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/kawaii/ - cute things


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• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1695778021965.jpg (750.83 KB, 1056x1416, 1691713580155138.jpg)


cooking, eating, sharing, herring


File: 1695778239169-0.jpg (306.53 KB, 2048x1260, pikamee_steak.jpg)

File: 1695778239169-1.jpg (579.73 KB, 649x900, kotori_soup.jpg)

File: 1695778239169-2.jpg (1.66 MB, 3381x4786, nazrin_pizza.jpg)

File: 1695778239169-3.jpg (1.07 MB, 1000x885, paimon_sandwich.jpg)


File: 1695778377907.jpg (4.72 MB, 2901x2051, bread_bed.jpg)


File: 1695837132718-0.jpg (56.2 KB, 667x800, __tamamo_and_tamamo_no_mae….jpg)

File: 1695837132718-1.jpg (199.42 KB, 1000x573, __original_drawn_by_momiji….jpg)

File: 1695837132718-2.jpg (1 MB, 1050x614, __original_drawn_by_momiji….jpg)


Paimon is NOT for eating!


File: 1697067581773-0.jpg (131.73 KB, 388x466, mokou_chicken_dinner.jpg)

File: 1697067581773-1.png (24.1 KB, 880x840, b24180decfab11fbed2eaf10ac….png)


File: 1698454892888-0.png (500.49 KB, 703x1200, 96948b9638f7431602f5ed8cf8….png)

File: 1698454892888-1.png (13.71 MB, 2447x3489, 416bae2c35609e87204e05349e….png)

File: 1698454892888-2.png (972.91 KB, 858x1200, 149e7a35b0d3b1d77948454b30….png)

File: 1698454892888-3.jpg (346.75 KB, 1226x1750, 62af66c7128bf2f3a0705b4d4c….jpg)


File: 1698454945312-0.jpg (471.92 KB, 1158x1638, b797f1865d48811c0494d18d9a….jpg)

File: 1698454945312-1.jpg (471.03 KB, 1158x1638, 3fd9f0845f994af8524902e9e8….jpg)

File: 1698454945312-2.jpg (262.96 KB, 1228x869, 0551491f4fdb9f4cb7be889612….jpg)


File: 1700581963956-0.gif (992.85 KB, 500x501, drink_96.gif)

File: 1700581963956-1.png (280.78 KB, 600x600, drink_642.png)

Would y'all count drinking posts?


File: 1705510953413-0.png (3.86 MB, 1303x1920, 95fadd2b8afd7e25695ce12289….png)

File: 1705510953413-1.jpg (2.2 MB, 2696x3824, 15cf69451150b50847209f4827….jpg)


File: 1707428142913-0.png (2.02 MB, 2416x3082, YUGqrJwhdsIhzTfcTgGppeMT.png)

File: 1707428142913-1.png (7.74 MB, 5193x4956, TbRGbxBy1Xi6ca5A90ATQMo3.png)

File: 1707428142913-2.png (1.21 MB, 869x1200, 91db11e7-28f1-4ae3-a801-1e….png)


File: 1707514514556-0.jpg (247.9 KB, 850x641, 972fea3e4628e7160447d0ed11….jpg)

File: 1707514514556-1.jpg (192.73 KB, 850x478, 3287381441d9f7f4c5f3faf179….jpg)


File: 1707924962888.jpg (98.46 KB, 961x1200, GGQo3mhXkAA1_Vz.jpg)


File: 1710150099503.jpg (787.85 KB, 1048x1410, ayuuu.jpg)


File: 1710465178104-0.jpg (80.12 KB, 850x1200, EU7DXWsU4AESaPC.jpg)

File: 1710465178104-1.jpg (925.59 KB, 1276x750, 72951165_p1.jpg)

File: 1710465178104-2.jpg (465.17 KB, 2048x1864, EkXEK01UYAEb1Ue.jpg)


File: 1710541216802.png (567.78 KB, 850x1200, Untitled.png)


File: 1710766561902.jpg (514.51 KB, 2000x1584, yuridate.jpg)


is this KMB art?


yes, the artist is 100poppos


File: 1710871595312-0.png (673.96 KB, 1024x669, 1552364205895.png)

File: 1710871595312-1.png (451.78 KB, 742x650, __drawn_by_komone_ushio__2….png)

I was a member of this artist's discord, they do some not very good stuff to other people. Don't want to mention much because it will sour the comfy nature of this thread but be careful if you want to interact with them in anyway other than consuming their art. They are also known to harass other artists for little reason using sock accounts.


File: 1714156204818.jpg (154.89 KB, 576x1200, f7f592c85927ec761bdc5b7bd0….jpg)


>KMB art
what is that


kill me baby


File: 1714411711189-0.png (684.63 KB, 563x710, GMWAyb2XkAAw77k.png)

File: 1714411711189-1.jpg (167.11 KB, 1074x1074, GMLL1DXbkAARNrZ.jpg)

File: 1714411711189-2.jpg (261.71 KB, 1080x1080, GMQ2U5Ka4AAkbx4.jpg)

File: 1714411711189-3.png (446.83 KB, 564x564, GMRACo-XMAAglkq.png)


File: 1715959841496.jpg (3.13 MB, 1200x1640, mio is lost in the sauce.jpg)


File: 1717181318762.png (1.8 MB, 2562x2142, udon_girl.png)

become the udon


File: 1717787013257.jpg (112.58 KB, 1290x1354, rena_bbq.jpg)


I love burger


So many carbs….

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