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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1675736922892.jpg (88.42 KB, 715x1000, __senko_sewayaki_kitsune_n….jpg)


mofu mofu

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Bust a move!
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any idea how to use gallery-dl on these threads?


File: 1671940422354.webm (3.83 MB, 352x480, 1502164415102.webm)



File: 1672362579319.gif (7.54 MB, 1280x720, diy_dance.gif)

Sometimes when I'm listening to music I like to open every gif in this thread and slowly scroll up and down through the whole thread



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I recently found this and thought it might be worth a thread. Sauce is in the pic I guess.
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File: 1640261928503.jpg (1.18 MB, 3968x2976, lco1pf.jpg)

I got this renge nendoroid yesterday for my birthday


Happy birthday!


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I wanted to buy one of these lewd Tifa figures but they're over $700. What a ripoff.


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I bought a gunpla today! I've never put together a model but I'm having a ton of fun with this. The only part I dread is putting on the tiny little stickers, I have shaky hands.


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Complete! Except for the aforementioned tiny stickers, and his weaponry. I really had fun building this, I might try experimenting with some paint on the leftover spare parts because I know a lot of the fun of this kind of thing is customizing them

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I think girls in suits are pretty cute
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It seems so. Ah sorry I get catered to more, I agree there should be more smug flat, or to get really risque, girls with healthy self image and emotional intelligence and ability to get along well with others.


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Thinkin about Touhous in suits lately


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Takina was very cute in her suit


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if you count skirt suits

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Posting Friends because I like Friends.
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this made me smile


I think I have been to that place in the first pic. It's a small gallery in Akiba displaying the works of one artist at a time.


File: 1659290676696.webm (3.78 MB, 1280x720, いっぷくかばんちゃん.webm)

[content warning: drug use]

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Do you watch virtual streamers?
What are your favourite characters/designs?
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god i love this art


i enjoy vtubers mainly for the technology behind it. its very cool and cyberpunk to have virtual entertainers play games and crack jokes while you are watching the stream in an vr headset in a crappy slum apartment


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Posting some good holo art
pikamee is adorable


File: 1655486701962.png (2.17 MB, 1654x1654, __watson_amelia_hololive_a….png)

I'm not too big on vtubers, but I'll occasionally put on an Amelia video in the background. She has kind of a relaxing voice.


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Nekomata Ogyaru

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Dumping some miku
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This song and its horrifyingly punny lyrics is so stuck in my head I can't get any work done.

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I'll dump for a bit, don't mind me.
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File: 1627928210144.jpg (380.15 KB, 1920x1080, EzoZ42xX0AA5MaN.jpg)

OP here, I've got an archive of this kind of art up at https://mega.nz/folder/INpRWACA#L061QRX0VQS19bQtRI5z3w .
Folder name is either twitter handle or pixiv name.


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is this supposed to just lead to a file of lewd shit?


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I couldn't find a thread about comfy/cute guys so I decided to make one. Bonus points for gay couples.


over here uwu >>295

but it's okay, that one seems more for twinky ones, this one can be more for masc/seme type ones.


File: 1625779176757-0.png (973.75 KB, 720x900, ClipboardImage.png)

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There /is/ a sad lack of threads for bara/seme types. They can be kawaii too


I've always been curious bara/seme types but I always end up getting far too initiated/scared to involve myself in the culture in any meaningful way.


being a masc/seme type myself, you're (probably) fine. Just be a nice person and you'll be okay.



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Let's have some cute and comfy manga caps.
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Where is this from?

Translator dropped it, someone else has picked it up recently.


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dead dead demon's dededede destruction is good :>


File: 1636215007388.jpg (90.78 KB, 547x1280, IMG_20211106_130616_474.jpg)

this thread needs more shimeji simulation


Ah man I loved this manga when I was reading it. Sadly it's one of the many cases where I read it voraciously up to the point where I had to wait for new releases and translations and then totally forgot what happened.
I remember getting up to them starting to characterize one of the alien guys or something?
TMKZ is the best

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