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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

please insert coin

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File: 1559702025038.png (11.04 KB, 645x773, 1552751775527.png)


anybody actually exited for nightwolf and sindel? I never really gave a fuck about those characters.


File: 1559911211183.jpg (516.03 KB, 1600x900, harakiri.jpg)

I enter here to see if I'd be free from the cancer that ruined the internet.
It's not, not place in the internet will ever be. Cancer has metastated itself hard enough that anybody will say it's culture.


What? Was it the wojak pic?


not him, but probably. it was quite jarring to see a wojak on here. many people leave places like 4chan or 8chan to escape from these shitty memes


got anything better to post, funny man?


no not really


File: 1560142760347.jpg (658.03 KB, 1240x1748, camping ghost gondolas.jpg)


File: 1613480108936-0.jpg (65.79 KB, 663x610, MTG1.jpg)

File: 1613480108936-1.jpg (170.63 KB, 1073x1923, MTG2.jpg)

Vega in Mortal Kombat please.


This site is one of the cringiest chans I've ever been on, and you're complaining about fucking Wojak? No wonder this place is dead, kill yourself.

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