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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1730463028211-0.png (132.05 KB, 215x417, Luce_mascot.png)

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Praise Jesus sushi
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File: 1735079671214.jpg (477.19 KB, 1080x1338, luce-badass.jpg)


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Does anyone else feel like there's some sort of subliminal messaging behind this character having the colors of the brazilian flag?


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I need to eat churrasco by a masonry building NOW


You deserve to die for this.

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I got this cute Peni Parker Plastic thing, anybody else have any Kawaii F.T.S?
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What is she plotting I dont trust her


File: 1735257330572.jpg (4.02 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20210917_101151664.jpg)

The world may never know…


who is she?


File: 1735347217692.jpg (588.52 KB, 1867x2000, IMG_20211224_221632402_1.jpg)

She da boss! What she sez goes!


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There's been a few different threads for individual picrews through the years but I thought we could use a general thread to share them! Share cool ones you've found or some avatars you've made with them!

What is Picrew?
Picrew is a layered paper doll-style avatar maker website developed by the Japanese company TetraChroma Inc. The concept and interface is similar to earlier avatar editors, like the Nintendo Mii or the Kisekae Set System (KiSS).

Picrew has become popular with audiences outside of Japan, with the simplicity of the image maker and the potential for users to contribute their own avatar maker illustrations through a picrew creator.
25 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You look like the twink I know whose name is Dennis. He's also a weeb, and gay.


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Well my name isn't Dennis, but people sometimes call me a twink (picrel is how I looked half a year ago). I'm growing out my beard now and cut my hair, because it makes me a bit insecure


if that's Dennis from /jp/ sphere of influence, you should know that it was actually Denis (one n) and he was really nice boy and you shouldn't make fun of him! >:(


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Actually I found out a few days ago I misremembered his name and it isn't Dennis at all ,_,;; I've been calling him the wrong thing for 2 years.

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How do you define the border between cute and sexy? can something be both? or must it sacrifice one quality for the next?
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cute feet


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ayo dat gyatt go hard , crag got sum cute curves y'know wot i mn?


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cutest robots


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File: 1732567409701.jpg (547.58 KB, 1134x2048, masiro_project 030824-1053.jpg)

oh to have a cute robot daughter…


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This thread is amazing. It made my day. Thank you.


Tangential to the topic, but here's a cute robot maid in media.

File: 1730414097491.jpg (315.02 KB, 1200x1440, GbOJPn1akAInSOl-orig.jpg)


For all the trick or treating cuties.
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That's it for now (unless I spot pics that I missed). Happy halloween.


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Love Darkstalkers!


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happy halloween everyone


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okay. shake it now. baby now ~ !


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Baby now?

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you brighten my day


Me or the cute pantsu?



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Regarding pajamas there is a possible claim to be made about them being cute. Thus I present to you this thread, dedicated to the appreciation of apparel, suited for a barefoot trip to the kitchen or toilet in the middle of the night.
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 No.531[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Found this and thought it was cute
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File: 1727541020769.png (145.39 KB, 600x600, IMG_1661.png)

I tried to create the image of a girl I saw a year ago. She was cute and had these ribbons on each side of her head in her hair. I can’t tell what color is everything since my phone is in black and white, but know she was slightly darker skinned.


File: 1727545925899.png (144.32 KB, 600x600, 3595_LiwxvDIz.png)

Towards the end, I realized she looks like the female version of someone I used to know.


File: 1729801006669.png (216.48 KB, 600x600, download20241004161628.png)

My best attempt….


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this is pretty close to my bf
(my bf is sexier than me)

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