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/kawaii/ - cute things

Password (For file deletion.)

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I couldn't find a thread about comfy/cute guys so I decided to make one. Bonus points for gay couples.


over here uwu >>295

but it's okay, that one seems more for twinky ones, this one can be more for masc/seme type ones.


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There /is/ a sad lack of threads for bara/seme types. They can be kawaii too


I've always been curious bara/seme types but I always end up getting far too initiated/scared to involve myself in the culture in any meaningful way.


being a masc/seme type myself, you're (probably) fine. Just be a nice person and you'll be okay.



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Let's have some cute and comfy manga caps.
43 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Where is this from?

Translator dropped it, someone else has picked it up recently.


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dead dead demon's dededede destruction is good :>


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this thread needs more shimeji simulation


Ah man I loved this manga when I was reading it. Sadly it's one of the many cases where I read it voraciously up to the point where I had to wait for new releases and translations and then totally forgot what happened.
I remember getting up to them starting to characterize one of the alien guys or something?
TMKZ is the best

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Name anything more cute
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Good taste, sushi.


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i would like to try to delete this post using "yuno" as the password, but i can't bring myself to even attempt it.


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Hi wide, here's a coke!

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give me some wallpapers plz~
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I'll add some. Dennou Coil papes, mainly, plus a MEIKA Hime/Mikoto I thought was cool.


Dennou coil is a great show
I wouldn't mind streaming it sometime


I'm a massive fan of it. Would definitely tune in for a rewatch.


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Here are some of my favorites - another train station enjoyer here I guess

Those flower ones are really gorgeous

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is this nice board?
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yeah, this website in general is nice


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I should get around to re-colouring bury back to madoka colours


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Nice board

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do you guys love lain?
38 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It's really pretentious art shit. You have to love the aesthetic. Be touched in the head.


I really liked it. A lot of people see the show differently, but I personally saw it as a show about the connection between people and how your "self" can be bastardized by the internet. This really hit home with me – growing up on the internet, there were experiences I had that both empowered me and scared me, and this is deconstructed in Lain.

Of course, the visuals helped. But there definitely was meaning for me that went beyond "art shit". It might not be your thing, and that's okay.


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indeed i do


these are so cute! carries the direction of the character so well, too


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Call me weirdo but I don't like seeing Lain portrayed as cute, or lewd. On silly situations sure, but not much beyond that.
I like her as a very oniric character, it has an aura that no other animu girl has.

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burger + butt


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I'm on a diet so I can only enjoy one of these things


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Sorry about that…! ><
I was supposed to respond to a post but I ended up making a new thread…


Ohh that is the perfect amount of chub. I can't decide whether to slap it or lick it.


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close enough


sushi roll you didn't bring the wagon, you posted a whole dump truck goddam

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waifu generating technology has reached new heights
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Waifu addiction rehab where, I caught the bug too


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I wish corruptions were more common, some ebic waifues


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I'm fond of this one. I like the idea of a mature and soft looking redhead instead of the usual lewd/tsun/angry type. Though she's a little more smug than I prefer.


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Needs more filters and sliders, can't really toss a coin for beautiful eyes. Got 7/10 waifubot.

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Magical Girl *Various* thread, because why not.
Always dug this aesthetic, even if it's a bit embarrassing at times.
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I only want the shoujo part though


That pretty much makes you the perfect magical girl protagonist


As long is it turns me into a shoujo I would accept the mahou.


What if you were only a shoujo while using the mahou?


Then I have to use the mahou all the time because I want to stay a shoujo.

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I got this cute Peni Parker Plastic thing, anybody else have any Kawaii F.T.S?
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Bought this recently


It cute


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god i want some nendos but they're super expensive if they're highly-recognizable characters


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It's tough, some even get second runs years later because of the demand. I generally buy figures in bundles and sell the ones I don't want.

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