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Anyone else into soup? Recipe's, thoughts, or techniques?
I've been making lots of sweet potato soups recently. It's pretty cheap, and super tasty. Cutting up the veggies takes a while, but I can make enough at a time to last me a couple days in the fridge. My recipe varies, but usually includes about 2 tbsp olive oil, a couple cups water, a teaspoon salt, and 3 or 4 sweet potatos.


I dont make it often but sometimes I make tomato soup from fresh or canned crushed tomatoes and its very very nice, and easy.


Soup is good. I find I always make too much though.

Not making it much now as certain types of produce are out of stock where I buy from and I will just wait till this years harvest to start making soup again.

Three vegetable soup seems to be the best type that I have come up with.
Have a base vegetable like carrots. (carrot soup on it's own is good too)
Then have a filler vegetable like potatoes.
Lastly add in something to change the flavour/texture in some way. For this I will use things like kale stems and maybe some kale leaf. It is a good way to make use of parts of the vegetable you might not otherwise eat.
Salt to taste. With salt you also cannot go wrong with basil.
Maybe add some black pepper.
No measurements, just throw what you want in a pot of water and go. More potatoe gives more fullness, more carrot give more sweet/richness, and more kale stem/leaf gives more texture in this example.
Heat to nearly a boil then put a lid on and simmer on lowest heat for a few hours.

Nothing quite like having a nice soup sitting on the window sill to cool and filling the whole room with that nice soup smell.


This thread inspired me to make some potato soup myself yesterday.
It was pretty good, and I still have enough for later today. I should make soup more often.



Care to share the recipe?


Oh, it was nothing fancy.
Just diced potatoes, carrots and celery. Let that simmer for a while, add some spice and use a hand blender to make it more soup-y.


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My roommate has one of these. I never knew I needed one until I used it to mash sweet potato soup. Makes nice spoon sized chunks, and cleans easy. Would recommend.


i'm eating (drinking? it's in a mug) some carrot and ginger soup right now. it's pretty good, i need to add more carrot though


I usually just get a whole lot of veg (usually sweet potato, pumpkin, onion, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach), chop as required and throw into a stock pot with; water, garlic, ginger, thyme, rosemary and a few bay leaves. Bring that up to a gentle rolling boil and throw in a couple of large skinless chicken breasts and let in all go for a few hours. Take the chicken out and shred it with a fork, take the bay leaves and rosemary out and blitz the rest until it's at a relatively smooth consistency. Throw the chicken back in and bam, veg and chicken soup that's delicious.


I like thinner soups as a light snack, but i've only ever had instant stuff. Does anyone know a good (preferably easy) recipe for a lighter soup?


what do you mean by light soup?
would that mean, say, a thinner soup without meat?
if so, i don't have any specific recipes unfortunately, but most soups are hard to fuck up, so it's worth just googling stuff


the perspective on that is messing with my brain


More watery I guess


mother just made soup with beans and fish and tomato and peppery stuff (´>ω<`)


Thanks for this I was really trying to decide on something to make tomorrow and this will his the spot just about perfectly actually.


Fill the pot with water, add a bit of salt, throw some chicken parts you like - legs, thighs, breasts. Important: chicken parts must have bones in them, otherwise soup will taste really bland. Boil really slow for 40min. If some sort of foam starts floating in pot, take it off with a spoon, it will make soup clearer. As it boils, clean and cut potatos, then carrots (as small as possible). Throw them in and boil for 20 or so minutes. After adding veggies, wait for 10 minutes and taste for salt. I like it medium-salted, some people like it unsalted. In the last 5 minutes, cut dill and parsley (dried, fresh, frozen - whichever you have) and add. You can also add stuff (bellpeppers, cabbage, spices) and remove things you don't eat. It's light and really easy on stomach.

In general, soups are easy to cook and eating a bowl of good hot soup can get you really comfy when the weather is rainy and it's cold and grey.


Just made some chicken soup, due to inspiration from this thread.
I think this may have actually been the first soup I ever did.
Anyway, I dropped in some Onions, a ton of Garlic and Carrots, and Mushrooms, and Noodles.
Tasted quite good, although I think I should have put in fewer carrots.
Soup is so easy, and so nice, especially in this kind of weather.
This may become my fall of soup.


here are some of my favourite soup recipes
i'm aware the split pea soup looks like vomit but if you're a fan of potato leek you might find them similar and enjoy it like i did, it was a comfy winter food for me growing up in a province in canada that can get to -50 celsius in winter
if anyone's interested i can try to find my russian indigenous friend's extremely old heirloom rabbit stew recipe… i haven't tried it yet bc i want to try trapping my own rabbits for the meat in it but it sounds very good


These are quite useful.

Typically I boil the potatoes/yams/whatever until they're soft, drain, put in a bowl/container with a little butter/cream, and go gangbusters with a wooden spoon.


I made some mushroom soup today. It was good.


Soup sounds good right about now… I'm really feeling vegetable soup today. It's something about the smell that's just cozy no matter what mood I'm in.


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I've been trying my hand at pho recently. It's annoying though; there's a million basic pho recipes on the internet but, like anything, it's really hard to find one if you want to do it right. It's a good soup though and you can really incorporate a lot of different flavors depending on what sort of things you like.


Try not to worry too much about the recipe sushi. Soup in particular can be as simple as throwing whatever you have on hand into a pot of water and heating it.

Also something that I have heard about is keeping a soup stock going like you would keep a sourdough starter.

You would make your soup and leave a bit in the pot. Then the next day you would reheat it to keep it from spoiling and add in more water and new ingredients.
That could continue for years and you would have a soup with very deep flavor.


noodles bro, you gotta have noodles!
the rest looks so gorgeous, I'm almost jealous…


I read this thread yesterday and it inspired me to make my first soup today. Thankfully the weather is unseasonably cool today, so the soup was quite welcome.
I decided on a pea soup, since I had a leftover bag of them in the freezer. I messed up during the boiling a bit (I'm fairly new to cooking), but it didn't really affect the end result thankfully. The first dose I blended didn't get chopped up properly because it was too small, but the second one came out fine.

It tasted good. Thanks for the inspiration, sushis.


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I had never heard of this before but that sounds like a really good way to have nice low cost meals, I may give that a try.

Unrelatedly, I posted in a soup thread on sushi a long while back about this, but my favorite soup is the super eggy Avgolemono my gramma used to make.


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Ah, grandmothers' avgolemono is always best avgolemono…
It makes for such great winter dishes. Apart from soup, you can use it as a sauce for meatballs. You flavor the meat with dill and spring onions, so the heavy taste of the avgolemono is somewhat balanced out. If you want an extra funky dish, you can put the ground meat into hollowed-out zucchinis and cook it like that.
It also goes well over dolmadakia…


I've always wanted to try avgolemono properly. My mother made it for me a few times when I was younger but every time she did it would make me sick. And since then I've been told that the way she made it isn't the correct way, but I've been too scared to retry it. Any good recipes?

On another note, sweet potato soup seems really nice right now as it's rainy and cold now, I might make some today !!


Sushis, I have good words to share. Baby goose soup is the greatest food to exist without exception. Uncomparably tasty.

Also some recipe.
It might not be well known in this modern society but if you butcher an animal and put almost all of it in a pot to stew for an hour or so then it will be significantly more delicious than the most choice ingredients that you might think to use.
This might be easier with small animals so maybe find a local chicken farmer and buy a whole chicken to give it a test.
Add some salt, a dash of pepper, and maybe some filler like rice or noddles and you have a real hearty soup.


I haven't had meatballs in a while, i think i'll have to make some soon. Never had that zucchini dish though, sounds good!
I haven't looked at my recipe or made it in a while but the key to it is to add the broth to the eggs mix pretty slowly to get it up to temperature, she may have heated it up too fast, the goal is a more emulsified situation.


There is no other way to cook soup, tbh. Using just some part, like breasts only, makes your soup too bland.
I love my soup with bellpepper, laurel leaf and a dash of dill and I recommend it every sushiroll out there.


My mom used to crack an egg on my bowl of soup just as soon as she served it, so the very high temperature would cook the egg and I would have wonderful strands of deliciousness in my vegetable soup.

I also like oatmeal, the instant kind. It works well if you want your soup to be more filling but don't want to add noodles or rice.


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Finally, a thread that understands me.

Potato, beet, chicken and cold soups are the ones that I usually make. Not a big fan of pureed ones, though.


I do instant noodles like your mom did.
Brings them to a food level.


Made some pumpkin (+ ginger, garlic, sambal, onion and apple) soup today actually, celebrate the autumn mood a bit. Was great.


Sounds delicious. Pumpkin is very underrated. It's sad that so many pumpkins are just used for decorations each year. I still have half a pumpkin and I think I'm going to make some soup with it.


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My Hot Noodle Soup™

- 250g chicken breast or similar
- 200g brown champions
- 300ml chicken stock
- bunch of scallions
- half of a 2cm slice of celeriac
- 1 onion
- a thumb long piece of ginger
- 2 gloves of garlic
- soy sauce
- white pepper
- chili powder
- oil, water

preparing the oil:
Chop the scallions except 2 of them and roast them in at least half a cup of oil. When they turn brown collect the oil and put it to the side. Discard the roasted scallions.

preparing the soup:
Chop the champions and celeriac and boil them with at least a cup of water in a large pot. Add the chopped onion. Grate the peeled ginger and garlic into the pot. Add chicken stock, soy sauce (this brings in the salt), pepper, chili and the remaining chopped up scallions. Bring to a boil again and add the sliced chicken breast. Don't let it cook too long, so the chicken doesn't become dry. Add the formerly prepared oil to the soup and let it sit for a while.

prepare the noodles:
Cook spaghetti with salted water until al dente. Discard the water.

Put the soup into a bowl, neatly lay in the noodles, top with solid parts of the soup.

Keep noodles and soup separated. Will stay good for several days in the fridge (the oil works as a protective layer I think).


What is the secret to perfect chicken soup? I can't use garlic or onion btw.


That looks tasty!

>brown champions

What is this?


Not same poster, but think that sushi might have meant champignon rather than champion, i.e. button mushrooms. Though I´ve never seen a recipe where they just boil them without any prefrying before. Also since I´m already posting anyway, when I was trying to look up what food mushrooms in my lang are in english came across, apparently portabello mushrooms are just full grown button mushrooms.


Try adding some tumeric. Works well especially`if you add potatoes or tofu.
Why can't you use garlic or onion, are you allergic?


>Try adding some tumeric. Works well especially`if you add potatoes or tofu.
I'll try that then.

>Why can't you use garlic or onion, are you allergic?

Mom is and I want her to enjoy the soup with me.


That's really sweet. Tumeric helps with stews, I don't generally make meat soups except for meatball soup but putting tumeric in the meatballs alongside potato and bok choy or ash pumpkins is really nice and adds an unexpected depth to the flavor even when you really didn't add much meat.


If she's allergic to alliums in general and you still want a garlicky flavor you can try asafoetida powder. It's a pretty popular substitute for people who avoid garlic and onion for religious reasons.


Made some Sopa de Ajo-ish inspired by chef Johns (FoodWishes) recipe video to make use of some dried out sourdough bread. Chopped up a chorizo into slivers rather than using ham since that was what I had.
Surprisingly delicious with soggy hot bread soup.


I love soup, a lot. I made a load of dumplings today, and had some filling left over - mushrooms, onion, cabbage, carrot, and spices. So I added water, cornflower, edamame beans and peanuts to it, and ate the dumplings in it. So tasty!


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I roasted up some squash, carrots, onions, garlic, and apples, got the immersion blender out and made butternut squash soup. For spices I used nutmeg, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, sage, salt and pepper. Came out super tasty, I'm proud of myself.


Try making them with a roux
Heat up some oil in the pan you're gonna be cooking, put in some sifted flour and let it cook a bit. Once it's ready if you scrape the bottom with a wooden spatula, it should make a clear path and the flour/oil mix should be pinkish at the sides of it.
That's when you add water (room temperature) or stock or whatever else you are using and whisk until you develop Rhabdomyolysis or the water starts to boil. Then you put in the veggies and whatever else you want. Scrape the bottom of the pan every 3-5 minutes when it's boiling, otherwise keep mixing it with a spatula or something when it's not boiling but still cooking, or flour will fry itself to the bottom of the pan. You can also thicken the soup just by adding flour (usually leaves an aftertaste and isn't as nice) when it's boiling or even using stale bread (traditional for Ghoulash).
I'd suggest this for anyone wanting to make soup in this thread. It's basically the easiest way to make an incredibly filling soup if you're on a budget.


Yo, add some type of heavy cream in the middle (the type that holds the shape but isn't too strong in flavour, forgot the name you should know what I mean) and fresh croutons into that.

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