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/kawaii/ - cute things


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File: 1476536283091.webm (5.15 MB, 1080x1920, bunbun.webm)


Cute buns thread!
Bunny girls also allowed just like last time


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I have a somewhat difficult relationship to bunnies. Sure they are cute and soft, but the day I helped to slaughter our own rabbit for Christmas dinner, they got another meaning to me, probably like a shepherd loving his sheep or like a farmer seeing his cattle.

Perhaps my perception of intelligent life has changed as a whole that day without me realizing it. Today I prefer vegetarian food from approved sources, so I can eat without regrets.


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happy bunny day


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bun (mouse)


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File: 1724419196366.jpg (333.14 KB, 1322x2048, GVlFyKTXcAAri1K.jpg)

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