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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1590010244716.jpg (497.02 KB, 1280x912, pic.jpg)


if it's a pack of wolves
and a pride of lions
a school of fish
and a murder of crows
what do you call a large gathering of lolis?


A council.


A bar!


File: 1590049597922.jpg (1.25 MB, 1920x1280, bc07d382af322121c6e03a6d83….jpg)

A party


File: 1590057642518.png (531.02 KB, 800x756, 9021f2de3f1da65b8a1247315f….png)

A slumber



A lush of loli


File: 1590106180843.jpg (502.29 KB, 900x1111, 1477952036767.jpg)

I like that one




A van


File: 1590371964136.jpg (323.87 KB, 915x1280, 73886995_p0.jpg)

A party!


File: 1726583690933.jpg (494.63 KB, 1280x720, 0f3803688415c0d484cd632a4a….jpg)

An elementary school.


File: 1726665791380.jpeg (330.62 KB, 900x900, c1e675dfd7d8850f20b337d73….jpeg)

there is unkindness of ravens

i will say sweetness or heaven of lolis but i really like lush one too

also why is it so hard to find non lewd loli artwork…


File: 1726753912757.jpg (85.94 KB, 704x396, curtainhide.jpg)

an illicit adult film set

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