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/kawaii/ - cute things


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File: 1606919158911.jpg (2.91 MB, 3500x2483, Moe-tan.full.297965.jpg)


i think school swimsuit really is the best. Please post girls wearing them.
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akio watanabe is a single character designer/artist that made me love anime the way i do
the others just dont come close, they either feel off or are just generic completely
but he just gets it right
tho regarding anime artists in general, there is more i love of course


godlike art


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Its Hachune miku: Everyday Vocaloid Paradise volume. 2!! the art is really cute. it even has Luka!!
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west bengali miku

i think she looks really cool :3

> How do you get music out of "idle talk" its not talking but singing
Perhaps it makes far more sense in the original language of the Quran, who knows how many layers of translation the Quran has been through after all, but yeah, most Muslims agree that it is a weird way to read the Quran to declare all music haram.

where is this design from?


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Bad ∞ End ∞ Night series

Also, if I'm allowed to, even though I'm not muslim my family also follows a superstition about listening to certain types of music. Something about how since music is imbued with words of intention can make it within the realm of spellcasting. Something along those lines.


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I believe exactly what your family thinks. It is just my observation - lyrics praising shallow lifestyles create thoughts that go along with that motion.


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this is becoming less and less miku and more "what random person can we put in blue twintails for the twitter trend"


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kinda surprised at how much arab muslim miku content there is

okay so maybe listening isnt wrong. but dont they believe its wrong for a girl to dress that way even if its just miku?

thats interesting. ive never heard of a superstition like that before

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glasses increase intelligence by 20%
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This thread perpetuates the prejudiced notion that only dorks wear glasses. Although it might be true that 99% of them are glasses dorks, I choose to celebrate those who rise above.

I am the 1%


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Smartly dressed, dependable, sexy, can kill you with a rifle. And the best part? Not a hint of dorkness.


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Cute buns thread!
Bunny girls also allowed just like last time
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bun (mouse)


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if it's a pack of wolves
and a pride of lions
a school of fish
and a murder of crows
what do you call a large gathering of lolis?
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A van


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A party!


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An elementary school.


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there is unkindness of ravens

i will say sweetness or heaven of lolis but i really like lush one too

also why is it so hard to find non lewd loli artwork…


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an illicit adult film set

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sad development…


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i will participate in your cirno thread


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good times


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bad times


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cosmic times

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“Nao’s Everyday.”


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"Mom said, ‘Let’s go eat,’ and took Nao outside.

Until a little while ago, Nao was sitting on a small chair, but now…

Nao can sit on the same chair as Mom.

Earlier, when the doorbell rang, someone came, so…

If I press it again, will my food come?"


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"The pitch-black kitty came again today!

Whenever Nao eats her snack, it's always playing nearby.

'Nao, let's play together!'

When I call out to it, it always runs away so quickly.

I just want to touch it a little bit!"


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"Today is the day to pick the relay runners.

Nao is good at running, so…

I will definitely become a runner and show my cool side!"


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"This is absolutely, absolutely unfair!

If not for the stone, I wouldn't have fallen!

Even though I said I wanted to try again, they wouldn't let me!

If I had run one more time, I would show mom how cool I am…"

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this is the cutest thing
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Why does haguhagu do this ;_;


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do what exactly…


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>do what exactly…
Draw the most innocent most well-intentioned most adorable girl and proceed to humiliate her, rob her of her innocence, and destroy her aspirations ;_; it's soul guro, and that's before even examining the gross acts but some people are into that ig
can't someone just make something sweet instead of somewhat sweet followed by bitter as caustic soda for once ,;_;,
(and don't say moe, moe is lead acetate)

Pic is from Pure Pure. she freakin dies in the MC's arms (T_T)


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your post made me feel bad for enjoying his work… but you are right


Iyashikei moe

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As the title says, post cute and comfy images.
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these are so cute


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 No.24[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post them!
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i have nothing to say


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