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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1548705394458.jpg (325.17 KB, 1000x750, fl_kagamin_01_01.jpg)


I recently found this and thought it might be worth a thread. Sauce is in the pic I guess.
21 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Happy birthday!


File: 1652650815331.jpg (168.57 KB, 2048x909, FR_uUAmWUAMnKWw.jpg)

I wanted to buy one of these lewd Tifa figures but they're over $700. What a ripoff.


File: 1669177742085.jpg (370.86 KB, 4080x3072, IMG_20221122_214940169.jpg)

I bought a gunpla today! I've never put together a model but I'm having a ton of fun with this. The only part I dread is putting on the tiny little stickers, I have shaky hands.


File: 1669429187581-0.jpg (632.52 KB, 4080x3072, IMG_20221125_210757904.jpg)

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Complete! Except for the aforementioned tiny stickers, and his weaponry. I really had fun building this, I might try experimenting with some paint on the leftover spare parts because I know a lot of the fun of this kind of thing is customizing them


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i feel like sushigirl is missing a lot by not having this artwork so here we are
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File: 1741553526949.jpg (378.44 KB, 2203x2376, fcd6cdd80953404b57225bffd9….jpg)

I felt it was!




It was


both these illustrations are so cute. i love sajo and hikaru so much


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Happy Miku Day sushis!


File: 1678386442238.jpg (2.97 MB, 2964x1519, miku space.jpg)

ha-py mi-kku




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barasui :)


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Mashimaro love is alive and well?!


File: 1739846532884-0.jpg (706.35 KB, 1500x1789, __sakuragi_matsuri_ichigo_….jpg)

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matsuri a cute!


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Cute animals thread. Gonna start off with some dogs.
39 posts and 81 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Sushi suddenly dropping those big classics like it was nothing.


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glasses increase intelligence by 20%
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File: 1718313491231.png (132.21 KB, 439x697, FsUXXEWagAESYLa.png)

This thread perpetuates the prejudiced notion that only dorks wear glasses. Although it might be true that 99% of them are glasses dorks, I choose to celebrate those who rise above.

I am the 1%


File: 1718816833591.jpg (302.25 KB, 2048x1846, GOik4LuaQAAe2gs.jpg)

Smartly dressed, dependable, sexy, can kill you with a rifle. And the best part? Not a hint of dorkness.


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File: 1465038941077.png (1.67 MB, 1920x1384, mio_x_ritsu_4.png)


Is this the board to post cute anime girls? If so, let us have a yuri thread! What are your favourite couples?
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File: 1480569733044-0.gif (1.63 MB, 1000x550, __komeiji_satori_and_reiuj….gif)

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Bust a move!
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File: 1672362579319.gif (7.54 MB, 1280x720, diy_dance.gif)

Sometimes when I'm listening to music I like to open every gif in this thread and slowly scroll up and down through the whole thread




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