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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1483994739435-0.jpg (396.97 KB, 700x990, lin1.jpg)

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This is Lina. She sometimes is a pain in the ass, burning me and using me as a distraction for naughty orcs, but I still stick with her. We are partners in crime and we will get your treasures as well.

t. Naga the Serpent
4 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1484657542539-0.png (195.75 KB, 869x1200, lina_with_ice_at_the_beach.png)

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Honestly, I think Lina is pretty hawt.

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Cute animals thread. Gonna start off with some dogs.
29 posts and 60 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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File: 1534702248150.webm (4.89 MB, 1280x720, THE SQUID SONG.webm)

I like squid.


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ynfg avtug jnf jrveq, vg jnf orpnhfr zl qernz jnf gur fnzr cerzvfr nf gur avtug orsber. v jnf jbexvat ng fbzr trareny pbaprffvbaf fgnaq ng n znwbe yrnthr onfronyy tnzr jvgu zl sevraq. jr jrer gur bayl gjb crbcyr jbexvat. zl sevraq unq gb freir gur sbbq naq v unq gb jneq bss rarzl snaf jub jrer gelvat gb qrfgebl gur fgnaq. gur srznyrf bs gur ohapu xrcg gelvat gb evc zl onyyf bss. gur ragver fgnqvhz jnf qrpbengrq va nccyrorr'f fcbafbefuvc. v qba'g xabj jung vg zrnaf, v qba'g sbyybj onfronyy ng nyy.


>gur srznyrf bs gur ohapu xrcg gelvat gb evc zl onyyf bss.
Znqr zr ynhtu.
V bapr unq n fvzvyne qernz jurer gur jubyr avtug V xrcg qernzvat va gur pbagrkg bs n erfgnhenag jurer nccneragyl V jnf gur znantre. Ng fbzr cbvag V jnf chyyvat gur jngre ba n sybbqrq ebbz juvyr V jnf qrnyvat jvgu n pbhcyr bs hacyrnfnag pyvragf. Gurer jnfa'g ernyyl zhpu fhofgnapr gb vg ohg gur jubyr qernz qrirybcrq va gung pbagrkg bs gur erfgnhenag. Jung vg zrnaf V qba'g xabj rvgure, cebonoyl whfg n fbeg bs onpxtebhaq va juvpu gb cynpr gur riragf bs gur qernz. Gur fhopbafpvbhf vf n fgenatr guvat.


ROT-13? Pfft, my reply is so secret that I had to use ROT-26.


Moved to >>>/hell/1418.

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Cute images showing several variants of a common theme.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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Oh, you!


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Hey guys
Maybe give my imageboard a chance?
It's small but I'd new visitors


there is already a thread for advertising

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Hello Kawaii,
casually I found this board looking for a solution with the music player on my website that works only in HTTP (but not in HTTPS). The website is my personal homepage about "Stranger Kawaii Things", if you like this is the link (if you try HTTPS the player disappears :O) http://strangerkawaiithings.neocities.org/
7 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Use youtube-dl with "–extract-audio –format=bestaudio –audio-format=mp3" and you won't have to mess around with ffmpeg yourself.
Still, transcoding from lossy to lossy is a cardinal sin, don't do it if you can avoid it.


i dont think theres enough traffic to your page to even begin to worry about copyright claims
usually copyright claims are thrown at the host when its controversial content thats getting a lot of attention
or its content that hundreds of people are downloading whose owners are large and corporate
usually nobody cares about lossy youtube music being thrown up on a personal site since anyone can make a youtube mp3 rip of an official music video
its only on youtube where content is more highly scrutinized but even then stuff gets past
even if its legit piracy as long as its not large and corporate no one cares
for example you can get the vast majority of albums from independant artists who release at comiket for free at dojin.co
this site has been up for several years and yet no one has shut it down even though its gaining some attention

and if your still worried about your site being shut down due to copyright claims you can host it for free entirely peer to peer on ipfs since your site has no backend requirements

>cardinal sin
most normies with shitty earbuds wont be able to hear the difference


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Normally I like to work with public domain or CC artworks to avoid any (C) problems. For example for my next website background I created the attached image starting from this picture (but who is the original author?) https://sushigirl.us/kawaii/src/1478455897427-1.jpg


The original source can be found at twitter.com/M_hisashi/status/795282057584742400


Thank you for the info. Derivative/remixed artworks are increased with the Digital Age, if you think for example to the meme, so I do not know if PD is better than CC and CC is better than C. For my website I use Public Domain (0) because I do not use it to make money.

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fuwa fuwaaa
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




what's the different between loli assurance and the loli insurance i already have


File: 1470674478080.png (194.33 KB, 915x1181, 1447805197387.png)

Made by loli owners for loli owners at a price that defy any concurrence.
Moreover we offer a free pure white pantsu to our new customers! (´‿`)


File: 1470674608335.png (473.82 KB, 600x850, 1443062799239.png)

Where can I sign?



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