onions, garlic, cashew nuts and tofu in a pot. Then pour a grocery store premade soup in. Add my favourite spices, and the result is nutritious and super tasty!!


A fast breakfast I usually make is overnight oats. I don't even use yogurt for mine. I usually do 1C oats to 1C plant milk, a glob of peanut butter or small handful of nuts or both or a bit a tahini. It all works. Then, add fruits for sweetness (I like dates, but cut up fruit always works), and spice. I have a pre-mix, but literally any spice works. I usually have a blend a cinnamon, cloves, allspice, ground coriander, and something else. I don't remember. I also love a lot of powdered ginger.

The recipe can be made in like, 15 minutes the night before or even faster if you're using dried fruit. The spice mix can be bought (I used to use a pumpkin pie mix before it ran out) or even made.

And for the other meals, I usually make a soup and eat it for days. lol.


Sometimes I buy an ingredient that only comes in bulk and I end up at a loss as to how to use all of it up since I only cook for myself. One of those things is corn tortillas. I stumbled accross this for them:

2-3 tortillas roughly chopped
2-3 eggs, cracked and beaten
oil, i usually use tallow or avacado

Fry the tortillas, stirring occasionally, till you have some nice crispy spots, my goal is to have some different textures usually. Just be sure to stir enough that they don't burn.
Salt them while stirring.

Once you're happy with the tortillas, pour in the eggs while stirring everything. Keep stirring and flipping till the eggs are cooked.
Bowl it up, it's tasty as is and goes great topped with salsa, queso fresco, avacado, loads of things. It has a very satisfying texture.
The funny thing is that I now buy corn tortillas specifically to make this rather than making tacos or what have you.

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hello sushis. hot dog conosiour here. what do u put on your hot dog? i usually go with ketchup, dijon, relish, and kraut.
cant go wrong with a hot dog :-)
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Usually just mayo and mashed potatoes, maybe ketchup or pepper sauce if I feel like it. Not a big hot dog guy.


Corn, cheese and bacon. I prefer mustard over ketchup.


I wanna go to a gourmet hotdog place or something now. I like red hotdogs but I don't think there's much to them other than food dye


Onions, pepperoncini, mustard, tabasco, and ketchup. Very sweet and tangy, with a hint of spicy.


Chicago dog, but I want to try white coleslaw on a hot dog as well.

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I made noodles :)
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I used to eat the Ippei-chan "night shop yakisoba" noodle bowls a lot. Comes with mayonnaise to put on top of it after cooking.



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Me too


What laptop, sushi roll?


I really love chili oil noodles, so easy to make and so yummy! Need to go out and buy the right noodles though, last time I opened the pack and it got moldy.

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Last night I made Tuna steaks, broccoli and yellow peppers sauteed in soy sauce, fried brussel sprouts topped with kewpie, some kimchi, and a fried tortilla.
All washed down with a golden sip.
What did you have for dinner?
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Fish and chips. It was nice to break up the chicken and beef we were having for a while.


What are those keyboard switches


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Are we SURE this is oyakodon


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Now that is more like it


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winner, winner
chicken dinner

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Obligatory sushi thread time.
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Yes! It was great because it was so different from what I usually eat. I especially liked my rolls with wasabi!


I remember when I ate sushi for the first time. I ate a good chunk of wasabi on its own.
It burned a lot and soured my experience with sushi, but it might be me not eating it properly


What's your take on salmon, sushis? I'm aware salmon wasn't used as an ingredient until the XX century but salmon is so tasty and moreso with rice I just love salmon sushi.


Salmon is my favourite type of fish. It's so versatile and enticing with the bright red colour, the subtle taste and melting consistency when prepared right.


honestly, never had a proper salmon. i really like it in salmon pâté or canned in potato sauce

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sup sushirolls upload your cookbook pdfs, tasty recipes, and pics of recipes you've made here!
if you think cooking is not awesome go watch shokugeki no souma
>pic check out the castiron takoyaki pan i found

i'll start

heres a torrent for the modernist cuisine book series pdfs

heres a book on the science of cooking

heres another book on japanese bbq/grill

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to be fair, my friends are incredibly picky eaters. Which makes me sad, I never get to go out to cool restaurants with them.


No, I'm not that ignorant, I know apple pie is an American thing. I just also know that offal is not really considered something you eat in the Anglosphere for some inane reason. I guess it's not fair to rag on Americans for that, they inherited the British penchant for absolute shit taste.

What do you mean by cool restaurants tho? Even if you only eat steak and stuff there's plenty of great ones, almost no matter where you are.


>I just also know that offal is not really considered something you eat in the Anglosphere for some inane reason.
Yeah I want to cook with it some more. It's very cheap and makes cooking fun when it's something you've never had.
>What do you mean by cool restaurants tho?
Just like, any kind of foreign cuisine really. Steaks or pizza or whatever is fine, but I'd like someone to go get sushi with or something y'know


Taste is subjective, roll.


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- 1 head of cauliflower
- 5 to 6 eggs, hard boiled
- 1 small onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1/2 to 1 cup of mayo
- salt, pepper, vinegar, dashi powder, dill
- olive oil

Cut and crumble up the cauliflower, add a splash of oil and mix well with salt and pepper. Bake it for 15min at 230°C (446°F) on a baking sheet. Meanwhile boil the eggs hard, put them in cold water with some baking soda, after peeling the shell off put them in another bowl ow water with some vinegar. Let everything cool down and mix it in a large bowl (without the water but) with a fork. Very finely chop the onion (or grate it), grate the garlic, add dill, dashi, vinegar, salt and pepper to taste (it should be quite spicy). Lastly add the mayonnaise.

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 No.254[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do you guys eat for breakfast?

i usually eat fried eggs, coffee with milk and sometimes i buy something to eat at uni
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recently i am a big believer in the humble fried egg on rice with laoganma


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I usually make tuna and cream cheese sandwiches, with protein shakes (I add bananas, blueberry or strawberries). I also usually have oatmeal for breakfast and what I can never miss in my breakfast is an boiled egg.


Depending on how late I wake up and if/when I work that day, sometimes I will throw some frozen hashbrowns in the oven, sometimes I will eat breakfast at the work cafeteria, sometimes I will skip breakfast, or sometimes I will have some hot food at 7-Eleven on the way to work. Occasionally I will make scrambled eggs with cheddar at home for breakfast. If I am being especially lazy at home but still want eggs, poached eggs with toast is nice too.

I live in a cramped apartment with many roommates and a small kitchen, so working much in the kitchen can be annoying; I mostly save that for days I am on dinner duty.


Just 2 packets of sweet porridge


On good days I usually a tiny vanilla birthday snack cake from the convenience store. Most days I don't eat till 4pm and its usually pizza or some chicken tenders from my job

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post your boydinners! there's no shame in a meal that Just Werks™.
"what is a boydinner", you ask? Barbarically simple but effective meals that you'd only eat on your own. Mine tonight was two pork loins with a handful of cheese cubes.

despite the name, non-boys are (obviously) welcome to share as well.


this is just a worse version of girldinner!!


exactly. that's where the term came from! :)


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Let's all love ginger.

Do you like ginger? How do you prepare ginger? Do you store fresh ginger or are you okay with using it dried/powdered? Do you make ginger ointment, candles or anything else? Tell me all about ginger!


Grated ginger with honey on buttered bread. Do it!

The ginger combines with the honey into some sort of ginger jam and mixes with the butter if you toast your bread. It's really great in the morning to get that slight sugar rush and an extra kick from the ginger. The taste is based on the butter and bread, while the ginger and honey lay the middle ground and reach up into the higher ends of your palate.

Goes well with earl grey tea.


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I use the squeeze ginger sometimes in cooking.


Candied ginger must taste amazing, woah.


I remember trying it as a kid and saying it tasted like a Christmas tree

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Hello there dear sushis!!
have you ever try making curry? do you have a favorite recipe? spicy or sweet? any good advice for curry?

>lately i'm very into making the le blanc curry but i want to use a good coffee and chocolate.
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I make Rajma Marsala as well as curries with tofu, chickpeas, and lentils. I've also made Japanese curry two times now. The first time was with a beef substitute, which was okay. I didn't particularly like it. The second time was with fried tofu. That was also okay, but it took way too much effort. I also changed up the recipe from the standard box curry to one that included ginger, garlic, and a very ripe banana, smashed in there. Next one's gonna be tofu again, but I'm going to crush all the water and crumble it in. I really like the potatoes, but not much crowding the curry. From what I see in other people's images, that's the right way to do it. I still think I'd like it a lot more with the crumbled tofu. Then, I'll probably add a grated apple, chocolate, or something else. Probably not at once, of course. I'm also seeing how well it freezes. I'm going to unfreeze my Japanese curry and see how it lasted.

I still prefer regular, Indian curry more. Japanese curry seems to be a pale comparison of Indian curry. Like, you can tell it's curry, but there's something off about it. I usually do potatoes, carrots, and mushrooms to my curry, by the way. It'll be fun to experiment more with different vegetables, too. Japanese curry might not be like Indian curry, but it's charming with its variety.


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I made some curry with chicken katsu the other day, it was excellent!


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Looks so good! :3


that looks amazing, cook for me please!


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