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/kawaii/ - cute things


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• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1671204102230.jpg (393.55 KB, 1890x1890, __illyasviel_von_einzbern_….jpg)


glasses increase intelligence by 20%


File: 1671321106927.png (1.31 MB, 990x1731, __komi_shouko_komi_san_wa_….png)


File: 1671333054771.jpg (100.71 KB, 594x1000, IMG_5589.JPG)

Rin-chan ..


File: 1671390107454.png (226.24 KB, 600x483, himawarisan.png)


File: 1671513496087.png (341.98 KB, 663x830, 5d85ded84e9136fbe1fc10db74….png)


File: 1672875326264.jpg (311.48 KB, 1466x2048, __power_and_denji_chainsaw….jpg)


File: 1675183133486.jpg (1.03 MB, 1360x1920, 47b0bcc1155b7e8aab37ce0381….jpg)


File: 1675212762155-0.png (2.86 MB, 2040x2040, 1566151569589.png)

File: 1675212762155-1.jpg (845.59 KB, 2283x3167, 1589682103988.jpg)

File: 1675212762155-2.jpg (71.26 KB, 398x600, Kisaragi.Mio.600.280452.jpg)

File: 1675212762155-3.jpg (467.64 KB, 1242x706, 12 - There Are No Classes ….jpg)

Glasses are cute, in every style.


File: 1675297756680.jpg (1.05 MB, 1020x1479, 103574065_p0.jpg)


hello, worker! 🏢


File: 1676121861618.png (327.19 KB, 509x680, ForO1RvaIAU314l.png)


File: 1677244621617.png (1.85 MB, 1750x2030, __tatara_kogasa_touhou_dra….png)


File: 1677504877234.jpg (200.84 KB, 926x1536, __inkling_and_inkling_girl….jpg)

Do you know who the artist is? I tried reverse image search and tag searches on a few sites, but it hasn't gotten me anything.


File: 1677527498181.jpeg (78.36 KB, 459x680, Fp-MV0xaMAQpoTX.jpeg)

From what I have found @no10430453 but you might need to use a blue bird viewer to see that work in particular. Thanks for your patience. (source on posted image: @kogu_maro; whew, was a toll to find a good pic with glasses, hope this counts.)


File: 1677963675047.png (1.57 MB, 1244x1800, __ijichi_nijika_bocchi_the….png)


File: 1678024980534.jpg (1.11 MB, 1791x1770, __inkling_and_inkling_girl….jpg)

Thanks friend


File: 1679056421830.png (534.61 KB, 750x900, __rosia_show_by_rock_drawn….png)


File: 1679420971976.png (1.19 MB, 960x1320, 167eb8fab4914de8a967e7ad0d….png)


File: 1679421941959.png (289.62 KB, 393x561, kanamori.png)

The only good kind of man is the kind of man that makes a good woman


cute picture but kinda a rude thing to say…


File: 1680152565294.jpg (412.62 KB, 1668x2224, bebc5eba1d515bc35a8a15a5c3….jpg)


File: 1681788311326.jpg (419.6 KB, 807x1200, __delmin_show_by_rock_draw….jpg)


File: 1684294465368.jpg (833.33 KB, 900x1288, c489ac73f3decc7375ce26b6a9….jpg)


File: 1686227577708.jpg (120.08 KB, 850x1500, 1ef85045ccccf5e8e0a7ee7d8e….jpg)


File: 1687110772557-0.gif (332.95 KB, 631x500, AmaneGlasses1.gif)

File: 1687110772557-1.gif (145.87 KB, 500x500, AmaneGlasses2.gif)

File: 1687110772557-2.gif (221.1 KB, 500x500, AmaneGlasses3.gif)


File: 1687905964236.jpg (111.86 KB, 768x1024, a7ce646f9e9859653042a50d81….jpg)


File: 1688703112357.png (1.64 MB, 1176x1942, 0a3803af3ec1d1ac5d80dfe6ad….png)


File: 1689131393893.jpg (228.03 KB, 1270x1869, 41b1220ab2b7c6d450f086dce0….jpg)


File: 1689254607093.jpg (1.64 MB, 2863x4088, db005aa73eb22d19ae1daa5654….jpg)


File: 1689269977160.jpg (154.03 KB, 938x1480, FxyisgtaEAEcc6f.jpg)

certified cute thread


File: 1690458356389.jpg (1.29 MB, 1600x2000, __yakushiji_saaya_and_cure….jpg)


File: 1690936349678.jpg (1.39 MB, 2150x4050, 4744f87f20443b7e8f053829c3….jpg)


File: 1691599176970.png (1.63 MB, 2039x1378, 62d0884a3c0d45e217786f7273….png)


File: 1691847475568.jpg (358.19 KB, 558x700, 23583177_p8.jpg)

Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!
Very cute!


File: 1692707491919.jpg (159.07 KB, 1008x1263, d6a0fdbee9c9c8f6549f08e947….jpg)


File: 1692802668746.jpg (175.86 KB, 1080x1440, F4N_wgxboAAigzv.jpg)


File: 1693456165275.png (425.56 KB, 686x856, 1e06d1f7777498b7fd5dbbacb0….png)


File: 1693625516578.jpg (1.55 MB, 1933x2721, 86ec2222c845c5ceacfb99d561….jpg)


File: 1694635157719-0.png (151.82 KB, 400x400, 266ca07b1145fffd0b178f0749….png)

File: 1694635157719-1.jpg (1.8 MB, 2200x3000, f4201351b18c1605e6ff1a586d….jpg)


File: 1695232108828.png (4.46 MB, 2893x4092, 5d05cd785fe9127c7fd78bd1ff….png)


File: 1695543003155-0.jpeg (74.18 KB, 716x717, F6uOhlVaYAAvQwy.jpeg)

File: 1695543003155-1.jpeg (74.63 KB, 716x717, F6uOiBVa8AAtnD4.jpeg)


File: 1695569549907.jpg (577.63 KB, 1706x2048, 66d8de1bdb848a5c6516e074f7….jpg)


File: 1696067814011.jpg (210.51 KB, 675x1200, F6x0k-IbIAAkKs3.jpg)


File: 1696083915000.jpg (312.06 KB, 612x865, 5905ef54c9ce0f113390208c0f….jpg)


File: 1697546792217.png (8.91 MB, 5787x4093, bfcc9869022f8f931da44096f6….png)


File: 1698620467482.png (1.01 MB, 1000x1000, b706e16c85242848f5a60040ce….png)


File: 1699148578489.jpg (1.08 MB, 2310x3042, a42592c3ca8a922c514e22b7f2….jpg)


File: 1701317410224.png (284.53 KB, 640x896, __shinkai_no_valkyrie_draw….png)


File: 1701659725098.png (491.6 KB, 2000x2000, c0418dc5ce4b482151192c3f9f….png)


File: 1704933933817.jpg (124.38 KB, 1080x1080, GlassesRouge.jpg)


File: 1705661270078.jpg (3.52 MB, 4096x4043, megane.jpg)


File: 1705693439760-0.jpg (149.3 KB, 850x1202, 6e04.jpg)

File: 1705693439760-1.png (3.89 MB, 2200x3136, 02d1.png)


File: 1706156461705.png (6.19 MB, 3388x6070, __mayano_top_gun_umamusume….png)

10/10 post, gj


File: 1706469292981.png (1.95 MB, 2894x4093, e410354e644867c3b261324dde….png)


File: 1706749572926.png (445.01 KB, 600x800, 2018d6b532c95a229fb7f20736….png)


File: 1707245370080.jpg (142.78 KB, 1200x1200, __air_messiah_umamusume_dr….jpg)


File: 1707762271432.jpg (207.77 KB, 910x1403, ramen_time.jpg)


File: 1707799480255.png (1.21 MB, 1365x2307, __ubel_sousou_no_frieren_d….png)


File: 1710300331570.png (3.85 MB, 1931x2574, eb64334241f767309c8c1854c8….png)


File: 1710938401616.jpg (228.49 KB, 1763x1936, f41bf28aa58494a948c88ce025….jpg)


File: 1711370352645.jpg (1.52 MB, 3291x2334, 0ebd779b67e481b50d991ad669….jpg)


File: 1712275132740.png (2.57 MB, 2264x3017, 40dd377064108594af3e4f8712….png)


File: 1713357305225.jpg (126.98 KB, 1024x1024, d0c11b8911a12cc31f8d0344de….jpg)


File: 1713717509701.jpg (136.53 KB, 865x1223, 8ddf4e4bbb61a574734e33de17….jpg)


File: 1714135430620.jpg (155.61 KB, 1080x1080, SunglassesPeer.jpg)


File: 1714545062778.jpg (1.56 MB, 1500x2000, __akemi_homura_mahou_shouj….jpg)


File: 1717021191130.jpg (278.6 KB, 1500x2102, 274916c36fd9673c73247353bd….jpg)


File: 1717030308705.jpg (182.64 KB, 1920x1080, AkiGlasses.jpg)


File: 1717591820482.jpg (15.46 MB, 2479x4004, __aventurine_honkai_and_1_….jpg)


File: 1718281821349.png (1.48 MB, 1301x1766, 1d5273d1b6c754aa3c1a89c944….png)


File: 1718313491231.png (132.21 KB, 439x697, FsUXXEWagAESYLa.png)

This thread perpetuates the prejudiced notion that only dorks wear glasses. Although it might be true that 99% of them are glasses dorks, I choose to celebrate those who rise above.

I am the 1%


File: 1718816833591.jpg (302.25 KB, 2048x1846, GOik4LuaQAAe2gs.jpg)

Smartly dressed, dependable, sexy, can kill you with a rifle. And the best part? Not a hint of dorkness.


File: 1727189539821.jpeg (334.92 KB, 1776x2047, GYNkTSBakAITzdY.jpeg)


File: 1740077061067.jpg (231.55 KB, 850x1203, sample_914ce83e6a76317e013….jpg)


File: 1740078737403.jpg (369.94 KB, 1430x2048, GkOsXUzagAAwWHt.jpg)

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