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Espresso is nice. Espresso thread anyone? What kinda kit do you have? What kinda drinks do you like?
Here's my pics for home espresso starter kit:


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A regular stove-top pot and a cheap electric grinder. I pretty much just drink caffelatte or mocaccino. I sometimes use espresso as an ingredient when I make cakes and it's pretty nice.


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>not buying raw caffee beans
Expresso is fast food tier caffee sushi roll-kun.


Oh, this thread is just for me.

Espresso is really nice but i really can't afford a proper machine as of now, and don't want to settle for a subpar capsule machine or a cheap plastic delonghi i'd regret buying anyway.
I'm saving up for a gaggia classic though! The newest model has a nice steel boiler and still can be modded with a rancilio pannarello, making it a very solid choice against a Silvia.

I'm still on french press, though. The hario mini mill is a great grinder for that, but if i want to make moka or aeropress i'd need to use a better grinder since the ceramic burrs aren't very stable without modding and even so they tend to rub against each other on a fine setting. Turns out i can make consistent and fine grinds on a cheap manual burr i bought from a coffeeshop from colombia.
I also have experience with a baratza encore, it's really great for its price and probably more cost effective than the more expensive proposals the brand has, although i'd still prefer something better if i were to get into espresso since it still struggles with consistent fines.

There was an interesting manual conic burr grinder on kickstarter a while ago, but i'm still waiting for opiions on that. The creator claims it can outperform a Vario at half the price with the option of ceramic burrs, but i don't buy it yet.

You'd be surprised at how poorly made espresso is when you can't control its really precise and unforgiving brewing variables. Most bars in italy can't make espresso for shit even though everybody drinks it. Water temperature, pre-infusion, grind consistency and size, grain amount, tamping pressure on an even coating and extraction times are usually all eyeballed, and while it sounds extremely pretentious, it all gives very much noticeable results. Most coffeeshops don't even clean their grinders, grind their coffee fresh or use decent blends. It's rather surprising given its popularity.

Can we talk about other brew methods besides espresso here? I am really aching to get a hario siphon extractor, since i ever managed to try some coffee from one i've fallen in love with its product!


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i drink filter.

and nescaf.

look at this dank webm of a japanese man making filter.


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I'm a poorfag so all I have is a stovetop and a chemex for drip. I am working two jobs, one at a high-end tea place and one at a coffee shop, so I have been delving into both drinks pretty heavily. I have a lot to learn, but the whole process is fascinating.


That was pretty dank. Looks like a process that would take patience.
I like nescaf, or no-name freeze dried coffee. It's neat cause you can put two cups worth of coffee into one cup of coffee. But it tastes weird.
I've never used one of those stovetop espresso situations. How do you find them?


I'm not a caffee expert but according to my father that kinda is one, a mid game brewing machine with raw beans give you the best quality/price as long term talking capsules end up more expensive and inferior quality wise.
If I'm correct he buys some Caffé Baqué Edition Degustation (it's a yellow package), it is quite good indeed.


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i like making a bunch of coffee in a kitchen pot then straining the grounds out and boiling it down into a concentrate with sugar, and making coffee milk (`・ω・´)
aside from that, I'd like to get a coffee grinder and grind the beans at home from then on, for when I'd rather just make some coffee and dilute it with alot of milk rather than making the concentrate, so that'll taste better.
Not that it'll make concentrates taste better, their taste is dominated by the kinda burned flavor reducing them gives. But im usually too lazy to make them.


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I've wanted to try boiling down coffee. It makes sense that it would cause burnt flavour though. Maybe if you just started with a higher coffee to water ratio.
Where do you get the stuff? I'm a fan of costco beans, or really any old beans from the grocery store…
Yeah, capsules suck. I'm a big fan of pump driven vs steam driven machines. Cheap pump driven machine is the best you can do if you like espresso.


It'd probably have less of that if you were more careful about where you stopped the reduction than I am.
I like the burnt flavor, though.


You know, as a caffeine addict myself, I've always considered making coffe an art of sorts. A ritual if you will.
I dislike making coffee on an automated machine. I like to go through the process because it feels more rewarding. I also get to enjoy the smell of the ground bean as I'm pouring them on water (I make it by boiling water then throwing the bean on top), and paying special attention to the exact measure so it doesn't end up too bitter or too bland.
The end result is always better and the process gets me in the right mood for coffee.

I also think that coffee shops are absolute shit at making espresso. They just don't care, they make some bitter shit, and coffee is an art.



This webm made me craving for a coffee right now.
It may sound as a stupid question, but how is the coffee-filter holding thing he is using called.
Wanna buy one. Used to love filter coffee but I am not having it anymore.
Can I use a blender to grind coffee beans?


If there's a specific name for them, I searched "single cup coffee filter" on google and they show up for 20-40$ could prolly find one at used thing store.
I'd bet you could use a blender if you blended enough beans at a time. You would get inconsistent ground size, but I don't think that's as much a problem for non-espresso coffee methods. You may be better of buying pre-ground stuff though.


They are quite an easy find, any store that sells cooking supplies should have them. It can make some quite good espresso if brewed correctly. Very cheap as well…


oh, I love coffee. I use to drink a lot of espresso. Now I'm unemployed and I can't afford the coffee beans I like.

I've an entry tier poemia espresso machine and a old grinder I found on my grandma's house. (I'll upload pics later)


very comfy! Just landed a job at a coffee shop, and one of the perks is getting to bring home any extra beans (and free drinks of course).


>Where do you get the stuff?
Local vendor in my city [south france]


i have the same machine you do actually.
tough little bugger, does the job, but i've never tried the milk frother on it

as for beans


African Bean is the goodstuff


The only espresso I ever really drink is from my moka pot, and it's been a while since I've used that. This thread kinda put me in the mood for it, though. Maybe I'll make some in the morning.

The brewing method is called pour-over, and the vessel is usually just referred to as a "pour-over dripper". I can't really tell which exact brand the one in the video is, but it looks similar to a Bee House. Also the glass container isn't necessary, a lot of people drip straight into the mug.

>Can I use a blender to grind coffee beans?

you COULD, but the results wouldn't be very good. too inconsistent, you'd get some grounds over-extracted while others are severely under-extracted. There are some cheap manual burr grinders that work really well as long as you keep them clean.

tried some Guji from a local roaster this morning. Usually Ethiopian is too fruity for my taste but it was p good.


oh, that's a good move.

Sometimes I dream about having a coffee shop (or working in one) in some quiet corner of a big city in Europe or something and playing some comfy music while serving customers. #coffeedreamz


These menial simple jobs are too comfy. I dream about running a sci-fi themed pizzeria, designing new owns, being nice to employees, giving away free pizza to homeless in the evening, etc



Can you say more about your pizza oven designs? I don't think they've ever been explored in a sci-fi setting and I'm really interested to hear your take on them.


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So a while ago I invested a small amount of money 18 pounds in a cheap filter coffee machine and it rejuvenated my love for coffee. It's just so good. Even tho Starbucks may be the McDonald's of coffee, I discovered that they sell whole beans and you can have them ground on the spot.
Should I buy a grinder tho?
Does it make a difference in taste if I grind the beans myself before preparing coffee, if I make filter?


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Grinding just before brewing makes a difference. Coffee is good no matter what of course.


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I was staying at my mums apartment for easter and then we got lockdown'd, thank god I brought most of the coffee stuff from home. This is the little coffee corner I set up in the kitchen. The tap water down here is really bad for brewing, it doesn't extract flavour at all, but we had a six pack of water bottles spare so I've been using bottled water and WOW what a difference. So much more flavour, I had to grind coarser to try and balance out all the new acidity flavours that got extracted from the lighter roast beans.

I've ordered some new beans, a Costa Rican and a decaf Colombian. Hopefully I can make a good coffee out of it, it would be nice to be able to make coffee later in the day without worrying about the caffeine.

Is that your process? I love the gif, might make one of my morning aeropress routine. I can't wait to get an espresso machine, not least it would be nice to be able to make lattes for family who don't drink black filter. nice keeb btw

I left my Moka Pot at home and kind of regretting it now, Aeropress is good but I miss my afternoon faux espresso.


I'm out of my usual bushido instant coffee, our coffee shop is closed so I can't do coffee at work, I don't have and can't get a hand grinder. I've made a ghetto drippa from a stainless steel strainer left from my old broken hario kyusu maru teapot, a common paper towel, a domestic electric kettle and put subpar preground coffee in it. It works, that's all I can say.
Quitting smoking was easier than to live a week without caffeine.


Got the same grinder as your gif, can confirm it is worth it and not very expensive. Also the whole room will smell lovely


I ended up modifying that grinder so it has smaller espresso grinds. How do you find the size?
Yeah, not shown was emptying out portafilter. [spoiler]thanks it's a rk61[/spoiler]


I don't have a proper espresso machine like yours, but the sizes have been good for filter coffee and I think they're called "Moka Pots" (the stove ones). How did you modify it though?


I think aeropress faux espresso is ok too. Do normal, not inverted, with a fine grind and tamp it. I happen to have a glass jar that fits perfectly as a tamper, but otherwise maybe a shot glass is around the right size? I can pour water on top, and until I start applying pressure no liquid will come through the filter.

It should be hard to apply pressure, and the coffee should run out in about 15 seconds of pushing. If it's too fine or too much coffee (I do 17g of coffee and water short of the 2 marking on the side) it will take longer, and of course if the liquid just runs through without pressure it will be pretty bad.

Afterwards I have just a little golden foam on the coffee and much drier grounds than my normal inverted method aeropress coffee, so I take that as a sign I'm kinda approximating espresso. That and the taste.


maybe a bit more than 15 seconds, and make sure to hold on tightly to the mug or whatever


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Thanks for the recipe, I'll give this a go for my afternoon decaf coffee. I've got a La Pavoni on the way and bought a ton of espresso gear to go with it, so now I have a tamper I can use that fits in the aeropress.

I'll post pics when the La Pavoni arrives if anyone is interested.

Update on the decaf beans: they're great. Took a while to get grind and temp right but they're really nice, taste just like a regular ol' single origin coffee, with a bit more acidity and sweetness. I highly recommend trying a fancy decaf if you don't want the caffeine.

Also, look at the Fellow cups I got for my birthday! They're beautiful and double walled ceramic too. Very pricey but so nice.


Ha, I don't remember exactly, it was some years ago now. I took it apart and looked at the mechanism, I think it had a gear for adjusting with a peg that stopped it from going too small, so I must have broke or bypassed the peg… that or there was some shimming. I also took off the adjustment knob once I got it to a grind size I liked.
I don't usually tamp with the aeropress, I find I kick up the grounds with pouring in water anyway… maybe this is my problem with it.
definitely interested in pics


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A few days in and I've already learned so much.
Lesson 1: It really, really wants fresh beans. At first I was using the now 3 week old beans I had left while waiting for the new ones, and they just didn't quite cut it. When the new beans arrived it was a world of difference.

Lesson 2: Never give up! It took a few days to really get an actual espresso shot, rather than watery strong coffee. Learning all the new variables was overwhelming but I got there in the end. Everything being so manual is such a cool process when you figure it out, it sure takes a while longer but it's so fun!

But oh boy when it all comes together it's amazing. Here's this mornings cappuccino (latte art is still a WIP), tastes great, although I'm finding myself having just double espressos most of the time cause they're so good.


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images got screwed up, here's the actual cappuccino


Only tamp with aeropress if you’re trying to make an espresso like Coffee. I like a cup of inverted method coffee using a lighter roast a lot, and never really tried to make “espresso” with it, but recently I’ve found you tamp it, you can make the aeropress make something kinda like espresso. Without tamping it’s impossible.


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My french press arrived today and I started practicing.


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I just do what my Nonni taught me: grounds in mokka go brrr, feel free to roast me sushis

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