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/kawaii/ - cute things


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File: 1606919158911.jpg (2.91 MB, 3500x2483, Moe-tan.full.297965.jpg)


i think school swimsuit really is the best. Please post girls wearing them.


File: 1606919630232-0.jpg (354.93 KB, 1280x1838, 6.jpg)

File: 1606919630232-1.jpg (203.51 KB, 850x642, sample_5ba5c58213effef5816….jpg)

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File: 1606945299082-0.jpg (1.03 MB, 1771x2505, 70182de2441622fd73d7583867….jpg)

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File: 1606945299082-2.png (8.33 KB, 300x520, b1dbdb71e4880d6fb43b273e40….png)

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Lolis are so scrumptious.


File: 1607061244662-0.jpg (638.52 KB, 850x1202, sample_73097295ae040e6e109….jpg)

File: 1607061244662-1.jpg (99.11 KB, 991x1400, d45149ccb78eb8db0bde709b92….jpg)

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File: 1607062721367-0.jpg (210.55 KB, 850x1309, sample_9e538730bcc3e4036ff….jpg)

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File: 1607062721367-2.jpg (129.92 KB, 850x1203, sample_3283279ecc09e0fe81d….jpg)

File: 1607062721367-3.jpg (684.3 KB, 807x1141, 4402d6eebd32958a57e8aecf30….jpg)

i simply find it aesthetically pleasing


File: 1607079401235.jpg (763.59 KB, 1353x1920, 7939v1.jpg)


Good thread, school swimsuits are the cutest
I really enjoyed reading this, it's cute. Thank you for sharing


File: 1607140124607.jpg (177.94 KB, 1003x1370, 91a65f6e7097a421ec6f8c0d77….jpg)

wow! a very nice manga!


File: 1607974497506-0.jpg (1.22 MB, 1235x1747, 3add07e51282288897f078a0e6….jpg)

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File: 1607974497506-3.jpg (402.85 KB, 750x1000, fc97140f50ce38daf26a7f06ef….jpg)

Nobeta herself has such a delicious body.


File: 1660595673914-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 422.61 KB, 1264x1800, __original_drawn_by_watana….jpg)

File: 1660595673914-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 713.96 KB, 768x1084, __original_drawn_by_kanzak….jpg)

File: 1660595673914-2.png (Spoiler Image, 675.43 KB, 840x1500, ruri5934563.png)

File: 1660595673914-3.jpg (Spoiler Image, 3.6 MB, 1800x2500, __original_drawn_by_nanja_….jpg)

entering lewd territory


File: 1660596003507.png (636.28 KB, 900x900, 60b40e63076628f5363cd05cad….png)

now this is quality


was gonna' say that first one looks like Poyoyon Rock, turns out Watanabe Akio is his real name.


File: 1660741064221-0.jpg (258.97 KB, 1464x2048, sakura_sukumizu.jpg)

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File: 1660741064221-2.jpg (173.74 KB, 1290x2048, azunyan_sukumizu.jpg)

File: 1660741064221-3.jpg (1.21 MB, 1920x1200, __drawn_by_watanabe_akio__….jpg)

He surely loves his school swimsuit girls.


File: 1660741252418-0.jpg (3.47 MB, 3811x6000, __aquarian_age_drawn_by_wa….jpg)

File: 1660741252418-1.jpg (2.42 MB, 2175x3067, __original_drawn_by_watana….jpg)

File: 1660741252418-2.jpg (8.47 MB, 3452x5000, __original_drawn_by_watana….jpg)

File: 1660741252418-3.jpg (224.64 KB, 1280x1778, __original_drawn_by_watana….jpg)


Akio Watanabe just gets it.
I love these. And his trademark transparent green bracelet lol


and bandaids!


File: 1723830317687-0.jpeg (4.82 MB, 2919x5497, d218526a2748bdf61f02efc9d….jpeg)

File: 1723830317687-1.jpg (1.21 MB, 2093x3021, yande.re 191124 paper_text….jpg)

File: 1723830317687-2.jpg (1.06 MB, 1764x2545, bfa579b6e04721369cbfa20420….jpg)

File: 1723830317687-3.jpg (3.83 MB, 3964x5700, e17e7c315998002f831852782f….jpg)


akio watanabe is a single character designer/artist that made me love anime the way i do
the others just dont come close, they either feel off or are just generic completely
but he just gets it right
tho regarding anime artists in general, there is more i love of course


godlike art


File: 1726327782146-0.png (6.07 MB, 2127x3020, 20c94147404963341dabc5fea3….png)

File: 1726327782146-1.png (3.3 MB, 2446x3500, 64682d93e5dc434d9b793a4e29….png)


File: 1727698837971-0.jpg (175.77 KB, 1000x1480, GYtYmA1aIAAa5lx.jpg)

File: 1727698837971-1.jpg (317.83 KB, 1000x1978, GYtYilCagAEge1d.jpg)

File: 1727698837971-2.jpg (196.59 KB, 800x1412, F2XQGs3bIAAK7lI.jpg)

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