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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Would you ever consider making sage invisible like 4chan did? Moot made sage hidden a while back so that people would stop using it as a downvote, and I feel like that would work well here


I don't see it often here, and people here don't seem like the kind to downvote, or abuse sage for downvotes. I don't think it needs to be visible either, since a sage to me is a personal thing, not something others need to see directly. Tho I don't have a strong opinion on it. On a site with people as nice as this once, I don't think it matters too much if a sage is visible or not.

I never really notice when people sage anyways. Since I hardly ever read outside of the message body. But when I do notice a sage, I just assume they just wanted to make a comment that wasn't totally on topic, and didn't want to bump the thread while posting that comment.


Seconding what >>658 said. Hiding sage really isn't necessary for sushichan.


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Do you understand the purposes and mechanics of sage?
Sage is meant to be added to a post the poster deems not worthy of attention and not worthy of bumping the thread to the top of the index.
Naturally, the poster doesn't necessarily want himself to be associated with such a post. This is why sage goes into the email field, so that one cannot accidentally link their email to a not worthy post.
This disassociation is also why sage turns (or used to turn) your ID into a generic one, like Heaven or a bunch of zeroes.
Then, why is sage visible? Because the mailto link for email addresses is. Sage means "mail to no-one, not to me, I didn't post this".

Also, on some boards of current 4chan, sage no longer preserves bumps. Saging still contributes to the bump limit, without bumping. 4chan is taking the feature closer to being a downvote and I wouldn't follow its example.


I don't think a change is needed in this regard, since rolls seem to have mastered the art of sage.

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I have an idea.
Let's assign sushi rolls a random names such as udon, maki, miso shiru, takoyaki, etc.
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The sushi thing is adorbs. I second this.


How about tiny little pixel sushis next to the names?


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I apologize, I dropped the picture.

I mean something like this.


I agree with this. It's fine how it is.


Like little countryballs, that's cute.

Where did the rest of the krautchan diaspora end up, by the way?

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The hosting provider forced a reboot to patch over a critical CPU-level security vulnerability that was discovered recently affecting all operating systems. Our server did not survive the reboot. It's unknown whether I broke something or they did, since we hadn't rebooted in a long time.

In any case, I had to reinstall the operating system but they saved all of the files so nothing was lost in the end, it's just a pain. Especially since my laptop stopped working for a few days and the server broke in the middle of me attending a convention.

Most of the downtime was spent moving files back and forth from my home and the server since there wasn't enough room on the server to extract the backup. (The backup archive was more than half the size of the server.)

Things may still be broken and I'm still setting up other services on the server, so please email me if there are any issues.


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thank u for maintaining my favorite website seisatsu-sama~

i didnt wanna go online at all when it was down :(


Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
What can we do if the site goes down again? I couldn't even find the irc without access to the site. Even though it was down I managed to find the Ubuu discord using google. Should I just save sushi irc for future reference?


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>What can we do if the site goes down again? I couldn't even find the irc without access to the site.

In the event of something unexpected knocking the site out again, IRC info and server status details can be found at: @SushiChanDesu on Twitter. Be sure to bookmark it, follow it, write it down, spray paint it on your cat, etc.


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Moved to >>>/hell/1261.

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Seisatsu san, Seisatsu san!
I think your SSL* certificate's expired!

Please renew it soon so we can have confidence in our comfyposting

*Secure Sushi Lounge

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If a wildcard board becomes popular enough, will you keep it?

I think that would be a really smart way of making new boards because you have a testing ground of sorts

(pic unrelated)



If I am petitioned to do so with a particular wildcard topic, I will consider it. I just don't want us to have an Uboachan number of boards.


This site is slow and general topics usually fit in a single thread of the other sub-boards. Really specific threads tend to evolve into greater scopes anyway or die due to overspecialization.

Now when I read this, opening a new thread feels like giving birth to an intellectual being.

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I don't think advertisement has any place on the site.


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Quality post, sushi roll.
Have an image of comfort from my personal collection.
I agree.


There is nothing wrong with Reddit.


I really appreciate the hyperlinks. I actually wound up here when I decided to revisit long-dead desuchan and they had links to lainchan & co. Without the links I would have never discovered this group of comfy low-traffic communities.


Same here.
As long as common sense is exercised when linking, just like >>310 says, it's fine. The board they mentioned is indeed made for no more than 20 or 30 users, and linking it was a mistake. But there are other places like sushichan where we won't cause trouble.
Besides, if none of the small communities were ever linked, they would eventually die out.
I think the thread is perfectly acceptable.

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Could the /kaitensushi/ description "the fresh shit" be changed to "the fresh stuff" or "straight from the conveyor belt" or something. I feel it clashes with the atmosphere of the site. Maybe I'm just being picky and overly sensitive though.
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That's oddly specific, but I too always thought it should be changed. But at the same time, I'm used to it now.


I like it, I think it's funny


Whatever I'll just change it once in a while like the wildcard board.


Works for me, if you're willing to go the extra length. Thanks.


I habe a suggestion for the future: Raw Fish

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We should have our own version of 4chan's [s4s].

We can call it /nice/!
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Depends on the shitposters, if the small contingency on [s4s] goes to /hell/ then it would be beneficial on establishing more traffic to that board, making boards feel more like their own home boards rather then a section to post something in. Of course that would only work if every other board had more traffic.


OP here

if [s4s] is the same thing as /hell/, then /b/ is the same thing as /lounge/; after all, they're both general discussion boards

[s4s] has a very vipper style of shitposting, which just isn't there on /hell/


As >>428 suggested I do not want to actively invite uncomfy discussion to Sushigirl. There are other chans.


As I sad with >>430, [s4s] isn't /b/ style shitposting, it's DQN style shitposting


Sorry if I sounded rude there btw

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was the site just down?


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Abr 10 13:10:43 <me> hey mate what's going on with lainchan
Abr 10 13:12:06 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> Lainchan is fine as far as I know
Abr 10 13:12:06 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> but I assume you are talking about the networking / connection issue
Abr 10 13:12:07 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> there seems to be an upstream network issue that is causing some people to have issues access the site, IRC and Mumble
Abr 10 13:12:07 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> anyone whose routes go through cera-ic-323073-las-b22.c.telia.net
Abr 10 13:12:07 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> get massive >80% packet loss and latency
Abr 10 13:12:08 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> is that what you are talking about ?
Abr 10 13:12:10 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> I am not sure what I can do to fix it
Abr 10 13:12:12 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> I could try changing dns to use different ip which currently has different route , but that means I would need to update the dns and ssl for everything
Abr 10 13:12:15 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> I can make a support ticket with the vps provider asking them to ask their routing peers to fix their shit
Abr 10 13:12:17 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> does that answer your question ?
Abr 10 13:12:20 <cool internet guy> I have already made a support ticket
Abr 10 13:12:27 <cool internet guy> there has been no reply yet
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Still down for me, but I'm glad to see it's being taken care of.

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