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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1689819130154.jpg (29.52 KB, 540x540, 58955074_p0_square1200.jpg)


Stumbled across this image of a cute girl on the internet, she sure is cute, I wonder what her name could be?


Let’s call her sushiko.


Why is she so smug?
I don't like it


an a-airhead.. or is it smug..?

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File: 1687367516186.jpg (132.82 KB, 1080x1189, 1685664209826812.jpg)

Lies, mother. I can watch ninja turtles anytime i want. FUCK OFFF


woah, easy with the skulls
they're spooky


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File: 1687473231374.png (18.5 KB, 562x526, vqgjZZm.png)

>friendly lady
heheheh gottem

File: 1678386295934.jpg (561.81 KB, 1570x2048, 1aba9ce6781fb38b4f74f086ee….jpg)


Happy Miku Day sushis!


File: 1678386442238.jpg (2.97 MB, 2964x1519, miku space.jpg)

ha-py mi-kku



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mofu mofu

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I recently found this and thought it might be worth a thread. Sauce is in the pic I guess.
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File: 1640261928503.jpg (1.18 MB, 3968x2976, lco1pf.jpg)

I got this renge nendoroid yesterday for my birthday


Happy birthday!


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I wanted to buy one of these lewd Tifa figures but they're over $700. What a ripoff.


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I bought a gunpla today! I've never put together a model but I'm having a ton of fun with this. The only part I dread is putting on the tiny little stickers, I have shaky hands.


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Complete! Except for the aforementioned tiny stickers, and his weaponry. I really had fun building this, I might try experimenting with some paint on the leftover spare parts because I know a lot of the fun of this kind of thing is customizing them

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I think girls in suits are pretty cute
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It seems so. Ah sorry I get catered to more, I agree there should be more smug flat, or to get really risque, girls with healthy self image and emotional intelligence and ability to get along well with others.


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Thinkin about Touhous in suits lately


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Takina was very cute in her suit


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if you count skirt suits

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Posting Friends because I like Friends.
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File: 1655478635779-0.jpg (289.64 KB, 864x924, 00777010f56f6a49f1a9b5ebbf….jpg)

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File: 1655901666848.webm (4.77 MB, 720x720, __common_raccoon_and_fenn….webm)


this made me smile


I think I have been to that place in the first pic. It's a small gallery in Akiba displaying the works of one artist at a time.


File: 1659290676696.webm (3.78 MB, 1280x720, いっぷくかばんちゃん.webm)

[content warning: drug use]

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Dumping some miku
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This song and its horrifyingly punny lyrics is so stuck in my head I can't get any work done.

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I'll dump for a bit, don't mind me.
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File: 1627928210144.jpg (380.15 KB, 1920x1080, EzoZ42xX0AA5MaN.jpg)

OP here, I've got an archive of this kind of art up at https://mega.nz/folder/INpRWACA#L061QRX0VQS19bQtRI5z3w .
Folder name is either twitter handle or pixiv name.


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is this supposed to just lead to a file of lewd shit?


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I couldn't find a thread about comfy/cute guys so I decided to make one. Bonus points for gay couples.


over here uwu >>295

but it's okay, that one seems more for twinky ones, this one can be more for masc/seme type ones.


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There /is/ a sad lack of threads for bara/seme types. They can be kawaii too


I've always been curious bara/seme types but I always end up getting far too initiated/scared to involve myself in the culture in any meaningful way.


being a masc/seme type myself, you're (probably) fine. Just be a nice person and you'll be okay.



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