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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1591049353689.png (3.69 MB, 1500x1942, 82029628_p0.png)




hey this is me


That is indeed a beautiful armpit. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.




I'm here to lick anime girl armpits, I ain't doing no geometry.


File: 1591203908926.jpg (591.35 KB, 1842x1302, 81060731_p0.jpg)


Uwah pretty


File: 1591266658446.png (1.71 MB, 1498x1232, Konachan.com - 307971 aqua….png)


File: 1591386334824.png (1.17 MB, 973x1200, 82114653_p0.png)


File: 1591550472954.jpg (488.32 KB, 1784x1268, 82133092_p0.jpg)


File: 1654286119490-0.jpeg (374.06 KB, 1378x2048, 1.jpeg)

File: 1654286119490-1.jpeg (296.93 KB, 1411x1754, 2.jpeg)

File: 1654286119490-2.jpeg (479.63 KB, 1464x2048, 3.jpeg)

File: 1654286119490-3.jpeg (2.17 MB, 2764x4096, 4.jpeg)


File: 1740072437117.jpg (258.34 KB, 2048x1298, GkOs3NWaEAALnWs.jpg)

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[ kaitensushi ] [ lounge / arcade / kawaii / kitchen / tunes / culture / silicon ] [ otaku ] [ yakuza ] [ hell ] [ ? / chat ] [ lewd / uboa / lainzine ] [ x ]