So Act V is not out yet? I remember playing the first act a very long time ago.
I've been considering buying it for a while, but I couldn't really spare 25 bucks for three or four acts with no guarantee that the devs would deliver all five. I mean, it's been more than 3 years since the first act came out, and act IV is still not complete.
Anyhow, the first act was really cool.
>It without a doubt disproves people who say video games can't be art, in my eyes at least.
I've always found the "are videogames art" argument stupid, I've personally always believed that not only videogames are art, but that they are more so than any other art form out there.
>>163Act IV came out relatively recently, after years of nothing but promises by the devs. A lot of people assumed (not unreasonably) that the game was abandonware that would never be finished since the devs refuse to set release or completion deadlines.
Personally, I don't regret paying the 25 dollars at all, since the game is something I can come back to every once in a while, to let some of the scenes sink in a little better. But that's just my personal experience, and I can understand why other people might hesitate.