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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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Would anyone be particularly upset if I stopped allowing loli content in /lewd/? I have started becoming paranoid about hosting such content since a while ago, and I am afraid to link the site to people I know. Please give your thoughts in the comments.
22 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


anyone against this is a goddamned pedophile and ive reported each and every one of you ITT complaining the the fbi


Hi Yuno, long time no see. Wanna make out?




I support a ceasing of loli content in /lewd/. I don't care for loli stuff most places, but lewding them just feels a bit too much.


i would be sad but i understand your concern so o guess its up to you.

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Can you please allow/support mp4 containers too?

This is completely standard web-acceptable H.264 8bit yuv420p and AAC in an mp4 container.


Oh yeah, I can do that. Sorry I didn't see this thread for such a long time.

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We haven't had a new wildcard in a while.
Shall we have a holiday special?
Leave your thoughts in the comment section below! Don't forget to like and subscribe!


Christmas is over but maybe we could have a board about cows and oxes since it's the year of the ox

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Hello sushi rolls!

Lately the moderators have been finding unacceptable amounts of rotten sushi left out on the floor and tables during their off-hours. Obviously it's time for some new hires to fill in the gaps!

I am now accepting Janitor Applications! As a Janitor who loves Sushichan, and ideally a person with a stomach for dirty work, your job will be to clean up bad sushi (cp or spam posts) and annihilate (permaban) the offenders who are almost certainly killer robots disguised as honest patrons of our establishment. Janitors who perform admirably might even one day become moderators! (Currently there isn't much of a difference, but I hope to change that soon as well.)

If this work interests you, please answer the questions below and email your responses to the email in the email field, that field that everyone knows emails aren't supposed to go in ever.

1. Why do you love sushichan?

2. How long have you been frequenting this establishment?

3. How often do you think you can scan the /kaitensushi/ board for rotten sushi and killer robots?

4. What is your timezone, and what are likely to be your most active hours?
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I'm glad to see some applications coming in! I should be able to get to these by Friday or else early next week.

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When I post can I return to the thread instead of the front page?


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Yes. Press the keys marked in red at the same time.


Put "noko" in the email field. Or was it neko? It's been ao long


yeah its noko

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There's a site called sushichan.org that I had stumbled upon. Weird site, says you were hacked or something. I checked the source code of the website to see if something was hidden inside it, like something that automatically downloads something to your browser, but nothing was really found.

If you've not considered it, keep in mind multiple domains can be bought like sushigirl.com, sushigirl.net, sushigirl.org, sushichan.com, sushigirl.net, sushichan.org, etc. I've seen this site been called sushichan, and I'm just a person who happened to associate that name - rightfully so, as this is a chan - with the domain.


If anyone was to google sushichan, this site would be the first to pop up


Dang, yeah I'm not surprised people snatched up some of those, thankfully there's nothing except a joke on it. It would be a little too expensive for me to buy all of them.


Makes ya think tho. Is this one da fake?
Whddya do the original owner ha? Post proofs.


I remember trying to get to sushichan and a website for an actual restaurant or sushi bar showed up. Maybe that was it?

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Update: New /otaku/ board with landing sticky for Samachan users at >>>/otaku/

Hello sushis, I have a proposal I want to run by you. I have been in discussion with a group of users from the recently shuttered Samachan, who are looking for a new place to live. They were a fairly comfy site with just two boards, and they are in talks with me over how they might adapt to living here without disrupting our own culture too much. I think with the addition of a single board, the rest of their content could probably fit into the existing boards.

I wanted to run this by the userbase to see if there are objections or concerns, and have a conversation about these, before giving them an answer. As a condition of coming here they would be expected to use polite language and follow the rules. Currently the planning group is just a few users, with the rest of them scattered and out of contact with each other.

Samachan.org on Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20200323151839/https://samachan.org/

Following is our email exchange, split between posts. Please give it a read before commenting.
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Hey Seisatsu, just wanted to give an honest thank you for keeping these websites alive. Small sites like this provide something large sites can't and I'm glad some people put in the effort to keep them afloat.


thank you <333


Compared to last month, its pretty active now.
Its fun.


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From one oldroll to another, you da real MVP!


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Thanks for that link Seisatsu.
I for one welcome your new overlords.
Seriously, it's nice to see generosity.
Love you all.

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It looks like you block posting from TOR.

I can understand the reason, but, I think that it's a little bit unethical. TOR is a perfect way to pass through government firewalls and keep the path of your journey on the web in secret from ISPs, server owners , government and others.

Maybe we could find a way to allow people to use TOR and enjoy such a cozy board at the same time, please?
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I'm also here to complain regarding tor. I'm not sure what/how you've implemented tor blocking but I was able to make 2 posts yesterday via tor before getting "tor posting is disabled". Also I was able to make one post here like two/three weeks ago via tor and when I attempted to make another one I got the tor is disabled message. So, whatever you implemented in order to block tor posting, it's not working correctly and I'm not seeing much spam currently. I'd also like to bring lainchan as an example, if they get spammed by a bot/malicious user they disable tor posting for a short period of time. Alternatively use a (LIBRE, FREE AS IN FREEDOM) captcha like 8kun or whatever >>755 suggested, I don't post on kohlchan so I don't know how their captcha works. PLS SEI, PLS ITAEME ;7;

This post was made through tor, check the IP if you don't believe me Sei.


Just to make my point I'm posting again with the same tor node


I wonder if I can make a third post, well even if I can I'll stop now. You can clearly see that I'm posting through tor.


What we have right now uses a DNSBL blocklist, which isn't perfect. However since we've just enabled captchas to fight CP spam that was still getting through, I am willing to give this a try. Proxy blocking is now disabled. If this causes problems though or ends up getting abused I'll turn it right back on again.


Unfortunately, the captcha system appears to be broken; I can't make a new thread as an admin with it enabled. This software is really showing its age. I had to revert my earlier changes.

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I want to use [code][/code] tags.


Me too


I suppose I could try to find out how Lainchan does it.


It turns out there's already a feature like this I just had to enable. It doesn't have highlighting though.

# Dennis MUD        #
# telnet.py         #
# Copyright 2018    #
# Michael D. Reiley #

# **********
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# **********

# Parts of codebase borrowed from https://github.com/TKeesh/WebSocketChat

import traceback

from twisted.internet import protocol
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver

# Read the motd file.
    with open("motd.telnet.txt") as f:
        motd = f.read()
    motd = None

class ServerProtocol(LineReceiver):
    def __init__(self, factory):
        self.factory = factory
        self.peer = None

    def connectionMade(self):
        p = self.transport.getPeer()
        self.peer = p.host + ':' + str(p.port)
        print("Client connected: {0}".format(self.peer))
        if motd:
            self.factory.communicate(self.peer, motd.encode('utf-8'))

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        print("Client disconnected: {0}".format(self.peer))
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look at highlight.js


That might be doable.

Edit: I tried, but uncovered two issues.
1) vichan's code tags replace certain characters with html escape codes.
2) The expand post button for posts that are too long breaks the highlighting.

Might take another go at this later, but it's going to require modifications to vichan which isn't very fun.

Alternatively I may investigate upgrading us to Lainchan's vichan fork which is better maintained.

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There is a secret /pepe/ board for some reason, but is pepe still comfy or something we want to be associated with? Does it matter actually?
18 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



pepe is a reddit meme for black dragon rolls on4chan.

Please no


you're not that seisatsu are you?


There is only one Seisatsu.


>but is pepe still comfy or something we want to be associated with? Does it matter actually?
I am aware this post is old.
It really doesn't matter, stop asking people how to think.

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