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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1738188728641.jpg (860.1 KB, 1474x2663, Gic3-tBbcAAE68n.jpg)


barasui :)


File: 1738289138047-0.jpg (373.33 KB, 1200x1821, 758c867a5b5de0dcbb94ab0e8a….jpg)

File: 1738289138047-1.jpeg (135.43 KB, 800x1291, ac7dd6cd902091f3242b8b02d….jpeg)

File: 1738289138047-2.jpg (1.34 MB, 1537x2000, c2db5cf2ca159ed9735f513ed2….jpg)

File: 1738289138047-3.jpg (257.02 KB, 1300x2053, 7d5a4cd923d471e13b310dc1d8….jpg)


File: 1738371446724.jpg (2.72 MB, 2448x3500, ba2b6fc25bfd3d1ab856ef5308….jpg)

Mashimaro love is alive and well?!


File: 1739846532884-0.jpg (706.35 KB, 1500x1789, __sakuragi_matsuri_ichigo_….jpg)

File: 1739846532884-1.jpg (54.08 KB, 600x681, __sakuragi_matsuri_ichigo_….jpg)

File: 1739846532884-2.jpg (835.42 KB, 1569x1500, __ana_coppola_and_sakuragi….jpg)

matsuri a cute!


File: 1740581984755.jpg (661.9 KB, 708x1000, 9a41d072-d052-458a-b72b-87….jpg)


File: 1740791978236.jpg (998.48 KB, 2069x1754, 371e9bca39f9443a7e40acbb1f….jpg)

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